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After reading the rave reviews about Seafoam in the other thread I stopped in at Napa and bought a couple of cans on my way to work.

I've got a question though that the guy at Napa couldn't answer. On the can it says it treats 30-95L of gas, that's a huge range!

How much should I put in my standard 6gal. outboard tank? :dunno:

  bigbuck said:
Drop in half of the can if the engine is not too bad, the whole thing if it runs like kaka.


Makes sense. That's what I likely would have done anyway.


Mike, which vehicle are you planning on doing this to? Don't both the Accord and the Nissan have low miles? You shouldn't have that much build up yet, especially with all the highway driving you do.


Personally, I'd disconnect the vacuum tube going to the brake booster and do it that way. But be prepared for a GIANT smoke show :)

  BillM said:
Mike, which vehicle are you planning on doing this to? Don't both the Accord and the Nissan have low miles? You shouldn't have that much build up yet, especially with all the highway driving you do.


Personally, I'd disconnect the vacuum tube going to the brake booster and do it that way. But be prepared for a GIANT smoke show :)


No worries there I'm running it through my outboard.


Here is a copy of some info from a motorcycle forum were the question was " Can I leave seafoam in my oil "


Sea Foam is an OIL PRODUCT, not a chemical, so do not worry about any secondary affects.


Have you used Sea Foam in your fuel?, Read the attachments for more information.


If your bikes engine began to create enough residue to "STICK" part of your valve train, IT IS TIME TO GET THAT OLD OIL OUT OF THERE!


Yes, the Sea Foam cleans the old deteriorated oil back to liquid, but your crankcase oil will quickly make more residue, your oil has reached the end of its SERVICEABLE LIFE!


Change your oil, read the attachment I have given on CRANKCASE OIL, treat the NEW oil with Sea Foam at 1 1/2 ounces per quart of oil capacity, then MONITOR YOUR OIL and change it when it gets dirty.


Oil is still cheaper than an engine!


Thanks for using Sea Foam!


Attachments with the reply:


Attachment 1:


Sea Foam Motor Treatment used in Crankcase Oil

All Gasoline and Diesel, Rotary style engines


Sea Foam Motor Treatment is a Blended Petroleum Product, NOT A CHEMICAL and is widely used as an old oil residue cleaner and moisture drier in any oil crankcase.


Sea Foam Motor Treatment is most commonly used as a pre service, old oil residue re-liquefier / cleaner and moisture drier, and is also used as an after service additive. Sea Foam Motor Treatment does NOT add significantly to oil volume, so removing oil is NOT required for use, when used according to printed directions on the product container.


1. As a PRE SERVICE CLEANER for old oil residue, (sticky rings or valve train noise), pour 1 ½ ounces of Sea Foam Motor Treatment into the engine oil crankcase for EACH quart of crankcase oil capacity including filter. (Diesels use 1 pint Sea Foam to 4 gallons of oil, please.) Drive a MINIMUM of 30 minutes/miles, MAXIMUM 100 miles, and then do your oil change service (LOF). This is the process of safely/slowly re liquefying the old oil residue so contaminants may flow and be filtered. This also makes your old oil dirtier, quickly, so a LOF service is necessary when the oil gets dirty. Great for Turbocharged & Supercharged applications where hot oils deteriorate so quickly due to heat, and leaves those residues that NEED CLEANING. (LOF = Lube oil & Filter service = OIL CHANGE).


2. As an AFTER SERVICE ADDITIVE into fresh oil, nearly fresh oil, or oil (used condition) that is NOT ready to be changed (by mileage), put 1 ½ ounces Sea Foam Motor Treatment into the crankcase per quart of capacity as described above, then SELF SET a program to MONITOR your oil for level, color and clarity on a mileage, timed, or event basis (like every time you add fuel, etc.) to determine when an oil service is necessary. (LOF) When the oil gets dirty, CHANGE IT!


Sea Foam Motor Treatment will safely and slowly re liquefy old oil residue, This will make your oil need changing BEFORE your normal scheduled LOF service. Only your monitoring of the oil for color and clarity can tell when it is time to do LOF - oil change service, or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first.


Synthetic oils, both blends and 100%, were engineered and are manufactured to be 100% compatible with petroleum based oils, all brands, and vice/versa. Without compatibility, oil manufacturers and engineers would be liable for the results of mixing non-compatible lubricants.


Check your oil; monitor its level, color & clarity to determine need for LOF service!

Change your oil when it gets dirty!


Technical Services Department May 2008 DD

Sea Foam Sales Company


Attachment 2:


Sea Foam Uses in Fuels


Sea Foam Motor Treatment #’s SF-16 (16 ounce), SF-128 (gallon container) and

SF-55 (a 55 gallon drum) is used as a fuel additive in Gasoline, Ethanol Blends, Gas/oil mixes & ALL Diesel fuels. This includes all brands and qualities of available fuels.


