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First grass cutting of the season


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Well we dug out the lawnmower Sunday and gave it the once over and replaced the filters and fluids. Then it was time to lose the shirt put on the shorts and put on ear protection and ride. Thank you 80F day. Anyone else cutting grass or is it still snowblower season in your neck of the woods.




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Well we dug out the lawnmower Sunday and gave it the once over and replaced the filters and fluids. Then it was time to lose the shirt put on the shorts and put on ear protection and ride. Thank you 80F day. Anyone else cutting grass or is it still snowblower season in your neck of the woods.



OK, 5.5 hrs. ago, I was staring at bare grass, now......................







AND, its -7 Celcius right now, dats 19 farenheit for you unfortunately unenlightened folks in the US of A that don't know the metric system :lol::wallbash::oops::blahblah1:

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We actually get very few mosquitos here in fact I had never heard of a bug suit till I started coming up to Canada. Its because we have so many dragonflies and the frogs are already out I think.



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We actually get very few mosquitos here in fact I had never heard of a bug suit till I started coming up to Canada. Its because we have so many dragonflies and the frogs are already out I think.


We got the dragonflies and millions of frogs too but they don't compete with the bugs, the black flies up here are worse than the skeeters though and then there's the horse flies and deer flies that chew holes in you skin. :canadian:


Mayebe it's cause we got more fish that eat the frogs and Dragonflies. :lol:

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LOL Art, us southern gentlemen get to start the yard work early. I cut most of mine, more of a spring cleaning, I have a bagger on the lawn tractor and it sucks up the junk from the trees. Also had the roller on the tractor already, might make a good beer keg?

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Geez, and here I am looking at snow everyday I'm off :( . Oh well I'll just have to put off cutting the grass another couple of weeks, which means I can put off buying a new mower for a couple of weeks :) , always a silver lining :D



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Were lookin at -5 tonight with a windchill of -15 and then staying below freezing for the weekend, so I guess there's not much sense worrying about cutting anything up here for awhile :whistling:


hmmmm, maybe I shouldn't have removed the winter tires and put the summer tires and chrome wheels back on the truck last week :oops:

Edited by lew
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Mowed mine for the first time last Sunday.


Yesterday it was close to 80F here and this morning it's currently 35F. Calling for snow showers tonight and lows in the upper 20's. All our flowers are in bloom looks like I'll have to cover them tonight -_-:rolleyes:



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Someone go put sugar in his gas tank will ya :lol:


Well if you're doin it down there, we'll be doin it up here soon. :thumbsup_anim: Then we'll be complaining we have to cut the grass on our day off B)



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