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Anyone been steelheading lately? or is it too early to go to the creeks? I never fish for steelhead in spring before so I would like to ask the experts here.. I started last fall steelheading and it was fun.. mostly caught small one's though, but alot of fun... Anyone can advice me what to do, would be great... Is this time of month good to go for them? or I still have to wait abit?




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Anyone been steelheading lately? or is it too early to go to the creeks? I never fish for steelhead in spring before so I would like to ask the experts here.. I started last fall steelheading and it was fun.. mostly caught small one's though, but alot of fun... Anyone can advice me what to do, would be great... Is this time of month good to go for them? or I still have to wait abit?






First thing I would do is read the posts from last spring, in 2010

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check the regs to any given stretch of river/creek your going to fish...then investigate to see if there is open water....if these two stipulations answer the question "is it open" with a "yes" ....then get at it !!!!


Good Luck

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thnx twocoda, I went to check one of the creeks I used to go.. and its a lil dirty due to the rain last weekend.. but it should be good bye thursday.. no more ice... just thought I report it..

do you get why I posted the pic of homer eating popcorn?

I was ready for a bunch of replies from people telling you to get up and go out and have a look and see for yourself. and you did so good going. most and I mean most would rely on someone else going, looking and saying there is no ice so I'm going to fish. then all the lurkers head out too...

I guess winternet is almost over then cause this topic didn't blow up (yet)... :whistling:

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well.. lol, I know for a fact that when

I posted the question no one will tell, due to the fact that I saw homer... so I decided to check for myself.. Im not saying every creeks would be the same lol... I will admit myself I was also waiting for someone to tell that its good to go... but I got laugh at by homer waiting for people to tell me, get up you lazy a ss lol... It didnt take long... should be good thursday lol joke

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well.. lol, I know for a fact that when

I posted the question no one will tell, due to the fact that I saw homer... so I decided to check for myself.. Im not saying every creeks would be the same lol... I will admit myself I was also waiting for someone to tell that its good to go... but I got laugh at by homer waiting for people to tell me, get up you lazy a ss lol... It didnt take long... should be good thursday lol joke

I'm glad the hint didn't go over like a Jet. cause that is what I was waiting for many to tell you. Cheers!

Edited by GBW
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