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Lifejackets to be mandatory in Canada/Ontario?


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how about we just ban liberals who like to stick their nose into other peoples' personal responsibility/accountability.


sometimes i want to separate out of southern ontario.


tell ya what, if you feel unsafe, don a pfd or get off the water. i will do the same.

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Hmmmmmmm wasnt there just a picture in the paper awhile ago of 2 seamen from HMCS Quebec in a Rigid Hull with inflatables on and our national leader without.


All I can tell you is the water is cold right now if you fall over and think you will swim for any length of time all the power too you. I for one if im underway Im going to be wearing it do I have a problem being told to wear it no its CDF you only live once and when it comes to someone finding you it is either rescue or recovery Ill take rescue thanks. I would like anyone arguing about this to walk into the water shoulder deep in may and just for poo and giggles see how long you can function swimming without a PFD oh you make sure you have a sane buddy with you.

This really isnt a no brainer your rights arent being taken away its very costly to come out and find you only to find out your floating face down or a few empty PFDs floating around or a couple of weeks later bloated and floating.(very nasty)

if they pass ther law it is what it is and thats that. Either way Im okay with it



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Why don't we stop calling it recreational boating.

An call it the social communist boating squadron.

Every one stay in a straight line, don't do this

and don't do that.

If you don't follow the rules to a T,your off the

water for good.

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If legislating against stupidity was remotely possible, then our governments would have legislated themselves out of existence.

Where does it end folks? Will they soon force me to dull all my hooks, for fear of snagging myself... force me to submitt to a breathalizer test before they sell me booze?

Peter, I am not belittling your words, I understand where you are coming from on this, but I have to believe that regardless of legislation, people are going to do what they do and forcing people to pay particular attention to there own well being will not make it so. You only have to look at the other thread on the board today for proof.

Education is the only solution that's viable, but you can lead a horse to water, but you certainly won't make it drink, unless it wants to.


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If that's the case, stay home! Why go out in that kind of heat on the open water where the sun glares back at ya and there is no shade. If you have heart problems, lung problems why go on a boat? Common sense would dictate staying home or at least close to home without the worry of overheating in a PFD. :wallbash:

That's the right answer,we will just tell ALL those considered high risk for the above to stay off the water from June til Sept. because it's more important to put into law the same "wear your pfd" message that has been esposed for 30yrs. yet a select few choose not to pay attention.I'm sure no one would dare get drunk etc. and not bother to wear a pfd once it's law :dunno: .If you looked at what caused the person to end up in the water instead of "if they had a pfd on" you may realize the law would be about as effective as the gun control has been on saving lives :unsure:

Edited by hirk
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Sadly, that's just the way it goes. You see a guy hoping into his canoe with a telephone pole and a winch fishing for browns with a twelve pack and no life jacket and you just think to yourself "this ass is either going to kill himself or make anglers look like idiots." You also want to ask to check his fishing license, but you just don't have the authority and don't want to battle with someone who has likely already been in prison.


To play devil's advocate to your small lake argument:


People fall out of canoes all the time. They tip. If you're fighting a big pike or get caught in a snag, you could lose your balance and fall out. You could fall out if you hit an obstruction in the water. ANYTIME someone falls out of a moving water vessel their life could be in danger. That is not disputable.


There are countless things that could unexpectedly happen. You could fall victim to tree branches falling - things of that nature. You can say these aren't likely to happen, but it truly can happen in a split second. I don't even think you can make an argument against this, you can only argue that it encroaches on your freedom (and then you start to sound a little like Ben Roethlisberger - before he smashed his motorbike up without a helmet for the second time).


Spoken like a true flaming heart liberal that needs his hand held from the womb to the grave...


Here's a idea.......why not make recreation boating illegal and if you want to fish you must stand a minimum of 5 feet from any body of water while wearing a life jacket. Now everyone is safe from the boogie man. :sarcasm:

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Spoken like a true flaming heart liberal that needs his hand held from the womb to the grave...


