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Cool this summer? arctic sea ice melt 3rd highest


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Dont forget about Nostradomous, 2012, lol and I See massive trees, root balls and all displaced 10 km from where they were uprooted everyspring on some of our bigger tribs,...what is your point?


Crap I forgot about him...

No need to worry about climates at all if he's right...we have 3 years :o


Hey kidding aside,

I'm all for conservation, and keeping things clean...that started from childhood.

Momma taught me not to be wasteful, keep my room clean, and not litter.

Those lessons are important on a day to day level, not just a long term doomsday projection.

but in truth "if" this climate change event is occurring at a faster rate due to us pesky humans I pose this question to you science folk.

Is it better to figure out how to slow it down, and focus on that, or are we better off excepting the inevitability that its going to change naturally regardless.

Are we better off buying time, or focusing on how to adapt.

Put that in your peace pipe to ponder for a while.


If the climates "normal, and natural " change happens over 100 years, and we increase that to 50 years are

our efforts better spent learning to adapt, or to buy time?

I'd say its a bit of both...

But who's studying the adaptation portion?...no one cause fear sells papers and fills news casts.


I'm going to go back to wearing my tinfoil hat now and I'm going to try to figure out what the next big theory will be 10 years from now?

Any takers?

I think the retro Ice age could be popular reading material :P

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I wonder what the average age of the posters in this thread is. And would I be wrong in thinking that the older ones are less likely to believe in global warming? Just a thought as I wade through all of these posts. Now it's time for a beer. :)


I'd be a about 50 and I'm not a "denier". So far on this very lengthy thread, I've only seen one plausible theory to account for the highly significant changes happening with northern ice pack and that theory wasn't referenced when requested. The north pole was an ice island last year. None of the ice attached to land. Speaking of cycles, the northern passages were never free of ice during recorded history, and that goes back around 500 years. Predictions are that the northern ice sheet will completely melt during the summer in a generation or less. That hasn't happened in at least 125,000 years. Can someone give an alternative explanation to what is going on here? It's been three threads over three years and it's surprising that virtually no one has an opinion on why this is happening.

Edited by scuro2
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No, I am not quite 50 but certainly in the neighborhood. Climate change is real, the facts are indisputable. Their is a mountain of evidence and we have all lived long enough to see it.

Some of the possible fixes are as bad as the disease...damming rivers and flooding vallies for example to create hydroelectric power.

Hopefully the fuel cell technology catches on. Imagine having a device on your boat that seperates the hydrogen from the water uses it as fuel then returns only water vapour as an exhaust. Of course we may lower the lake levels doing that ;)

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I wonder what the average age of the posters in this thread is. And would I be wrong in thinking that the older ones are less likely to believe in global warming? Just a thought as I wade through all of these posts. Now it's time for a beer. :)


I believe you have got that right........it's because us older more experienced guys have been around enough and have heard all this Bull for so long in MANY different forms.........For all the younger guys that believe all of this....here's an idea.....start with CHINA as they probably are the most polluters on Earth.....after you get them in line then take on MEXICO.....


Something I learned from my father many years ago.......you don't kick a man when he's down.

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Well at 49 years of age I too have a skillset of life experiences and what I have learned is to gather credible facts and weigh them for myself and then form my own opinion.


To state this is led by younger people is not the case.


How can one explain the "ACCELERATED" rate of decline within the last 100 or so years, or if you wish---the industrial revolution.


Look at "Troutologist"---he is that close to the fire he can touch it----Is he not to believe what he see's with his own eyes?


How about some of the interviews with the Inuit that cannot figure what has happened or how they will deal with it.


Ask yourself why species of squid that have always stayed in southern climes are now being caught off the BC coast.


This is not just a North American issue----leading experts worldwide agree this is happening---one cannot say they all have the same financially driven motives.


Now to run around with the sky falling call is also non-productive----it achieves nothing---every journey starts with a single step and as I stated prior--I do what I can--when I can---there will always be more, but I take solice in the fact that I at least try.


If nothing else maybe now we'll find the remainder of the Franklin Expedition.

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Well at 49 years of age I too have a skillset of life experiences and what I have learned is to gather credible facts and weigh them for myself and then form my own opinion.


To state this is led by younger people is not the case.


How can one explain the "ACCELERATED" rate of decline within the last 100 or so years, or if you wish---the industrial revolution.


Look at "Troutologist"---he is that close to the fire he can touch it----Is he not to believe what he see's with his own eyes?


How about some of the interviews with the Inuit that cannot figure what has happened or how they will deal with it.


Ask yourself why species of squid that have always stayed in southern climes are now being caught off the BC coast.


This is not just a North American issue----leading experts worldwide agree this is happening---one cannot say they all have the same financially driven motives.


Now to run around with the sky falling call is also non-productive----it achieves nothing---every journey starts with a single step and as I stated prior--I do what I can--when I can---there will always be more, but I take solice in the fact that I at least try.


