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Tribute to my Dad for Rememberance day


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Some of you may recall seeing these photos before and I hope you don't mind seeing them again. My Dad's been gone for 5 years now after losing his battle with lung cancer. He was 81 years old. I miss him and my Mom of course at Christmas and on their birthdays but rememberance day is always a bit tougher, although it is getting easier each year. I am very proud of him to this day. These are some pics from one of his albums that I had scanned. I don't know the stories behind most of them. My dad was part of the D Day plus 3 invasion and spent 2 years overseas.


Here's a newspaper article from his hometown from 1944.




My Dad drove a transport carrier.





This picture I believe is from Belgium and is probably in the earlier time he was over there as he was still a private then.



This is one of my Dad's buddies. I'm not sure what city it is in but you can see the Prisoner of War sign behind him.



A couple of shot down aircraft..





I really like this shot....Dad on his Harley :thumbsup:






His medals and badges which are proudly displayed in my cabinet.



Our last time fishing together at Lovesick Lake in fall of 2004.



God Bless Dad


Thanks for reading and don't forget to buy a poppy.


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That is beautiful Jim. Never gets old. Thanks for sharing that. I do remember you posting these before, and they are just as great to see now as they were when you first posted them.


As you also know, my father also passed away with lung cancer so I know your pain. Although he was too young for the war, my grandfather was not.





If you don't mind, I'll share my grandfather's pictures. He was an airplane mechanic in the war. I asked my grandmother before she passed if I could have his medals and memorabilia and she was happy to give them to me, so I took them down to the art store and had them put in a frame. I hang it proudly in my living room.
















This is my favorite picture. Grandpa is in the middle and his jacket says "Red" which I guess was his nickname. His hair was red.







This heart is carved from an airplane window of one of their planes.





Edited by Joey
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Thanks for sharing. Those pictures bring back memories of those that my father had. I'll have to get them back off my sister when I see her next. I also lost my father to cancer a few years back and he seemed to talk more about his war experiences as the end neared.

Remembering all the fathers that helped bring us the freedoms we enjoy today is so important, even if one doesn't believe in war!

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I love this post thanks for keeping there memories alive Jim I remember the post of your last trip out with your father it was a great one also as well as the last one from Joey they are the memories that mean a lot to you both Thanks for sharing them.


I wish my Grandfather had shared his stories but he kept them to him self he was a MP for WWII we have some of his medals from back then they have been on display at a old friends house as he has many medals from over the years. My dad has my Great Grandfathers gun from the bore war it is a huge black thing and would have been hell to fight with. And my uncle was in WWII I believe he has not spoken much about his days all I know is that he spent many days over there that a lot of his buddies did not come home from and he does not want to share I can not blame him.


Thanks to all the Vets and ones serving us now

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