Here's a idea.......why not make recreation boating illegal and if you want to fish you must stand a minimum of 5 feet from any body of water while wearing a life jacket. Now everyone is safe from the boogie man. :sarcasm:


Oh, well what do we have here, it's the American Amnesiac from the OOS Bass Thread. Are you just trolling these boards and trying to start arguments with people? Or are you just trying to get each post closed that goes over 5 pages? Too much reading for you? Or did the term 'devil's advocate' just confuse you? Regardless, how about you stop trolling for so many arguments and go trolling for some of those delicious NYS panfish that you love so much,

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Most of the danger is caused by boat wakes. The faster the boat the worse the wake. I think there should first be a speed limit on the water.


Lets say 25 mph.

There is no need of these ciggarette boats or bass boats running around public waters at 85 mph. Thats just rediculous.

Bass boats racing for the best spot to fish? Come on...if they had a 5 mph speed limit in the tournaments then it would be a level playing field, cost of gear would be way cheaper, and it would be about the fishing again instead of which guy has the biggest.........


We don't need personal watercraft running around at 60 mph either. They just run into other people...outlaw them first.


Wakeboats?...come on


Why do I have to be put into danger every time I go on the water just so all the fools that want to go fast can play.

It has nothing to do with mandatory wearing of a lifejacket.


are you for real?


the faster a boat moves, the less the wake. take a ride in a boat one time and you will see for yourself.


as for a 25 mph speed limit, i'd rather not spend 30 min to an hour traveling to my fishing spot throwing up a large wake the whole way there. try driving a 20' + boat at 25mph and see how much wake is thrown.


i've owned several personal watercraft over the years that will do in excess of 60mph on the water. i can honestly say that neither i nor any of my friends have ever run into other people on the water. you see, we are (pwc owners) for the most part safe and responsible boaters. there are a few that ruin it for the rest of us, but that is the same with any group of boaters. i have had more run ins and issues with other boaters while fishing than i have with seadoos.


if you are afraid of being put in danger every time you go on the water you should stay off. water can be dangerous just like driving on the 401. maybe you should not drive over 25mph either because that could put your life in danger. :wallbash:

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Guest Johnny Bass

So just how much do you think it costs to make a law.


How many people do you see still driving while talking on a cel phone...how many kids without helmets on bikes, how many people smoking with kids in the car. Its just another politician wanting a law named after him.


I just believe the money would be better spent on education rather than making laws.

Have a proper boaters course. Educate people in the safety aspect of wearing life jackets.

Those 2 canoeists still wouldn't have had safety gear in the boat no matter haw many laws you make.

I hear so many people complaining that they have to have a flashlight in the boat in the daytime. Well guess what...if you break down, you will likely be out there broke till after dark. Maybe put that in a course instead of just grabbing a hundred bucks off somebody that still doesn't understand why.


Not millions.


How many people do all those things you mentioned? Much less after they made it illegal. Thats for sure!


If canoeists knew that it was against the law, they would think twice about venturing out without a life jacket for fear of being fined. Its a simple as that! Therefore I disagree.


Are you saying that you want everyone that operates a water vessel, including a canoe, should attend a boaters class? If they are too dumb enough to understand why a flashlight is needed in case you break down, no amount of education will help these individuals. If you teach them and tell them that if you do it you will get fined? THEN they will understand. If not, they will understand quickly after they are fined. And the enforcement should explain it to them as well.

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Oh, well what do we have here, it's the American Amnesiac from the OOS Bass Thread. Are you just trolling these boards and trying to start arguments with people? Or are you just trying to get each post closed that goes over 5 pages? Too much reading for you? Or did the term 'devil's advocate' just confuse you? Regardless, how about you stop trolling for so many arguments and go trolling for some of those delicious NYS panfish that you love so much,


You mean like these tasty Crappies..


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Guest Johnny Bass

I would venture to bet that there would be far more fatalities on the water as result of a mandatory pfd law.Would you care to guess how many people suffer strokes/heart attacks etc. due to being forced to wear a heat retaining pfd on a hot day?Or would you just make it law that everyone have a auto inflateable @ $175+ ea.?You can be injured or killed while engaging in untold numbers of activities,do you legislate for everything,do you see the futility of this?