If nothing else maybe now we'll find the remainder of the Franklin Expedition.


Then there is interviews with the Inuit, that say leave them alone to hunt their Polar Bears as they have done for years. Yes they do travel many Miles to find them. Its always been like that. Your Squid theory, Maybe there is more food in BC, or its too hot South. Man this is like sitting down to Jehovah Witnesses. They have all the answers, Memorized the Bible, Never wrong, But, I, am going to be struck down by God because I am an Evil non Believer. Now dont call me names, it hurts my sensitive girly feelings.

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I don't believe in man made global warming, it is a hoax. Check this out doomsdayers.


Earth's 'Fever' Breaks! Global temperatures 'have plunged .74°F since Gore released An Inconvenient Truth' LOL


A record cool summer has descended upon many parts of the U.S. after predictions of the "year without a summer." There has been no significant global warming since 1995, no warming since 1998 and global cooling for the past few years. (Also see: Scientists Write Open Letter to Congress: 'Earth has been cooling for ten years' - 'Present cooling was NOT predicted by the alarmists' computer models, and has come as an embarrassment to them' - July 1, 2009)


Read the entire article here:



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During Roman times, it was warmer than today and civilisation advanced remarkably. The Roman legions were using mountain passes that have since been glaciated for a thousand years or so. Seems that one of those recently retreating glaciers has uncovered the ruins of a Roman villa. The so-called dark ages were cold and folks didn't move around much to learn new stuff so civilisation declined. A thousand years ago, the Vikings settled and farmed on Greenland and for several hundred years, all was hunky-dory but then the little ice age hit and they died off or moved out. Around the mid 1800s, the world started climbing out of that cold spell and globally gained about one half a degree celsius per century on average. All these concensus scientists claim the 20th century increased .6 of a degree celsius so does that mean we contributed .1 of a degree celsius to what was already ongoing or did it accelerate that much on it's own? From 1880 to 1920, there was fear of an ice age that would render Canada uninhabitable in a few decades (according to newspapers of the time). From 1920 to 1940, the world was warming and the polar bears were doomed. From 1940 to nearly 1980, it was another ice age and from 1980 runaway warming and the polar bears are once again doomed. Doesn't matter that there are 5 times as many of them now as there were 50 years ago when they started controlling the hunts. Seems the polar bears survived warmer periods than today. As I understand it CO2 has been much higher in the past as well. Incidentally, according to info I've read on the subject, polar bears have existed as a separate species for over 100,000 years. Global warming? Longer growing seasons? Larger growing areas? Lusher plants? Sounds good to me. In light of the fact that temps have gone down in the last 10 years to almost equal what they gained in the last 100, I'd be more inclined to fear global cooling myself.


Ho hum! I'm 64 and I don't give a ratz butt because I'm not going to live into the new ice age. Flame away!!!

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There is no 'proof', there are no 'facts' that prove we are causing any real changes in global temperature or in fact prove that global temperature are really changing at all, on a geologic time scale temperatures vary sometime changing quickly sometimes not, what has happened in the last 50 years proves nothing, NOTHING. Im all for reducing pollution, including hedging our bets against possible human caused warming, but please, please think before you speak, just because you read it in the star or it was on cbc doesn't make it a fact.


And since some others feel the need to toss out thier credentials i'll just add that i too have an environmental engineering diploma and an env science degree, along with working the last 10 years in weather, particularly in the arctic, I know enough to know that I don't know for sure and if thats the case there is sure as hell no way most anyone else in this thread does either.

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Crap? Would that be when people don't even bother answering simple and direct questions?


Over a three year time period, three threads specifically were started to point out the remarkable changes happening with the ice sheet that covers the north pole. The simple question was asked, why is this happening? Yet we have no opinions about this fact, except for one, and unfortunately...that contributor has not responded to requests for references. The rest of the contributors simply don't how to respond. There is nothing on their "denier" websites on the melting of the polar ice caps. They can't venture an opinion because to do the topic justice, it's a question of science and statistics and they are in over their heads in this regard. There have been some incredibly illuminating responses on this thread, yet instead of acknowledging the validity of the points made, they retort in the only way they know how.


Stay tuned folks, next September the summer melt will once again be measured and reported in the media. Will we have a record melt and once again see both northern sea routes open? Or will we see the ice sheet gaining in thickness and area. Either way I'll post, because of all the unusual things that are going on with the climate and our earth, the recent heating trends have been greatly amplified at the polar regions. Nothing like this has happened in anyone's life time, and if predictions come true, and the north pole completely melts over one summer, there will be no way for the "deniers" to keep their heads stuck in the sand. Such an event hasn't happened in over 125,000 years or longer. As we speak, scientists are drilling core samples to determine that length of time...perhaps 800,000 years.

