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Liberals take legal action over MPP's autism fight


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I have also read this story Mo... Our Government does not want people to know what they DO & DO NOT do with OUR money let alone waste it on them selves.. What ever happened to our Health Care & our Tax Health Care money????? They won't even answer where this money is as Roy Green Talk Radio host here in Hamilton tried to get him on it last week, He would not say were it was or even how much... McGuinty wake up and stop the lies......

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Ethics and accountability are rare these days.


Never more evident than when dealing with the government.


The culture has become buck pass and deflect blame.


This is the height of ignorance.


I suspect the approach would be different if Dolton McGuilty was the parent of an Autistic child.


It is a full time job with no end in sight, some sort of support is the minimum. Fighting to avoid this is a waste of precious resources.

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This is just another sickening example of taxpayer $ misuse.


When will they have a 'None of the above" option in the voting polls?


(Yes you can turn in your card blank or not vote at all but it wouldn't have the same effect as the election winner being "None of the above")


Just tired of the never ending lies and bullcrap regardless of what party is elected.



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Maureen I caught part of a radio interview of a lady talking about autism here. As I understood it they don`t know the cause, but there has been like a 2,000% increase in the number of reported cases since the 1950`s? Better diagnostics, or just increasing numbers? A bad thing either way!

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The reason for the recent drastic rise in the number of diagnosed Autism cases is the result of new guidelines outlining what falls under the Autism spectrum. Until recently, the spectrum of disabilities was limited. These new guidelines have expanded who qualifies as being Autistic. With more kids/people qualifiying, we have a huge spike in numbers.

The government should be ashamed of themselves, for spending our money, to hide the truth from us! Just another example of how they work for themselves and not us!


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They (McGuinty and his pals ) would rather give millions to get rid of the former head of Hydro One, because that is what's important.

Edited by Garyv
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