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HELP!!!!!!! ( NF)


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In about two weeks we will have our family vacation. My daughter has asked me if we can take her two best :unsure::w00t: friends (girls) with us. Well, the basic staff is already arranged. Tent trailer on the shores of Kamaniskeg lake with huge sandy beach.. This is part of it. How can I keep them busy and interested :dunno: .

Apart from swimming, fishing, little bit of local geo-catching, some survival skills, what can I do for them to make it memorable ?. Appreciate any suggestions. :worthy:

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I feel your pain, however the good news is that 13 year old girls do not want to be activitied to death. They will find many things to do all on thier own. That is why you want to make sure there are no 13 - 15 year old boys around......

One of the best things I remenber is just discovering things on my own as I was growing up, and I have found with my kids, all four of them, the unsupervised, or so they thought, time was the most fun.

Remember how mature you thought you were at that age? Let them think that as well. Just keep an eye out.

Good luck! it should be fun.

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TJ just went through this with girls the same age. He can probably help you. Of course at his camp he has home theatre, internet etc. :lol:

Keram, I'm sure that fishing swimming, survival skills will all be fun for them Don't forget, they are best friends so they welcome the fact that they can stay up and chat and laugh all night. (bring ear plugs)


Good luck ...looking forward to the report.

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three 16 year old boys should keep them busy




LOL that would scare the heck out of you


but it would make time fly by for them



Over my dead body :lol: . My older daughter tried this trick some 10 years ago. The "boys" still have no idea what "hit" them :lol:

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In about two weeks we will have our family vacation. My daughter has asked me if we can take her two best :unsure::w00t: friends (girls) with us. Well, the basic staff is already arranged. Tent trailer on the shores of Kamaniskeg lake with huge sandy beach.. This is part of it. How can I keep them busy and interested :dunno: .

Apart from swimming, fishing, little bit of local geo-catching, some survival skills, what can I do for them to make it memorable ?. Appreciate any suggestions. :worthy:


Give them money and cellphones. They'll leave you alone.



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An afternoon/evening at the nearest local town with a theatre. It was always a big kick as teens to go to the local Bijou. Maybe hit the local Dairy stand for ice cream. Find a mini-putt or cart track.

Thanks, I will add your suggestions to my growing list of possibilities. I'll see what is available in the area

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3? 13?!? No offence, but the most fun they'll have will probably be on their own...as long as you make them think they have the freedom to go do what they want, they'll have a blast :) One or two half-days spent on an "outing" (go-karts, geo-caching, checking out the nearest town) will probably give you the quality time you desire, and give them the freedom they want :) Good luck...let us know how it goes :)

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