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Nungesser Lake Fishing Report


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July 17-24


Overcast throughout the day with mild winds from the north east. Clear skies by the afternoon. Water temperature at 64 F.



Scattered clouds throughout the day, with occasional sunshine. Clearer skies in the late afternoon and evening. Soft winds from the south east with water temperature at 67 F.

We fished a 14-18 foot flat coming out of 35 feet of water. We caught a bunch of nice eaters.

Seanna had a 40 inch pike right up to the boat but it got off the hook.

that slowed the walleye for about a half hour

then had a 30 minute frenzy with several 20-4, three 26 inch walleye, a 27 and 28 1/2

All in all a pretty good couple of hours. Last Wednesday Seanna had a 35 inch pike come out of the water 3 times chasing her walleye.

while it was doing that the other walleye started biting like crazy.

A few minutes later another pike over 40 inches grabbed a different walleye, it let go beside the boat. 5 minutes later a third pike about 33 inches grabbed her walleye.

None held on long enough to land but Seanna was thrilled.

Every time the pike were busy the walleye fed voraciously.


In the past week I counted 12 different pike attacks on walleye.

The Wolosak group had one they figure went over 50 inches grab a walleye and get right close to the boat. ( last year they had a big pike go after a 27 inch walleye they were netting and ended up in the net) I was releasing Belindas twenty eight (28) inch walleye and had a big pike come up and grab it.



Showers in the am with scattered clouds in afternoon. Showers resumed by 5pm. Mild winds from the north east.



scattered clouds throughout the day with light showers by the evening. Wind blowing from the north east. water temperature at 64 F.


Tim and Jim had a good day fising out of the sand flats and bringing in about 130 the largest at 25 using jig heads and minnow gulps.


Ron and his family had about 67 the larges at 22" using minnows and crawlers. Also had a few pike. fished out of jacks hump.



Clear skies in the am with some scattered clouds in the afternoon with a little humidity. Mild winds from the north. Water temperature at 66F.


Ron and his family went out with Kevin today and had some good numbers. Plenty of eaters and the occasional size.


Tim and Jim had a great day hauling in about 137 walleye, the largest at 24" and a few pike, using spinners, minnows, and worms.



Scattered clouds in the am and throughout the day. Mild winds from the north. Water temperature at 67 F.

Ron and his family went out to sand flats and brought in about 40 then moved on to the wall with another 54 the largest a 24".


Jim and Tim went out to pike alley and had several pike and about 67 walleye. Used gold spoons and jig heads with crawlers for the walleye.




I wanted to do a little exploring around the sand flats. ( The Hoekstra group caught literally hundreds of big eyes around the flats this week)

however the kids wanted immediate results.

So after dodging a small thunderstorm I went a proven mid lake hump.

I spotted a bunch of big fish off the southwest corner and anchored up.

Within minutes Seanna had a Huge walleye.


I had to return to camp to take care of some things for my guests.

I continued to see a bunch of big active walleye and baitfish on the sonar unit.

I rcognized the kind of thing you don't see everyday and didn't want to miss what was going to happen.

I left my anchor in place and tied a small noodle on it. Dennis and Seanna jumped in with Hayden who tied his boat to my anchor rope so they would be in exactly the same spot

I was gone about 25 minutes and in that time Seanna had caught 2 more monster walleye.

Hayden had put them in the livewell so I could photograph them when I returned.

So here is an unusual photo of Seanna with two Giant Walleye.

Because we release all walleye over 18 inches this is a rare event.

Hayden got in on the act and Dennis also caught two or three nice big walleye

They also caught about two dozen nice eaters.

All within about an hour.

They were on the edge of the drop on the south west end of the hump

all in an area the size of one boat.

In 20- 26 feet of water.

All on orange jigs and frozen shiners.

When I returned and tied my boat to Haydens it altered the swing and moved them slightly off the spot maybe about 30 feet. No big walleye.

As soon as I untied my boat and Haydens boat swung back into optium position Dennis caught two more Giant Walleye.

