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Hey all,


I was planning on hitting up Kashagawigamog next weekend in search of old Esox masquinongy.


I've heard that it's supposed to be a decent muskie lake, with some good sized fish in there. I was just wondering if anyone has or does fish this lake, and how the bite is/what to expect for numbers and size?


I'll post a report letting everyone know how it goes.


lol. Well then, I hope Kash becomes a lake that I 'wouldn't waste your time on if I were you' type of lake...haha.


From what I under stand the fishing has gone down hill so much people are moving away from the place in search of better water. But what do I know I have never fished it before


Same, so we're going to give it a try.


We've got charts both paper, and gps, so we should be alright that way. Thanks though.

  On 6/13/2010 at 10:28 PM, Musky or Specks said:

If Kash isn't producing head upstream to Grass and Head the fish aren't as big but lots of musky


Thanks for the tip man, if fishing is slow, we might dip in for a few casts. However, we're only out for bigger fish these days. Caught lots of 'typical' Kawartha's fish over the years.


Kash musky are temperature related. Find their temps in open water, and you'll find the big musky. They feed on herring, and whitfish in there, so don't be afraid to troll open water. If you apply some bigwater trolling tactics, to your general musky tactics, you should do well. A lot of guys spend too much time fishing structure in there, and the whole lake is structure.......so its like finding a needle in a haystack. Sure, you'll get a few off structure, but the big guys will be chasing bait in open water ;)




I was wondering about the open water wanderes after looking at the charts. Lots of good looking spots with immediate access to deep water.


True. I guess a few of the rivers such as the French, and the Pickeral are viable options for a small boat.


However, a lot of other spots I've fished on the Bay for muskie (12 Mile, Point Au Baril, Big Sound) aren't really an option, as they can go from glass calm to dangerous in minutes.

  On 6/14/2010 at 1:16 AM, FRANKIE65 said:

If you get the chance watch the episode of Aaron and Barry's show on fishing that lake!! Had me pumped for musky opener!

Yeah, I just finished watching it actually, thanks to Syn's posted URL. They got a couple of good fish. Can't wait to try my luck!


Man that video was too funny!! Gotta love how pumped they get on every fish and the arguing between the two when a fish is on. Just like my boat minus the poor handling.

  On 6/15/2010 at 4:32 AM, mistaredone said:

Man that video was too funny!! Gotta love how pumped they get on every fish and the arguing between the two when a fish is on. Just like my boat minus the poor handling.



haha ya gotta love it !

  On 6/13/2010 at 11:36 PM, Musky or Specks said:

Two Words-French River



Two more words - UPPER NIAGARA. :thumbsup_anim: I lived in St Catharines for 18 years until 2004. The only thing I miss about the area is musky fishing on the Upper Niagara.




Fished Kash on Saturday. Concentrated more on the East end of the lake. Water temps were hovering around 71.


Fished as shallow as 6 feet and as deep as 20. Covered a lot of water. We trolled breaklines, and through some suspended baitfish when we could find them; (most of the bait balls were about 20 feet down over about 40 FOW), casted weelines, shoals, and points, and even tried a little jigging. Pretty much threw every muskie lure ever invented, although between my partner and I, big blades were on about 60% of the time.


The only place we had any luck was on flats that had cabbage on them in about 8-10 FOW. My partner lost a fish that I think was on the large side. We never actually got a look at her. She hit double 13's, a few big head shakes, and a good run, and she was off. And all we had to show for it was a tooth, and a little piece of gum on the front hook of the Cowgirl. Other than that, I had a follow on a similar flat from a tiny.


That was pretty much our day. No fish in the boat, but I'm sure we'll be back to give it another rub.


It was slow on Sunday as well. I tried Head, Grass, and the end of Kash and didn't even get a good follow. Lots of boats on the water, so the skis had probably seen plenty of lures by the time I got to them.


Yeah, the fishing seemed a bit slow indeed. Happens though I guess. First time we've been skunked this year, hopefully that trend doesn't continue.


The lake was quite busy, but it being the weekend and all, that is to be expected. Maybe we'll get a chance to fish it midweek. Looks soo good!

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