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Well I have been away from the board for some time as I have been sick for the past few weeks.


Now that I am feeling better I hit the boat today looking forward to the 'ski opener.


Big wind and big waves...nothing new including no big fish...the weather this season just plain sucks.


Decided to get outta the wind this afternoon and went up the back channel behind Big Island on Pigeon Lake.


I noticed a large group of boats concentrated around the middle of the Island so I went over to see what was up.


A very large for sale sign has appeared...everyone was looking at it dumbfounded.


It reads: For Sale, 1,120 Acre Island approved for 95 waterfront lots.


Now I always thought that this was either Crown land or belonged to the township of CKL :dunno:


I have taken a pic of it not the greatest quality...




There are no services that go to this Island that I am aware of and it has the nicest natural shoreline in the area.


Why mess this up.


Here is another pic looking south...was a popular fishing spot today.




Anyone else got any info on this being for sale?


All I managed today were a bunch of WGSF :lol:

  GCD said:
I think you and the Addy should buy it and donate one of the 95 lots to me and Ol' Yeller... we'd be much obliged yanno! ;)


If I had that kind of money I would buy and it leave it undeveloped as is.


You should buy one of the nice half million dollar jobs just south of there at the former Three Bouys House Boats...


Only one is finished and another has been started :rolleyes:


Thats been in the works for a very long time that is why they shutdown tall cedars it was meant to be the acess point over to the island its to bad really i have always enjoyed a shore lunch and a sleep there

nice area to fish got some decent ski"s around it

  JeffBornFishin said:
If I had that kind of money I would buy and it leave it undeveloped as is.


You should buy one of the nice half million dollar jobs just south of there at the former Three Bouys House Boats...


Only one is finished and another has been started :rolleyes:



Half a million dollars? You wish! Double that and you might be getting close.


This Big Island development has been in the works for at least a couple years. My understanding is that the shoreline, for the most part, is to remain undisturbed. The houses all need to be set-back at least 100' (may have even been 200') from the shore.


The one house completed at Three Bouys is owned by a friend of my neighbour and they have similiar restrictions in place. He is not allowed a dock on his shoreline and also not allowed any landscaping within a certain distance of the shore. There is a central lagoon/marina on the property and all boats must be kept there. Funny thing is, with only one home built, all kinds of brand-new docking appeared in the lagoon over this past winter. There looks to be enough slips for every property on-site, must be included with your lot.


I would imagine the Big Island development would also have some sort of centralized marina for the residents but I could be wrong.

  JeffBornFishin said:
You should buy one of the nice half million dollar jobs just south of there at the former Three Bouys House Boats...



I rented from 3 Bouys Houseboats around 1987.......they had great NEW 40' houseboats that year. One of the best vacations I ever spent with my family and in-laws......


As far as the no dock restriction now imposed on that property but rather a marina where you must dock your boat.... that sounds like something the land developer got passed to further enrich his pockets......otherwise it really makes no sense to me.


The sad part is someone will buy it, and it will get developed at some point. Why can't people just leave good things alone. Friggen mighty dollar rules all!!


I've always wondered who actually owned that island, and why there were no buildings on it. Its a great spot for shore lunch!




Money rules. You can't stop progress, especially when it's backed by money. Rest assured that if the dollars make sense it will sell, and it will be developed. Perhaps the tax situation in the Kawarthas is better than in the Muskokas. That alone could draw crowds of end users.




Hopefully some sap will buy it, and the final plan won't be approved...... :).......it is just a draft for now. I'm sure residents in the area aren't going to be too happy about this either, as well as the thousands of people who use the island for recreation. I think it should be donated to someone who will preserve it.......... I know, I'm dreaming!!!




What you need to do is get one of MANY good do'ers that reside here in WNY and rally the troops to prevent any progress on that island.....they have been VERY successful here doing just that. Walmart has been there biggest target but just about anything that is ever proposed here has some kind of group or another rise up and defeat the building of ANY job bearing progress in WNY........why you can't even cut down your own tree here now a days because of these people.......without saying we have no jobs here any longer, everything basically has pulled out of WNY.....