This was a prime example of being in EXACTLY in the right place.

When going over the map with my guests I've often said to people that when I say right here I mean RIGHT here. THE spot on the spot is often a very small area. Even on spots that I've fished often I will criss cross looking for fish with my sonar unit then try to place the anchor to put the boat in EXACTLY the place I want. Sometimes I need to reset the anchor 20 or 30 feet one way or the other to get the boat exactly where it needs to be.

Big walleye action on these small areas is often for only a short period of time. So timing is critical and it is imperative that you "stay on em"

Typically what is happening is that the walleye have a school of perch or ciscoes pushed up against the edge of a structure. They will feed voraciously on them and then the school is either eaten or scattered and the fish catching subsides as the big walleye move on.

When you find them spread out over a large feeding shelf it can last all day while you catch one here and another 20, 50 or even 150 yards away.



Clear skies in the am and afternoon until about 4pm. Strong winds came in with out warning from the north east. Winds died down after about 20 minutes. Scattered showers for a moment, then clear and beautiful evening. Water temperature was at about 66 F.




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I see it more as advertising, then a report



which is weird

their prices are in US funds so they are going after the american client not us.....


we have some great US OFNers..but not all that many from there

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Very cool, thanks for the report. Keep'em coming despite what others say. I love seeing the action up at places I'm not going to be at anytime soon.




Thanks Guys

Actually I have quite a few groups from All over Ontario

One group just left Saturday and they are part of the report

They can't say enough about the fishing and beauty of this area.

I have people email me all the time thanking me for the reports.


I'll keep em coming

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Ya, I tend to agree with Terry on this one. It's onw thing if your clients put up a report, it's another when the owner of the resort puts up advertising er I mean a report of all the BIG fish caught!


Kevin, do you pay for advertising on this site by chance?


By the looks of the pictures, it must be pretty slow up at your shacks. Only a few groups coming up here and there..... BRUTAL!


One must ask themselves.... "What am I doing wrong???"




Cheers, Ron...

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Yes I was only half full last week

(This is not a big fancy resort with all the fast paced activities of such a place)

But when I talk with dozens of other outfitters that are less fortunate than I then I ask myself

"what am I doing right"

and then I just continue to do the best I can and be thankful for what I do have.


Oh I just can't help myself.

Sorry this isn't from my guests but here goes.


I went out with 2 of my guests for about 3 hours yesterday

showed them 5 spots and then stopped to fish for about an hour.

It did my heart good to see Alex - a nice young man catch this beauty on about his 4th cast.






I went out with the family today.

fished from 2.30 to 4.30

caught about 200 walleye in a few hours

biggest about 25 inches.

Hayden caught this nice little pike

here is the pic




for all the details



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well if you are asking anyone that question


I complain about many using the board just as a way to promote their business ....this guy at lest(I think) has an ad here in the website so that is in his favor


but you don't see him trying to be part of the community like posting on other threads, he only self promotes


others don't have an ad and only post promotional stuff showing how well their customers are doing


then most of the guides at lest post personal fishing and reply to other posts and are part of the community



then there are a couple who never post about their charter service, except to offer open seats on the boat at shared cost only and only his clients post about the fish caught on their boats..the way it should be


lets face it as far as I am concerned, it's a load of crap, I mean spam unless it happy clients doing the bragging and not the owner of the company


but that is only my opinion ...


and right or wrong this is a discussion board and that's what I do

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I just read it again

I think it has some very good fishing information.

Most people enjoy other peoples success especially childrens success.

???? oh well

It sounds like several people enjoyed it.



If you don't like it or don't want to read it that's fine

why the need for a personal attack on me.

"shacks, brutal" why so rude.


regardless I like sharing little bits of fishing info that might help others catch a few more fish.


Have you noticed that the weather stays the way it is during a full moon?????

Maybe it's not such a mystery after all?

stable weather of whatever kind has always been good to me.


The reality is whatever the weather whatever the fishing success, it is always a good time to be fishing.

