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Wow Micheal Jackson died... NF


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I don't think that an internet fishing community is the right place for people to share offensive and non-fishing related views and opinions. Doing so reflects on the individuals and sadly, it reflects on this community as a whole.


I'm voting to see this thread closed and encourage others to stop adding negative comments to it.

the only thing I see offensive is his life style and this forum has a long history of non fishing threads, it's what makes it different and the best around..............don't open non fishing threads and your tender morals will not be offended

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Hell? I suppose this opens up a whole new can of worms (fitting analogy for this website), but when we die, that's it - there is nothing else. Before anyone jumps on that, I've stated my belief as fact just as was done earlier in this thread.

Sorry to snip your reply but wanted to isolate this statement and say...Good luck with that buddy.No malice intended and I hope you figure it out one day.


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I have to agree......GREAT forum..........GREAT people.......today we might disagree on this but tomorrow we are still friends.........I have seen total strangers on this forum volunteer their time to repair someone truck, car, boat, dock you name it.......... never seen that anywhere else.

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I don't think that an internet fishing community is the right place for people to share offensive and non-fishing related views and opinions. Doing so reflects on the individuals and sadly, it reflects on this community as a whole.


I'm voting to see this thread closed and encourage others to stop adding negative comments to it.




Just consider it a thread that gives you a deeper insight into the guys you are fishing with. I'm not saying any are right or wrong.

You can read it or not, but if you do, you can sit and think. OK, I will fish with that guy, and that guy, I won't.

It does reflect on the comunity as a whole. Shows wether we can discuss a topic other than fishing and offer opinions. Do we fight about differing opinions, or offer intelligently written opposing opinions. Sometimes we gotta talk about more than just fishing to get to know each other.

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got the lads settled in for the nite


Bass is Exciting for us old farts...go figure






Two Codas--am of the same mind


did not approve of the cats life-style--Chimps and Plush Toys and a cool million for the Elephant Mans Bones--Side Show Geek material to be sure



having said that-- having wood-shedded at Berklee College of Music -Boston for 3 years in the early 80's--an Amazing Talent was Michael Jackson


Truly gifted!


Amazing Musician by any standard




Mr.Timberlake should be paying Royalities as long as he walks this planet





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Just leave the accusations alone. The guy was found innocent, settled by a court of law. If you or I feel differently then that is our own personal problem. He has now passed on :angel: to a :worthy: greater judge, let him sort it all out. Just remember the little psycho for his entertainment value to society. :w00t:

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No one gets to take anyone on with charges like that unless there is some evidence somewhere.


I don't know about that, a guy I knew was accused by his 14yr old step-daughter. The only evidence was her word. Went through all the police, court and laywer stuff. I had a hard time believing it but who knows? He had a good job in the government driving around an Ontario Minister, lost it. Basically his life was trashed and 6 months later she said he didn't do anything, she was just trying to get her mothers attention because mom was focused on him too much. Charges dropped. The problem is he has been painted with that brush and no amount of cleaning will get it off, some think he did something still and others don't. Last I heard he moved somewhere up north to escape all the finger pointing. Sad for all involved.


As for Mikey, I think the hush money for the first kid was a big mistake. IF he didn't do anything it just opened the doors for others to come along and try and get their piece of the pie. I believe there are some out there that would stoop to that level and use their kids as a stepping stone to a better life which is almost as bad if not worse.

Edited by Lowe Rider
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well, the problem was they did the civil trial before the criminal trial, he settled out of court on the condition that they would never speak about it ever again, so they refused to be part of the criminal case and the state had to drop it...

but not guilty my azz


The civil trials were done first because the parents were more concerned about striking it rich then they were about the wellfare of their children. I don't know whether or not he ever abused those children. However, I am pretty sure that the parents had the lawsuits planned out before the children ever visited Michael Jackson.

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