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Posted (edited)

As some of you guys know I was struggling to get the speed down on my '07 40hp 4 stroke Yamaha.

I was at my camp with the family last week and finally had time to work on it.


Ultimately the best improvement was achieved by adjusting the idle screw.

By doing that I got the boat down to 1.8mph going forward, and 1.6 backtrolling.


I also installed Nauticus Protroller Smart Tabs and was keen to see what improvement I'd get with those:




Do I like them? When they're in the "up" position the improvement in boat performance is remarkable.

My boat now goes up on plane instantly with very little throttle, maybe 1/4 throttle max.

Prior to installing the tabs my boat surfed and pounded over even the smallest waves. Doesn't do that anymore.

The tabs push the back end up and keep the nose of the boat down eliminating the surfing. Very smooth ride, very impressed.


Now in the down position for trolling they're just not worth the money imo. As mentioned by adjusting the idle screw I was able to get the speed down to 1.8mph going forward.

With the tabs down speed dropped to 1.6. Not enough of an improvement to justify the extra cost as far as I'm concerned.


I'd recommend the regular "smart tabs" for an improvement in performance, but stay away from the protrollers.


Now, about the legalites of caching boats.

Earlier in June BillM and Moosebunk were up at the camp and they helped me drag a small 12' tinny down into a back lake near my camp.

This particular back lake is accessed via the lake my 74 year old uncle has his camp on. The main reason I put the boat there was for him, so that fishing this lake would be easier for him.

There's a long trail leading to the lake, at the end of which is my boat and 2 others that look as though they've been there for 20 years.

Most people don't go this way as there's a shorter trail to the right that skirts a series of rapids..


Anyhow I brought the family over for a day trip last week. Amazingly when I got to the end of the trail I found stickers on all the boats from the mnr.

Basically stating it's illegal to cache boats and they must be removed by Oct 1st or they'll be seized by the crown.

I can only assume that someone with a more eco-tourist bent and an axe to grind found the boats and called the mnr in Kirkland Lake. :wallbash:


I honestly cannot believe that someone would do that, but whatever.

Considering the staffing situation I'm amazed the mnr would take the time and manpower to fly into a lake and do that.

It's a part of the culture in northern ON, everybody does it. Don't really understand what the issue is.


In any case I've now got to make the time to head up there in late Sept to take care of the situation....time that I don't have.

I will be calling the mnr to express my feelings on the matter.


As far as fishing went last week it was outstanding.

There's a large clay flat on my lake and I caught walleyes consistently all week long trolling harnesses in 25-30' of water.

Beyond the boat issue the trip to the back lake was a huge success and both kids caught a bunch.

Here's a nice walleye that my 5 year old caught (she was proud of herself :) ) and a few we kept for dinner.





Edited by Mike Borger

I'd leave a note on my cached boat with my name and number, and a quick blurb about what I do to people who steal from me!! That's Bull IMO. I have a few boats in out of the way places too..........now you have me wondering............please let us know what you find out.




I can't believe the MNR can do that.....that stinks


what about the 100s of boats left at lakes by fishing camps/lodges.....I know of a few camps were the back lakes are the bread and butter of their business, I know camps that have boats cached so they can go through so small lakes/ponds to get to their minnow traps

and what about trappers many have them just to get across ponds swamps...that's crap

Posted (edited)
  Sinker said:
I'd leave a note on my cached boat with my name and number, and a quick blurb about what I do to people who steal from me!! That's Bull IMO. I have a few boats in out of the way places too..........now you have me wondering............please let us know what you find out.




Yeah it's bull. I'll definitely let you know bud.



  Terry said:
I can't believe the MNR can do that.....that stinks


what about the 100s of boats left at lakes by fishing camps/lodges.....I know of a few camps were the back lakes are the bread and butter of their business, I know camps that have boats cached so they can go through so small lakes/ponds to get to their minnow traps

and what about trappers many have them just to get across ponds swamps...that's crap


Terry that's exactly what I thought. My guess is if anyone actually complained they'd be forced to take action just as in my case.


  Syn said:
Where was you idle screw located? Is it hard to get to?


There's 3 carb's on my motor, each carb has a screw. DO NOT touch the top 2 screws, it's the bottom screw that you adjust closest to the throttle linkage.


Easy to get at no problem at all.

Edited by solopaddler
Posted (edited)

The MNR should focus their efforts on catching poachers and boozers on the water.


Give me a break.


Great report and fish pics Mike.Your daughter may be outfishing you in the near future.

Edited by Mike the Pike

thats stupid! there are TONS of boats stashed around all these lakes i got to and some lakes the only option you have is to walk into them. even at the more popular lakes that you can drive to theres still boats all over the place, probably some tree hugger made the complaint.....







something similar happend to me, i had been leaving my boat in this back area on this little lake up north , and had had it there since opener, until one of my family friends who lives up there and who would keep an eye on it for me called me and said that one of the neighbors were complaining .. and well this neighbor doesnt live on the lake or anything ! but apparently the neighbor was jealous that i could keep my boat there but he couldnt ?.. so he called and complained.. and the mnr had came and just like you there was a ticket saying sumthing along the lines of,


"while you were out, we stopped by and that you must remove boat and other belongings off the site before a certain time.. or it will be impounded" or sumthing along the lines of that ..


lets just say i was not a happy camper.. though i did move my boat.. and well ya it sucks i couldnt leave it there.. but its now getting more use on the local lakes


Wish I had of known about those things before I installed a Happy Troller on my 50 Honda that ended up cracking my foot.


BTW how is the new motor pushing the SSV along with 3 or more full of gear.I can only assume she flies along the water now.

  Mike the Pike said:
Wish I had of known about those things before I installed a Happy Troller on my 50 Honda that ended up cracking my foot.


BTW how is the new motor pushing the SSV along with 3 or more full of gear.I can only assume she flies along the water now.


Like I said in my post Mike the tabs do very little to slow the boat down. Performance is enhanced hugely though.

She kicks along at 30mph with 3 guys and gear now. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking about this thread over the long weekend while I was up north. Plenty of cached boats about.


I was wondering if someone couldn't have printed up the stickers and applied them hoping to cut down the "competition" on "their" lakes.


Also, there is one guy on craigslist that I have noticed always seems to have a new supply of 12 footers for sale.








sp thanks for the review ive been wanting to hear from someone who uses the tabs. interesting situation with the cached boats, we have 5 on 2 lakes and havent heard anything, hope you post the results as you look into it.


getting a boat cache is no big deal. go to the mnr and request the boat cache form and when it is approved they should give you numbers to put on your boat to make it legal. I got 2 boats cached in nw ontario and have had no problems from mnr by following the process.

  grt1 said:
getting a boat cache is no big deal. go to the mnr and request the boat cache form and when it is approved they should give you numbers to put on your boat to make it legal. I got 2 boats cached in nw ontario and have had no problems from mnr by following the process.


I'm assuming that was a few years ago.

Unless the person I talked to at Kirkland Lake outright lied to me it's now illegal. Has been for almost a couple years now....


Careful though, there are commercial caches and private caches. Private caches are often used to leave boats to navigate to another lake or river or to get you to a cabin or outpost. They will assign your cached boat a reg. number. If the number is followed by "PT", P=private and T=transport, you cannot fish from that boat. It's for transport only. Weird but that's the way it is...or at least that's the way I read it.

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