As years go by I enjoy teaching and sharing what I've learned over a lifetime in the outdoors

especially with kids and even more so with my own children.

Seeing them learn and enjoy all aspects of the outdoors makes the best of memories.

I have no problem admitting that I'm proud of all of their successes.


Seanna can finesse a jig with the best of em. Hayden can drive a boat 16 miles down the lake and back without a problem.

I try to share just a few bits of info each time on the water.

It is amazing how much they have learned.

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I just read it again

I think it has some very good fishing information.

Most people enjoy other peoples success especially childrens success.

???? oh well

It sounds like several people enjoyed it.



If you don't like it or don't want to read it that's fine

why the need for a personal attack on me.

"shacks, brutal" why so rude.


regardless I like sharing little bits of fishing info that might help others catch a few more fish.


Have you noticed that the weather stays the way it is during a full moon?????

Maybe it's not such a mystery after all?

stable weather of whatever kind has always been good to me.


The reality is whatever the weather whatever the fishing success, it is always a good time to be fishing.

As years go by I enjoy teaching and sharing what I've learned over a lifetime in the outdoors

especially with kids and even more so with my own children.

Seeing them learn and enjoy all aspects of the outdoors makes the best of memories.

I have no problem admitting that I'm proud of all of their successes.


Seanna can finesse a jig with the best of em. Hayden can drive a boat 16 miles down the lake and back without a problem.

I try to share just a few bits of info each time on the water.

It is amazing how much they have learned.



The very reason why I commented on your post is because 2 very good friends of mine went to your "shacks" for a week's fishing and showed me pictures of their "central heat", missing fuse panel covers, boats not set up ready to go, being late on picking them up, staff up and quitting because of lack of guidance, no running water, did you want me to carry on with the list?


I thought we went through this last year or was it the year before?


A person or a group pay good money to go to your place and they end up with one of the worst fishing trip experiences ever. Not even as much as an apology or perhaps a gesture of a discount for the amount of screw ups for their holiday.

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The very reason why I commented on your post is because 2 very good friends of mine went to your "shacks" for a week's fishing and showed me pictures of their "central heat", missing fuse panel covers, boats not set up ready to go, being late on picking them up, staff up and quitting because of lack of guidance, no running water, did you want me to carry on with the list?


I thought we went through this last year or was it the year before?


A person or a group pay good money to go to your place and they end up with one of the worst fishing trip experiences ever. Not even as much as an apology or perhaps a gesture of a discount for the amount of screw ups for their holiday.



A few life lessons here .....


A while back you had posted and I clicked on what I thought was going to be more about your fishing experience (I really do not recall exactly what your report was about) except that I was somewhat offended when I saw that I was brought to your business site. I thought it was rather sneaky of you. Re-read what Terry and Ron have pointed out....and give a little more here to others before trying to fill your own pockets. It certainly may not be what you intend but it does come across that way.

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Guest gbfisher

Frankly, I don't see the attraction.

I don't see anything worth while booking a trip up there for myself. I do as well or better closer to home. With more fish species as well.

I was out with a guy the other day who booked with you and he said he had the worst trip ever. A nightmare to be exact. I didn't get the whole story but I respect the person for his honest opinion. I'm sure ya can't please everyone but it's not like this person would be put off very easily.

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I was up there a few years back. Met Dano there. Solid dude. First off they guy that brought us to camp got to the landing the same time we did. He was to work at the camp. He did not know the river in nor the lake nor where the camp was on the lake. The wind was blowing high after a snow storm the night before. You did not send the big Jon boat for all the gear because it wasn't running. So all the gear got jammed into the boats. The gunwale was about 4 inches above the water. The waves were crashing over the side. The kid driving the boat was scared to death and told us as much. When we did get to camp half the cottages weren't ready because you fired the crew. The people that worked at the camp became the cottage building crew and none of the boats were ready. Some people could not even go out fishing. You went to town for 3 days and were unavailable. I could go on and on. It was a nightmare. The lake is fantastic. Blanket conditions walleye and the pike were big and mean but that isn't your doing. Your end is the camp. It stunk. I was there the same week as Dano. The staff were openly talking about walking out on you. When you were there you were beligerent. Ugh.


