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Overdue report


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Well....it has been quite a while since I've had the pleasure of getting some OFC time....got a new job, which is great because I have my weekends free....but it now requires me to actually work...not slack....so I'm not online as much as I used to be LOL

Anywhooooo.....here's a little report I cooked up for the past couple outings...all but one of the pics are from my phone....so the quality is "ok"....enjoy wink.gif



For the last litte while, I have been all keyed up about hitting the water for a day of fishing with my wife, the lovely Laker Jessy. The original plan was for her parents to keep an eye on Baby Laker, our 9 month old daughter so that Jess and I could have our first day of fishing together in over a year. We were aiming for bass or muskie at a nearby lake, but in the end, plans got somewhat watered down and we settled for a few hours on Gull Lake, in Minden, where their cottage is. So the day wasn't what we had planned on….however….fish were caught!! AND… as a major bonus, I was able to fish with my dad on the Thursday before….so what follows is two reports….and a few fish.



Trip one – Canada Day with my dad:



Dad doesn't get a lot of fishing in, but has really had the itch this year – specifically, for some lakers on Rosseau. We've been looking at the same steep drop-off between Windermere and Port Carling for some time now, and Thursday was our day to hit it up.






Not a bad day at all….tinner is a bit on the small side, but with just the two of us and not TOO much gear, we were okay. GPS put our top "velocity" at 16km/h LOL



When we were trolling though…there was just enough wind to keep us at a nice steady 2-2.5km/h, as long as we faced into the wind.






I'm quite pleased with my downrigger setup, but so far this year, the leadcore has really been producing. So I handed Dad the leadcore with a blue/silver spoon tipped with a gulp minnow….not long into our first run….FISH ON!!!



Dad's first laker….not too shabby!






We were so pleased after getting it into the boat that we turned around and set up another run….which paid off with a replay!






At this point, I was wondering how I could tactfully ask for my lure back….before I could get around to it, Dad boats laker #3…nice solid fish.






Once again, this fish came from about 40 feet down, as we flirted with the 50-70FOW mark…riding a nice ridge, at about 2 km/h. It's a good thing we were only allowed 4 lakers between the two of us….otherwise if Dad kept up the pace, I was gonna need a bigger boat to bring home the all fish…maybe something like this…






Believe it or not, I actually did catch a fish that day….but it was pretty small, and the action was so fast and furious that I figured I'd get more. So I didn't take a picture of it..go figure that would be my curse. Didn't seem to bother Dad though….he rounded out our two-man limit with the 5th fish of the day (4th keeper).






Here's something interesting too….many of Dad's fish were chasing his lure down, big time….almost every time he would get one or two hits before they hooked up…with the last fish of the day hitting it as he was hauling his line up so we could turn around and take another pass.



After we limited out on Lakers, he thought we should try for some walleye or bass….so we headed off to another bay and tried some trolling, some casting…but to no avail. This eye-catching boat did come by though…handing out free samples of hamburger buns of all things.






Dad was very impressed….kept saying something about "nice buns on the front of that boat..." between mouthfuls of seasoned focaccia. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



And that about wraps up my Rosseau lake trout adventure…I will definitely be back if I get the chance….or possibly take these tactics over to Joe and see how we do.



Now it was off to Gull Lake in Minden, for trip number two. After getting our little girl to sleep, we headed out in the boat under a beautiful blue sky and blazing sun.



Jess opted to keep her eye on the downrigger, while I held onto the leadcore. I was using the same blue/silver spoon tipped with a gulp minnow….and caught the same slot-sized fish I seem to catch in Gull. I am becoming more of a believer in fishing shallower to get bigger fish, as some have suggested, but it's hard to do when you're hanging over 70 FOW. Any how….this pic will have to suffice for now…was a good day out on the water because I got to spend it with my sweetie. In my new shirt biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif






Well that about wraps it up…long and rambling report….but I have to make up for my lack of posts somehow! LOL Thanks for reading



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Great report. Nice pics.


Next time you go AWOL for a spell you need a better excuse. Something like being chained to the bed posts every night might be believable tease.gif


LOL -- yeah...I could go for that. Unfortunately the truth is coming home to a baby that needs her Daddy, 'cuz Mommy needs a break. stretcher.gif


JohnnyBass I'm goin wayyy out on a limb here but it looks like they were trolling with downriggers.


Is it just me or is the chick in the bunboat giving you the 'thumbs down?' lol. Nice colours on the trout.

I don't know what bunboat chick was doing there....but yeah, the trout were pretty. Downrigger only got one...leadcore was the way to go...silver blue spoon tipped with gulp minnow....running about 40' down, hanging over 50-70FOW



WHAT.. no pics of Jessy ???


Thanks for the report John !


I KNEW I would take flack for that....but she is pretty quick with the delete feature on that camera! And trust me...our video footage would get me banned for life whistling.gif



Thanks for all the kind words, guys! Hope to have a few more reports for ya by Summer's end...

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