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Who all from this site has/had the pleasure of attending the wonderful Sir Sandford Fleming Frost Campus?

And what program(s) do/did you take?


I am in my first semester, and I am in the Environmental Technology Program, and loving every day of it :)


Been there, done that F&W 96-98


Best of luck on your post grad job opportunities, if they were like mine, you'll need it :blush:


Working in IT these days...fishing on weekends though :)


You fellows would probably all be interested in this and maybe unaware that The Ministry of Natural Resources, ( back then it was the Department of Lands and Forests ) previous to 1968 used to do all their own training at a facility on Lake St. Nora near Minden, generally called the Forest Ranger School but in later years officially named the Leslie Frost Centre. I have many fond memories of this older facilty, not as a student of the program there but as a student of the undergraduate forestry program at the University of Toronto. Each spring, after the final exams, we would all head off there for a 3 week spring camp for practical field work.

The undergraduate Forestry program was closed at U of T some years ago but a post grad program still continues. I completed my B.Sc.F in 1974. Some of you fellows may work with alumni of mine or maybe like me they are retired :D


For those of you interested this link give some of the early history of Forestry and Fish and Widlife education for Ontario.



  Ciceri said:
I've been thinking about Ecosystem Management lately, I don't know though.



Stick with ET. Your still qualified to do anything an EM grad will do. I started working a full time permanent position the day I finished at Fleming, out of ET. Take the 3 year ET program, and your job opportunities will be numerous.


Don't pass up volunteering your time. It payed off for me for sure.



  Sinker said:
Stick with ET. Your still qualified to do anything an EM grad will do. I started working a full time permanent position the day I finished at Fleming, out of ET. Take the 3 year ET program, and your job opportunities will be numerous.


Don't pass up volunteering your time. It payed off for me for sure.




Agreed, Ryan get your ass moving man. All my volunteer work in the past and even some since I started school here has been with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autnority. It might not be much but a reference and some feel for the work has kept me on the path I'm on today. Just asking around and letting people know what I'm all about got me into the Hatchery helping release those Atlantic's for the week while I was "off school".


I should be back there and come to think of it I might try to stop by again and say hello. Sometimes Ryan it's all it takes, if you are serious about what you are doing then tell me and when a opportunity comes my way I'll recommended you.


Good Luck on your path,


  dave524 said:
You fellows would probably all be interested in this and maybe unaware that The Ministry of Natural Resources, ( back then it was the Department of Lands and Forests ) previous to 1968 used to do all their own training at a facility on Lake St. Nora near Minden, generally called the Forest Ranger School but in later years officially named the Leslie Frost Centre. I have many fond memories of this older facilty, not as a student of the program there but as a student of the undergraduate forestry program at the University of Toronto. Each spring, after the final exams, we would all head off there for a 3 week spring camp for practical field work.

The undergraduate Forestry program was closed at U of T some years ago but a post grad program still continues. I completed my B.Sc.F in 1974. Some of you fellows may work with alumni of mine or maybe like me they are retired :D


For those of you interested this link give some of the early history of Forestry and Fish and Widlife education for Ontario.






Never did attend SSFC but almost. I enrolled in their Fish and Wildlife program in hopes of being a Conservation Officer/CO I had my residents pick out, paid my tuition then met the Girl of my life in grade 13, now my wife of 30 years.....Gee love does hit ya like a ton of bricks needless to say I ended up following her to U OF T, a BA in I think basket weaving or was it Engineering.


P.S We are still Married, best friends, still in love..... she understands Man has to Fish and Hunt.


I almost attended, had my residents pick out paid my tuition then met the Girl of my life, that was in grade 13. Needless to say I followed her to the U OF T and recieved a degree in I think Basket Weaving or was it Enginerring. Wow love dose hit you like a ton of bricks needless to say never did attend SSFC.


PS. We are still in love, best friends, and married for 30 years now......she understands A MAN MUST FISH AND HUNT WINTER AND SUMMER.

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