I hate to be so negative but it is what it is.

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First off they guy that brought us to camp got to the landing the same time we did. He was to work at the camp. He did not know the river in nor the lake nor where the camp was on the lake. The wind was blowing high after a snow storm the night before. You did not send the big Jon boat for all the gear because it wasn't running. So all the gear got jammed into the boats. The gunwale was about 4 inches above the water. The waves were crashing over the side. The kid driving the boat was scared to death and told us as much.


Whoa.... there's the deal breaker for me. How far was the run? Thats insane.

Edited by Harrison
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The river was ok because it was shielded from the wind. He had to stay behind the other guy. It was I guess about 20 minutes. Can't really remember. Than we put all our stuff into other boats and went on the lake. At one point we were told to be the lead boat. We were in 6 feet of water with 4 foot waves and rocks everywhere. The guy said you guys go ahead we are going to put a marker here. Our guy said are you kidding I don't even know where I am going. It was insane. It was a long time on the lake in those conditions. My guess was an hour. Prolly about 15-20 minutes in good conditions.


I just have to say the staff was great giving what they had to deal with.


The fishing was good though. The fishing is good in alot of places though.

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We, the mods have been wrestling with this problem of self promotion for months and months. Certaintly there's good bang for your buck if you can promote your business for free on OFC. After all, it's one of, if not the busiest fishing message boards on the planet. But there are some perils that come with this free self promotion. We call them customers. They have the last word. Who better to judge your hard earned vacation dollars than real folks that have actually been there? I've never been to the "Kingdom". But I have lived in downtown Red Lake for the past 5 months. Nobody fishes in downtown Red Lake except us lowely construction workers. Workin 10 hours per day, each and every day doesn't give us a whole lot of time to fish. But besides the numbers of fish in Mr. Gearys reports, we're catching fish as big, or bigger without a boat every night. From our back yard. Downtown Red Lake. Anyways, you can catch a fish in a mud puddle up here. Weather or not you want to stay at a "Kingdom" is up to you.

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Well 'm grateful that I'm doing some things right.

It has been very rewarding developing the business and the many friendships that come as part of it.

I've grown the business thru this recession.

I have a good base of guests who have become friends and repeat customers

Many come twice a year.

Most of the groups in camp right now are here for the second visit of 2010

One group comes for 10 weeks.

One is planning their third trip of 2010 for early September.



I was out with the kids for a few hours again today.

Caught about 40 walleye in 90 minutes

We fished in 11-14 feet. using jigs with minnows and worms

worms seemed to have the edge.

Seanna caught this nice walleye



Dennis caught a Monster Walleye in 26 feet of water on an orange jig tipped with a minnow.







Right after he released that monster I set the hook on a small Walleye and within a few seconds a huge pike grabbed it.

I played with it for about 30 minutes but it wouldn't come off the bottom and finally spit the walleye out.


Al and Alex caught a "bunch of walleye several 23-24 a 25 , 26, 27 and had about a dozen big pike grab their walleye.

One grabbed a 31 inch pike.


they were fishing near the wall on a hump in about 14 feet of water.

"We're starting the get the hang of this lake - awesome"



The Hodne group has been coming twice a year since our second season. One young man they call Snowball caught his first 40 inch pike today, the rest of the kids caught about 800 walleye including a few 27's and several 25-26

worms on jigs were the rule in north bay today.

"It's just crawling with em as usual"


Domonic and his sons are up for their third visit. they caught so many walleye yesterday they needed a break and went strictly pike fishing.

Haven't got their report but will do so tommorrow.


Roger hagan and his son and friends have been doing extremely well on their third visit.

27 inch walleye the biggest so far.

they were fishing big hump most of the day varying from 14 -22 feet.

I will get photos from everybody when I do the weekly report.


Here is Hayden with a happy look on his face.

Can't see how anyone would not want to see that.




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