But anyways I am sure in today's economy it will be many years before the island is fully developed if ever.... living on a island can be a pain in the ass once you realize you need to boat over each and every time you want to do something on or off the island. That means is BAD weather as well as in good weather....I turned down a sweet deal on a private cottage on a island in Stoney Lake once I realized it was on a island..... been there, done that.



  Sinker said:
Hopefully some sap will buy it, and the final plan won't be approved...... :).......it is just a draft for now. I'm sure residents in the area aren't going to be too happy about this either, as well as the thousands of people who use the island for recreation. I think it should be donated to someone who will preserve it.......... I know, I'm dreaming!!!




Unless you and others who think that way can convince the gov't to buy it and turn it into a conservation or whatever. But there's a limit to the governement's ability to fund conservation of natural areas. If there's money to be made to help the region survive (taxes and jobs) and there's no compelling reason to stop development (environmental and ecological) then it will probably happen once the demand exceeds the cost for a developer. If you were a grocery store owner in the nearest community would you be wanting to stop this? Or if you ran a marina, or a hardware store, or were a builder ....


It's easy for us to watch at a distance and criticize but the real issue is what does it mean locally. We'd all love to see nature protected and preserved so we can enjoy it on our 2 week summer holidays but what about the folks who are toughing it out all year in that area you enjoy fleetingly? Don't you think they'd enjoy a bigger retail season to make the winter off-season easier to survive?


As the years go by and development and greed consumes our natural areas we're all gonna have to learn to go farther afield to enjoy nature.


Guys like Solo have got it figgered. They go far enuf that greed and avarice won't take away their playgrounds while they still can play. We all need to take a page from their books cuz greed and avarice wait for no man.


Dayum! I'm in a negatively philosophical mood today. Must be cuz I spent too much time out in the sun cleaning the pool and gardening. Also cuz I had a rather large deal take a left turn on me this week. I can be philosophical about nature but when my bank account takes a hit I get really really pizzed. <_<



  BITEME.Esq said:
Thats been in the works for a very long time that is why they shutdown tall cedars it was meant to be the acess point over to the island its to bad really i have always enjoyed a shore lunch and a sleep there

nice area to fish got some decent ski"s around it



Ehg had a cottage at Tall Cedars for over 25 years, him and I have fished that lake for close to 12 years now, and let me tell you just how this will destroy one of the greatest muskie runs ever. This is what happens when you put a price on things, when will they see that some things can not be sold. Build build build, when will it ever stop, is what we got not enough?


Oh look, life, lets kill it!


an old Cree saying goes,








  Dude said:
an old Cree saying goes,










Have to say I find that saying pretty ironic.

The Cree of northern Quebec sold their souls to Quebec Hydro so that several huge areas of their native territory could be flooded and hydro-electric generators built.

The environmental destruction engendered by these mega projects is so vast and far-reaching that even Hydro-Quebec spokespeople have admitted that the consequences are incalculable.

  BITEME.Esq said:
Thats been in the works for a very long time that is why they shutdown tall cedars it was meant to be the acess point over to the island its to bad really i have always enjoyed a shore lunch and a sleep there

nice area to fish got some decent ski"s around it


Family had a trailer at Tall Cedars for nearly 30 yrs. until it was sold and shutdown.

Former Nortel executive bought it, split it into 3 lots, sold them and moved on.


Still fish Pigeon Lake in that area and have seen actually lighter fishing pressure there than the late 70's and 80's.

Remember counting 87 boats fishing around Red Rock, Roetzels area in 1979 or so on summer Saturday night.

Now lucky if there 5-10 boats fishing there at similar time. Musky seem to be as plentiful as ever. Seem to catch one everytime up there.


There has been talk of development of Boyd(Big) Island forever. People are more into wakeboarding and jetskiing it seems, fishing is still good up that way. Not a disaster yet.


Busy up there on long weekends, lake is practically empty of traffic in May, June and Sept.-Nov.

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