When added to these fuels, Sea Foam Motor Treatment was specifically designed to Safely do five (5) simple tasks for you. They are:


1. Sea Foam Motor Treatment is a 100% blended petroleum product. That means Sea Foam is OIL, so adding Sea Foam to ANY fuel, adds lubricity to Fuel systems, Induction systems (Including Drawn through Supercharged applications), upper cylinders, fuel pumps, and related fuel system & Exhaust (Turbocharged) components.

All fuels lack “Protecting” lubrication, Advantage: “Sea Foam”.


2. Sea Foam Motor Treatment contains an oil component that dries fuel system moisture. Moisture breaks down into its basic components of hydrogen and oxygen when Sea Foam Motor Treatment is added to any of the above listed fuels, allowing Sea Foam Motor Treatment to help eliminate problems caused by moisture, like diesel fuel gelling and poor run .Advantage: “Sea Foam”.


3. Sea Foam Motor Treatment contains an oil based high detergent fuel residue cleaner. Using Sea Foam Motor Treatment in your fuel system makes that old fuel residue safely back into liquid. Moisture becomes a “non issue” and allows contaminants to be filtered, as engineered by the manufacturer.

Advantage: “Sea Foam”.


4. Sea Foam Motor Treatments exclusive formula is blended specifically to clean carbon out of the engine as the engine is run. This is accomplished by our cleaning oil formula eliminating old sticky oil residue that holds carbon and allowing that carbon to flow out of the engine dust particle by dust particle. Advantage: “Sea Foam”.


5. Sea Foam Motor Treatment adds volatility to fuel and slows down the rate at which that fuel looses its ability to properly burn. When added to fuel and the fuel is in properly sealed containers or fuel systems, per printed container instructions, Sea Foam Motor Treatment is a fuel stabilizer for up to 2 years. Always run the engine for a long enough period of time to assure the entire system is protected.

Advantage: “Sea Foam”.


Technical Services Department

Sea Foam Sales Company


Updated May, 2008 DD


Last Attachment:


Sea Foam Amounts in Fuel


4 Cycle Type Engines


Rotary (Wankel)

2 Cycle type Engines




Sea Foam Products recommends an average of 1 ounce Sea Foam Motor Treatment to each gallon of Gasoline (including 10% & 15% ethanol) and Diesel fuel (including low sulfur & Ultra Low Sulfur blends). With any vehicle or system FACTORY DESIGNED for E-85 fuel, use 2 ounces Sea foam per gallon of the fuel.



Parameters are: 1 – 16 ounce can of Sea Foam Motor Treatment to a MINIMUM of 8 gallons of fuel, Maximum 25 gallons fuel to a 16 ounce can for maintenance. Follow the instructions above for OIL INJECTED engines also. (NO Sea Foam Motor Treatment ever goes into the oil reserve tank for oil injection).



***For all gas/oil mixed fuels (2 cycle) and E-85 Ethanol to be used in systems NOT specifically factory designed for E-85 fuels, DOUBLE the amount of Sea Foam Motor Treatment used per gallon.



Sea Foam Motor Treatment is blended OIL, and will not run a gasoline, Gas/oil mix or Ethanol engine without introducing HYDROCARBONS (gasoline / ethanol) to the mixture at a minimum 50%.



Fuel injector cleaning machines in a controlled environment use Sea Foam Motor Treatment as their safe Cleaning agent mixed with gasoline or ethanol blend at a ratio of 50% Gasoline/Ethanol blend & 50% Sea Foam Motor Treatment.




Technical Services Department

Sea Foam Sales Company

Minneapolis, Minnesota


For those that have oil injected outboards, do you guys put in the gas tank and oil tank? Or just in the gas tank? Or does it not matter? I have only put it in the gas tank.

  Fish4Eyes said:
For those that have oil injected outboards, do you guys put in the gas tank and oil tank? Or just in the gas tank? Or does it not matter? I have only put it in the gas tank.


Just in the gas tank.

You don't want to thin out the oil.

  solopaddler said:
The mechanic at Hastings told me to use a capful of fuel stabilizer in each tank for preventative maintenance.


I have herd that as well from other marine mechanics.

  solopaddler said:
The mechanic at Hastings told me to use a capful of fuel stabilizer in each tank for preventative maintenance.


I use the seafoam as a stabilizer. Its just a bonus that it keeps my fuel system clean at the same time. I must admit, I don't run it in every tank........but most of the time I do. I'd say at least 80% of the fuel that runs thru my engine has seafoam in it. If I fill up and plan on trolling the whole tank away, I'll say screw it, then add a little extra for the next time I'm taking a good run.


My engine is a '93 40HP 2 stroke and it runs like a dream.......always has. Good thing too, its a pull start :) Two pulls from a cold start........every time......one half pull after that. I run it at least twice a week from april till december, and through some real nasty stuff in the fall chasing ducks. I"d love to know how many hours are on it, I'm sure I'm well into the thousands......


Preventative maintenance is the way to go for sure.



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