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Posted (edited)

Well I am a little overdue to post some fishing reports.


Have not been in the boat for a few weeks because it took me a couple of weeks to recover from Laser surgery to eliminate my snoring.


I did go shore fishing a week ago in Long-Sault but just a skunking .


Anyhoo here are the pics.


In August I went down to Perchers and tried our luck at salmon Fishing hoping to reel in the big one in hopes of winning a

new truck or boat.That didn't happen but man I really like this salmon fishing thing.


Percher put us on fish as usual .Too bad we had to lose quite a few fish.


Good to hear TonyB won himself a boat this year another OFNer.


I was fishing out of last years winning boat.


On with pics oops did I say that twice.




Waiting to catch his first salmon.My son Ryan.





Percher holding a 17 pounder



Ryan with an 11 pounder



Me with just a wee one.






That concludes Salmon fishing.




August 22nd a little morning out piking with my boy.Richelieu River Sabrevois Quebec.


I got the skunk of course.






I had several follows but nothing for me just junior.


Yesterday was a great day on the Richelieu River in Sabrevois Quebec.


I took my boy and friend of my family's 13 yr old Shayne who had never caught a pike in his life.

Wait until you see how he did.His parents don't fish so I invited him to come along he caught a 5lb bass

a couple of weeks ago so lets just say Shayne is starting to really like fishing.



In all we caught 12 pike Sunday and thats all we were targetting.


Ryan caught 4 .I caught 3 and Shayne who never caught a Pike in his life caught 5.


The boys kept me busy with the camera ,net and the pliers I tell ya.


Here is the pix.



First pike of the day.Darn flash was moody.



First pike ever for 13 year old Shayne.



And another.



It started poring rain but that didn't stop us.



Now here is Shayne never caught a pike until Sunday and he lands an 8lb Pike.

The smile tells it all.





Please mr.pike don't hiss at me.bahahahahaha.



They let me catch fish once in awhile.



Got to love it when kids get double headers.






Well thats what we have been up to.


Every fish in this report was released to swim another day.


Going to Vermont this weekend looking forward to a father son weekend with good friend GlennK.



Edited by Mike the Pike
Posted (edited)
  Mike the Pike said:

Me with just a wee one.



Did you catch that thing on a rod and reel or shoot it with a shotgun??? :P



Great report and pics as always Mike!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:



So how's the throat after the surgery?... do you actually snore less?

Edited by GCD

That is a fantastic report Mike.

I can particularly relate to your bringing a friend along. It was during trips to Bobcaygeon with my friend Mike's family that I got hooked on fishing and cottaging (I was about 13 as well). Whether you or he realize it or not you are giving him fond memories that will last forever. I love to see it.

Thanks again!



great job guys My camera went on the fritz while on Vacation but we had my sons camera with us as well, but now I have to figure out how to download the pics from it !!



  GCD said:
There's just one pic Mike! ;)


When you first posted today I saw all the pics and no comments very weird.And now it looks OK.




Ya I know this one was bleeding like a tap Percher wanted me to get her back in the water pronto.


Nope snoring is almost cured it is very low that is for sure more like loud breathing.My daughters say the grizzly bear has gone into hibernation.

I actually get a better nights sleep now although I still have a sore throat.Not quite heeled.


On the positive side all that weight I lost has not come back and I plan on keeping it that way.


I have been watching what I eat but the operation helped me lose 12 more pounds.


So I have lost 24lbs in 5 weeks.


See ya soon in chilly land GCD!!!!!!!!!! :w00t::Gonefishing::santa:

  Radnine said:
That is a fantastic report Mike.

I can particularly relate to your bringing a friend along. It was during trips to Bobcaygeon with my friend Mike's family that I got hooked on fishing and cottaging (I was about 13 as well). Whether you or he realize it or not you are giving him fond memories that will last forever. I love to see it.

Thanks again!



Nothing makes me feel better when you bring new kids fishing I really know it changes their life.

This boy was so happy sunday even the boat ride had him smiling from ear to ear.


Thanks for that positive comment.So true. :Gonefishing:

  memart said:
Great report Mike good to see the boys catching fish

you getting skunked thats nothing new LOL see you in November




Ah Rob where are all your fishing reports and pics?????


You know we paid Bryan to go fishing with you he really prefers them fiberglass boats :devil:

  jjcanoe said:
great job guys My camera went on the fritz while on Vacation but we had my sons camera with us as well, but now I have to figure out how to download the pics from it !!





Dammit man!!!... get a Photobucket account!!! :rolleyes:


Great report and pics Mike :thumbsup_anim:

It's nice to see that you recovered from your surgery and out in the boat fishing.... Looks like junior put on a clinic again LOL


Great job you guys and thanks for sharing


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