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All I know it was Damn Cold when exercising or instructing Advanced Winter Warfare in Paulatuk, Coppermine, Iqaluit, Tuktoyaktuk, Inuvik and twice the Northern Tree lines in Fort Providence. For that matter even south in Wainwright Alberta and Saskatchewan. Tidbit... There are very few Eskimos that know how to Build an Igloo. The Eskimos ( Eaters of Raw Meat) that I met, Prefer Eskimo vice Inuit. They have also stated that the Polar Bear is not Endangered like the Crazy Lefties are BSing about. As a matter of fact, they are afraid they will not be able to legally hunt them. They are Pissed. Got this first hand from working with the Northern Rangers who were our Guides. Thanks to them caught my Biggest Laker, hand lining a huge plastic Jig on Husky Lake, The Locals call it Eskimo lake Between Tuktoyaktuk and Inuvik. They taught us how to fish, we taught them how to shoot military assault weapons.






Like every good Canadian, when the sun is shining and there is no wind, you get used to the Cold.


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All I know it was Damn Cold when exercising or instructing Advanced Winter Warfare in Paulatuk, Coppermine, Iqaluit, Tuktoyaktuk, Inuvik and twice the Northern Tree lines in Fort Providence. For that matter even south in Wainwright Alberta and Saskatchewan. Tidbit... There are very few Eskimos that know how to Build an Igloo. The Eskimos ( Eaters of Raw Meat) that I met, Prefer Eskimo vice Inuit. They have also stated that the Polar Bear is not Endangered like the Crazy Lefties are BSing about. As a matter of fact, they are afraid they will not be able to legally hunt them. They are Pissed. Got this first hand from working with the Northern Rangers who were our Guides. Thanks to them caught my Biggest Laker, hand lining a huge plastic Jig on Husky Lake, The Locals call it Eskimo lake Between Tuktoyaktuk and Inuvik. They taught us how to fish, we taught them how to shoot military assault weapons.






Like every good Canadian, when the sun is shining and there is no wind, you get used to the Cold.



No Offence to any of our Veterans, especially the onces that faught for what we have in the free world!!! I dare say Rest in peace and thank you!!! I say that becasue most of them must be dead by now as there hasnt been a War worth fighting since 1945. Every confilct the west has been involved in for the past 64 years is Bull. for the last 25 years it has been about Oil for the most part.

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No Offence to any of our Veterans, especially the onces that faught for what we have in the free world!!! I dare say Rest in peace and thank you!!! I say that becasue most of them must be dead by now as there hasnt been a War worth fighting since 1945. Every confilct the west has been involved in for the past 64 years is Bull. for the last 25 years it has been about Oil for the most part.


HoldFast, are you so bitter and sinical becasue you realize that you have dedicated your life to being a pawn of the oil industry? Maybe its to embarrassing and shameful to admit, is that why you display this ignorance? Just curious? No Offence intended of course!! :D


BTW,..the brain functions slow down considerably in the extreme cold. :D


No need for that comment. No disrespect to a....... What? you dont like my Arctic pictures?

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I figured it out. All the "deniers" watch Fox News! Makes sense, doesn't it? A lot of the younger viewers don't watch much TV at all.


I'm not a denier but rather a conservationist that knows better and doesn't watch FOX......how can you be listed as a young "viewer" if you don't watch TV...... :rolleyes: ......maybe it's because between talking on their cell phones, texting, tweeting, face booking and all the other crap they do, they just don't have time for the national news broadcast.


BTW it was the coolest summer of MANY years and last January was the COLDEST in 30 years.........

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I don't watch fox because I can't get it where I live, and I posted a link stating the ice sheet is growing, and there's been a 10 year cooling period. There's also a big yellow ball in the sky called the sun that has a bigger effect on the climate then we ever will. The science is far from settled as many scientists disagree and more and more people every day are seeing the hysteria for what it is. The younger generation has had a steady diet of global warming for years, has nothing to do with t.v. I like being called a denier.


Nice laker Holdfast.

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I don't watch fox because I can't get it where I live, and I posted a link stating the ice sheet is growing, and there's been a 10 year cooling period. There's also a big yellow ball in the sky called the sun that has a bigger effect on the climate then we ever will. The science is far from settled as many scientists disagree and more and more people every day are seeing the hysteria for what it is. The younger generation has had a steady diet of global warming for years, has nothing to do with t.v. I like being called a denier.


Nice laker Holdfast.

Thanks by the way that Laker was the very first post I put on the Board. I was called a Liar when I said I caught it with 1 foot of water with about 8 feet of Ice. A couple of auger lengths. If it wasn't for the Ranger, pictured with me (Northern Peoples Military Reserves for Canadian Sovereignty) who caught one prior under the ice, I would of never thought it possible. However that lake is tied to the Bearing Sea and supposedly has tides.

Since then Ive been hooked on this Board.

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