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WOW...thats very interesting , i wonder if they were trying to get musky caviar..lol..or trying to get eggs for stocking ,either way its very old film looks like in the early 40's or do you think late 30's...thanks for sharing that...cheers


Thanks Marc, that's a great old video with some very nice muskies, but I hafta tell you, I'm sure happy we changed our fishing habits years ago and got into C & R as opposed to keeping those toothies like we used to back in the day :thumbsup_anim:


Thats good stuff,I am especially fond of the eye socket hold..Thats gotta hurt!Times sure have changed,thanx for the video.



I thought some of you would like it,its nostalgia

Thats from years back,look at the cars in the video


Lots of Fish Crisp moments :w00t::lol:


Ya Lew it is pretty good,when you factor in the number of anglers back then harvesting to todays CNR anglers and post mortal release,I kinda wonder if we are not causing more mortality in this day and age than yesteryear

Yes some areas were affected heavily by harvest but overall today,our impact may be more significant than yesteryear's

Cool oldie nonetheless


I see one car in there that looks like a 52 Chev or Pontiac. Aside from the chrome, there was little difference between them up until about 56. My second car was a 52 Chev, dang, I'm getting old I guess.


LOL my first trip to Ontario was in a 1953 Pontiac wagon in 1957, the roads are better now. The old pictures are cool but I am glad some things have changed. Fish back then were dead once caught, eaten, mounted, or freezer burnt and buried.


My first trip to Burleigh Falls was in Dad's 29 Hudson. That was in 49 and they were fish of a thousand casts then. It was a rare treat to catch one. Yes, we ate them, nothing wasted in those days. They do taste similar to pike, they are pike, just get a little bigger and smellier.

  marc thorpe said:
Those were the days when Checkered shirts were cool


jeez Marc, are you saying checkered shirts AREN'T cool for musky fish'n anymore ?? :whistling:



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