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I'm watching the news now and it looks like they got hammered by that 7 meter wave with all the buildings and cars being swept away like toys. Sounds like there's even bigger waves heading for other locations too.


watching the news cast of the tsunami is tough. seeing the cars driving down the road and getting completely blind sided by the wall of debris and water was hard to see. very scary stuff. it seems like the frequency of large earthquakes is increasing world wide too.

  On 3/11/2011 at 10:51 AM, chefboi17 said:

watching the news cast of the tsunami is tough. seeing the cars driving down the road and getting completely blind sided by the wall of debris and water was hard to see. very scary stuff. it seems like the frequency of large earthquakes is increasing world wide too.



Earthquakes, storms of the century, massive fish and bird die offs......blink.gifdunno.gif


Wow...at least Japan was ready for it. Apparantly the BBC news was saying that the best place in the world to be during and earthquake and tsunami is japan. There emergency preparedness is beyond any other country. Everyone who has a cell phone gets a notification that an earthquake is coming...


Its sad though. I wonder who is next? The entire pacific rim is under a warning


Ya gotta feel for everyone affected by this quake and tsunami..

You also gotta wonder when the "BIG ONE" will hit our west coast

seems that it's well overdue... hoping that it won't happen in our lifetime but it isn't looking good.






~~~Yea everyone laughed at the Mayan's and their calendar, but with the Mid-East in turmoil, changing weather patterns, more active volcanoes, and this massive tsunami, this could be a wake up call. But what are we to do? Build and Ark??

  On 3/11/2011 at 2:03 PM, oldphart said:

~~~Yea everyone laughed at the Mayan's and their calendar, but with the Mid-East in turmoil, changing weather patterns, more active volcanoes, and this massive tsunami, this could be a wake up call. But what are we to do? Build and Ark??


I'm thinkin there are a few ofners that still have the original plans for noahs ark lol

  On 3/11/2011 at 2:55 PM, FishnNAutographs said:

I'm thinkin there are a few ofners that still have the original plans for noahs ark lol



I do >>>but i made a few alterations to the interior design to keep the elephants and the Hippos on opposite sides of the vessel...Ever notice Noah had one really short leg so when the boat was listed to the right ...he could walk a straight line?...i know you guys always thought it was because he was a heavy drinker...


Japan- terrible news!!!!!!!!! i hope the casualty numbers are not staggering...

  On 3/11/2011 at 4:23 PM, oldphart said:

~~~The plans I have for an Ark are a little dated, they call it to be 40 cubics by 40 cubics, What's a Cubics


I believe the term is cubit and pretty sure it's the distance from your wrist to your elbow.


But then again, it's been a very long time since I built an arc :lol:

  On 3/11/2011 at 4:37 PM, lew said:

I believe the term is cubit and pretty sure it's the distance from your wrist to your elbow.


But then again, it's been a very long time since I built an arc laugh.gif



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