If the boat is moving? What heat are you retaining? Care to explain that one?


The law from what I understand is for when the boat is in motion. And if your in rough waters? Chances are it will be very windy and you wont be retaining any heat.


Certain laws are put in place to save lives. Now if the odds are astronomical that is different, but there is a significant amount of boaters that are drowning each year because of no life jackets. If your fishing a place like Erie and you fall in the water on a windy day? Even if you are a good swimmer? You will be in danger.


Like I said. It does restrict fishing and it would be a hassle if your running and gunning, but I can see why this law is being considered.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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You mean like these tasty Crappies..


Yep, exactly like those tasty Crappies. Go get 'em tiger. Don't forget your PFD. Sounds like you'll be needing them when you cross the border soon (provided you are still legal to cross into Canada). Cheers and good luck with that pan-fare.

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Yep, exactly like those tasty Crappies. Go get 'em tiger. Don't forget your PFD. Sounds like you'll be needing them when you cross the border soon (provided you are still legal to cross into Canada). Cheers and good luck with that pan-fare.


This year doesn't look so good for a Canadian trip...going to many other destinations and the dollar exchange isn't worth it...but I may book one on the last minute since everyday is Saturday for me :thumbsup_anim:


Maybe someday you can come down here and I'll show you the bass fishing you have dreamed about for the last 20 years if you can take the big water.



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If the boat is moving? What heat are you retaining? Care to explain that one?


The law from what I understand is for when the boat is in motion. And if your in rough waters? Chances are it will be very windy and you wont be retaining any heat.


Certain laws are put in place to save lives. Now if the odds are astronomical that is different, but there is a significant amount of boaters that are drowning each year because of no life jackets. If your fishing a place like Erie and you fall in the water on a windy day? Even if you are a good swimmer? You will be in danger.


Like I said. It does restrict fishing and it would be a hassle if your running and gunning, but I can see why this law is being considered.


1/The Gov't. has already stated they have no intention of making wearing a pfd law.

2/If yu checked you would see the 2 single biggest causes of drowning involve a/drinking b/going to the bathroom when the boat is stopped,therefore not likely wearing a pfd.Having a law making it mandatory to wear them under power won't save these people.

Edited by hirk
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1/The Gov't. has already stated they have no intention of making wearing a pfd law.

2/If yu checked you would see the 2 single biggest causes of drowning involve a/drinking b/going to the bathroom when the boat is stopped,therefore not likely wearing a pfd.Having a law making it mandatory to wear them under power won't save these people.


I agree.

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Guest Johnny Bass

1/The Gov't. has already stated they have no intention of making wearing a pfd law.

2/If yu checked you would see the 2 single biggest causes of drowning involve a/drinking b/going to the bathroom when the boat is stopped,therefore not likely wearing a pfd.Having a law making it mandatory to wear them under power won't save these people.


What does the fact that the Gov has stated they have no intention of making it a law have to do with my reply?


You went from guys over heating to guys peeing off the side?


If you are drunk and/or taking a leek and you fall in the water with a PFD? Chances are you will live to see another day.


I have read and heard numerous incidents that had nothing to do with alcohol or peeing. The fact that the most drownings are from drinking or peeing is irrelevant. The fact that many drownings could have been prevented by a PFD is not.


I can guarantee, that if it was passed as law? Most of those people would be wearing the life jacket. Booze is a lot easier to hide than not having a life jacket on. Its like the seat belt thing. Lots of people still drink and drive but not many drive without wearing a seat belt since the law was passed.


Anyways, I have given my opinion and will leave it at that.

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Hey Fantino, how's Caledonia coming along?

Oh right, nevermind. But keep that $70k inflatable paying for itself dinging canoes in Dunnville for not having a working flashlight.


Anyone want to go halfsies on some waterfront in Mexico? Y'know, a real democracy where you can sit in a canoe (without PFD), catch some bass (without a license), smoke my cigar (without smoking bans or 1000% sin taxes), and have a fria cerveza and not be a felon?

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