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9th line??


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hey all...gonna try this magical lake they call Simcoe for the elusive lakers and whities i hear so much about in this neck of the woods. Headin out with a buddy that knows nothing about fishing except that its addictive and he needs to go to meetings about it!!!

Anyways just wonderin if anyone else will be out that way tommorrow as I have no clue where i will be fishing and have never been there before.

All I know for for sure is that I will be on the black and orange Artic Cat with the orange skis...towin a sleigh with 2 dudes on it. We will have matching blue portable huts....

So if you see us come over and say hi...


If I actually get something I will post tommorrow night.



Edited by brkygetr
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Make sure the dudes in the sleigh have helmuts on or you may get busted!!


LOL Wayne... miscommunication on my part I guess...we will be the dudes and we will be on the sled. Actually just talked to my buddy and due to logistics I will NOT be bringing the sled so we will be the 2 guys WALKING with sleighs and one of them (me) will be complaining about the fact that I do not have a gas powered form of transportation.

How far am I gonna have to walk to get to the fish???? I really hate walking..theres a reason they make sleds!

As long as its under 2 miles i can handle it....hows the snow cover?

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There was barely a skiff of snow on it last Sunday. About an inch or two of snow here and there and many bare spots. Bring your cleats in case...


Not sure where the 9th line is.. but you shouldn't have to go far to get into some deep water...especially if that's the 9th of oro.

Edited by irishfield
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Right on Terry and Wayne good to hear...can't wait to slam a laker!!!! As i understand it we should be somewhere half way to Fox island...right near everyone else!!!!! :huh:

Oh yeah and off Innisfill not Oro

Edited by brkygetr
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Right on Terry and Wayne good to hear...can't wait to slam a laker!!!! As i understand it we should be somewhere half way to Fox island...right near everyone else!!!!! :huh:

Oh yeah and off Innisfill not Oro


Based on last week... stop short of the masses at Fox and try the wide open first!

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Based on last week... stop short of the masses at Fox and try the wide open first!


Beleive you me comin from the north where i could stand on a lake for a month and not see anyone i will be trying to stay away from the crowds...I just have to convince the guy i am with that it is a good idea...though as soon as he see's a fish on the vex chasing my offering i am sure he will be convinced!


I might be trying the north west tip of fox island if my spot near the 8th line doesn't give up a few nice ones


well...if you see 2 clam portables set up side by side stop in for a moose-cheese smokie!

Edited by brkygetr
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hey is there enough snow for the sled????? Not picked. Also buddy tells me we are parking on the ice...is he right or just blowin crap out his pie-hole.


thanks again I hate goin in blind.

Yeah park on ice no probs. Only 10 yards from shore.

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Went out thursday at the same area, fished about 97 FOW, lots of fish marked, but I didn't get any hits, some guys using the same lure 50 ft away got 3 whities. Ice was about 16 inches, I drove my van without any problems.


Good luck, 1/2 and 1/2 williams and pure silver worked well for those catching on thursday.



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Ok well I guess I suck when it comes to whitefish as we got squatt...though we did talk to the same Gamees that everyone else saw and they had only seen 4 fish all morning, they checked us at 11:00. So maybe I don't feel so bad about it.

Started in 80 ft, out to 90ish and then back to 85. Marked several in all locations but could not get any to commit.

Went in for perch around 1:00 and found them in 48 ft by about 2:30. Came home with about 30 good sized keepers with only 2 true jumbos in the mix.

All in all not a bad day for my first time on that side of the lake and first time on Simcoe in 4 years.

Wanted to head out past the pressure crack but was unsure about where to get across or conditions so stayed between the islands and the mainland. Anyone else have any luck past the islands???

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