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Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.


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Hi there, my name is Fisherpete and I am a catfish addict. Certified! LMAO!


I truly enjoy time on the water with both of my brothers, Will and Paul, but in recent years as our families have grown, getting time to fish together has become quite the challenge. A window of opportunity opened up for Thursday afternoon - and we jumped on it. Will had seen my recent cat posts, and was eager to get in on the action. To date, Will's biggest freshwater fish landed was a 6 pound pike... that mark would surely be crushed today. We arrived in Dunnville around 3pm, and as we launched the boat, were met by two fellow cat hunters leaving the water... they said they had a fishless day! There was also a pretty stiff wind blowing... but was I worried? Nah. After Tuesday's fish-fest, there had to be some fish still around. We launched, motored out and dropped anchor.


Around twenty minutes later, Will's rod doubled over. Not the tap-tap-thump-thump kind of hit, but a solid THUD! Will grabbed the rod out of the holder, and leaned back into it... fish on baby! What a way to start the day, and to introduce Will to catfishing... this fish fought like a champ, peeling off drag and bulldogging like crazy at the side of the boat. She did NOT want to come up from the bottom. Will was shocked at the raw power of these fish, and his jaw dropped when we finally got her into the net. What a pig! First fish of the day gave my boat a new length record for a cat at 35.5", and she was thick too. Maybe our first 20 pounder? Didn't have my scale with me, so I will never know.




As the day went on, we kept moving, and each move yielded a fish or two. The next 11 hits all came on my rod, but we took turns reeling in the fish. So strange how two identical baits, cast in the same area, on identical setups right down to the rod and reel can yield such different results. The average size today was incredible, there were just no small fish at all. Two fish actually were fought all the way to boatside not even hooked - they had just clamped down like a vice on the sucker meat!!! Both times this happened on a quite large piece of cutbait... today's lesson learned : 2" cutbait chunks over 3" chunks...








This one was also a tank, 33.5" and thick all the way through...


















Once again, the witching hour provided some outstanding fishing... not quite as fast as Tuesday, but still great fun. As dusk turned to night, the fishing was getting better and better - but with a few hours of driving still ahead of us, we packed it in around 9:30pm or so. Another awesome day on the water... had a great time fishing with you, bro!

Edited by Fisherpete
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I had to work at 5am the next morning... so after driving home, unpacking the boat... etc... it was around 1am before I got to bed. I am seriously thinking next trip might just be an all-nighter... bring a big thermos of coffee and git-r-done!

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I had to work at 5am the next morning... so after driving home, unpacking the boat... etc... it was around 1am before I got to bed. I am seriously thinking next trip might just be an all-nighter... bring a big thermos of coffee and git-r-done!




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Funny that you should mention Red Bull... at Will's (same brother in the pics) stag, we all got absolutely loaded on Red Bull & vodka and had a great night out on the town... got back to the hotel at 6am, wide-eyed and hyper as hell... "Whatcha wanna do now? Huh? Huh?" Man that stuff got us wired... hey Will - how did it taste on the way out? As good as on the way in LMAO! Oh man... I just found the pics on my computer, have to share the rest of the story now... Will had no idea about his stag party, it was a suprise... four of us snuck up on him one day at work and kidnapped him (gagged, pillowcase over the head and wrists duct taped behind his back), then proceeded to drive down to Niagara Falls... well, on the drive down, the pillowcase over the head made Will get motion sickness... and he puked inside of the pillowcase HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! We had to pull over and let him escape the sack of shame... oh man, happy times... I blacked out the t-shirt to keep things somewhat PG here on OFC...


The kidnapping & the drive down


The sack of shame... notice the wetness at the bottom


Arrival at the hotel, decorated the t-shirt


The results of too much Red Bull & vodka


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Of all the fish that have been caught on my 5 trips, three of them came back with me for co-workers... smaller 5-6 pounders. I was actually at one of their places last night and tried a piece that they had done on the BBQ... it was OK, but after tasting it I don't think I would keep one to cook myself. Too many other tasty fishies out there to settle for cat...


Dann, you want to go catfishing tomorrow? Send me a PM...

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