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Water finally cleared


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Not a great start to trout season. My son and I left Saturday morning a little bit before 5am. It was cold and no rain but that didn't last long. 10 minutes down the road I had to turn the wipers on high. When we finally got to the river, the water level was very high and totally mud. We stuck it out until first light, trying to muster up a few bites only to find the river rising and we were getting colder and wetter by the minute. Plan B kicked in and we headed back to the truck and looked for the closest Tim Hortons.


The trail on the way out, Clearest water we found all day



What a difference a day makes. Watched the local creek and there was defintely signs of clearing later Saturday. My son wanted to sleep in on Sunday so it was just me on a solo trip. Water was perfect and the river was back down to fishable levels. On the first bend I stopped at, it was all little guys just hammering the roe bag. Must have hooked a trout on 10 successive casts all around 7-8" long. Good sign for the future. Moved to the first deeper pool and didn't take long to hook up - bottom bouncing a whole worm


Note to self, don't rely on my phone for a camera. Quality on high res is still horrible



Bounced around between a couple of pools and ended up 9/11, most on worms. Biggest landed was 28.25"





Now here's the fish story, Late in the morning I stopped at an old favorite pool. Years ago, my buddy Brent and I had a stellar day here, landing over 40 nice steelhead. At the end of the drift there was a dead deer floating in the river, stuck on the log jam. From that day it's been the "dead deer hole". Second drift through the pool I had my rod slammed as a big, a really big trout crunched my bait. Over the next 5 minutes this fresh silver charged through the pool, jumped several times and had me wrapped up in a couple nasty sticks. I can't remember ever having a bigger trout on in the river. My guess is 15lb and my hands were shaking trying to will it to shore. On the last jump it hit the water like a fat kid doing a belly flop and proceeded to wrap me up in the biggest root system on the bend. My last glisp of the beast was it's head shaking just above the water line about 3 feet back in the root system. I can't really remember the line breaking - just standing there trying to figure out what to do next. Oh well re-tie and hook up another worm and back tomorrow!

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Guest eastpinner

wow, i was dissapointed yesterday, i fished for 12 hours catching nothing. Usually i fish sundays on past openers and today i decided to stay in. reading your stories and seeing your pics got me pumped again. In a few minutes i will heading to the river

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