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Neighbors house caught fire


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Brian, Ive done four driveways this morning. Broke one auger sheer pin and pretty sure the auger belt is on its way as well. As for them horse shoes,got rid of all those awhile back and replaced them with cute little fuzzy rabbits. :lol:

Just kidding bud, the driveway was clean last night and the plow excrement was cleared up this morning.

LOL on the bunnies.

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Well I'm glad it all turned out all right but what the hell were you thinking?


Houses can be rebuilt but you risked your life trying to put that fire out and running back in there. I am really glad that you made it and lived to be called a hero but no life is worth risking for material things.


Anyway, kudos to you for doing what you did! :worthy:

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Well I'm glad it all turned out all right but what the hell were you thinking?


Houses can be rebuilt but you risked your life trying to put that fire out and running back in there. I am really glad that you made it and lived to be called a hero but no life is worth risking for material things.


Anyway, kudos to you for doing what you did! :worthy:


The reality of the situation is starting to sink in.

Not sure what I was thinking but when I first stuck my head in the door all I saw was smoke and a fire place on fire. Split second decision. Let this semi detached house go up in flames and the house attached to it or do something.Theres no time for pondering in thought when this kind of thing is happening. I knew there was a calculated risk but it didn't seem to matter at that moment.

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Well done Chris!

I had a similar situation in my first house. The flue door was the type that you unlatched and pushed up to raise the flue door. The lever would latch and hold it at whatever position you wanted it in. I always put it wide open and double and triple checked it to be sure it was latched.


One night, I did all these things and lit a roaring god fire. I had just flopped down on the couch when I heard a bang and realized that the flue door had shut on it's own!!!

The flames came straight out the front and were licking at the ceiling! I hollered for my wife and I ran out to my truck for the fire extinguisher I had in it. As i ran back inside, I just pointed it into the fireplace and started blasting the dry chemical. I was too panicked to point it at the base of the fire or anything, but miraculously, it went out! My wife had grabbed a fish that was mounted over the mantle and pulled it off the wall in time to prevent it being burned!


Fire damage was minimal, but smoke damage and the dry chemical powder was everywhere. We used large fans to draw the smoke out of the house, but it needed a thorough cleaning by professionals through our insurance company. They washed every nick nack, dishes in the cupboards, etc from basement to second floor.


I guess the intense heat caused the latch to twist or something.


Scary stuff for sure! I always have an extinguisher in the house since then.

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Wow! that was some quick thinking, I am glad you are OK and nobody was injured ( definately get checked out if you don't feel right over the next few days). That is truly neighbours coming to one anothers help at its best.


I experienced a kitchen fire about 11 years ago, pot of grease burst into flames on the stove while unattended ( forgotten). It wicked up the cabinets and had reached the ceiling when I discovered it, I just dialed 911 grabbed the dog and got the wife out. Fire Department was there in no time but the kitchen was gutted and there was major smoke damage ( amazing what smoke does to your house and belongings). We were out of the house for 9 weeks for repairs and lost a number of personal items but we were ok and that is what insurance is for. I have always had a fire extinguisher in the house since then but if it is growing too big let it burn, it isn't worth your LIFE!


Good work, sounds like you had a good handle on this one.

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Thanx again guys and especially from our own OFC retired firefighter Lew. I appreciate your blessings Lew seeing that you used to do this on a daily basis. I even got a few thank yous from the firefighters that came to the call. Very moving....

I guess it could of went either way but one thing for sure,if the fire was to far advanced I certainly wouldn't of went in the second time...

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Nice work. There is a reason that London has been pelted with snow this winter. It was so you could use it to put out that fire.

Think about how hard it would have been if London would have had a below average snow fall this year. :thumbsup_anim:

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Chris, I apologize if I seemed to chastize you in my reply. What you did was truly amazing! I guess it just scared me when I thought that it could have easly gone the wrong way and we could have been mourning the loss of a wonderful person from this board. You truly are a hero! I am just glad that you will be around to share some more posts with us!

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Chris, I apologize if I seemed to chastize you in my reply. What you did was truly amazing! I guess it just scared me when I thought that it could have easly gone the wrong way and we could have been mourning the loss of a wonderful person from this board. You truly are a hero! I am just glad that you will be around to share some more posts with us!


No worries Cliff.

You just brought to the surface what I had been asking myself all day since it happened. If anything its probably good therapy just talking about it.

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