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CTC has some pfd's on sale right now at a fairly good price. But after checking them out (made in china) and comparing them to a comparably rated mustang unit they look kinda cheap. But the mustang unit is quite a bit more expensive.


Is the extra cost worth it - or am I paying for a name ?


Anyone have any experience with these things ?


If they are CGC and TC approved then they must have passed a couple of critical tests, however, like you say, who knows how long they stand up, when the stitching starts to unravel, etc. I've got some old mustang products and still trust them, the imported safety stuff won't be on my boat.


Spending a few grand on a boat and cheaping out on the thing that may save your life does not make sense.

Get inflatables...worth the $200 cause you will wear it. All life jackets suck if they are on the seat when you get tossed.


If you're waring it a lot, the first priority is: is it comfortable enough to ware all day?


If you're getting them so that you have enough for visitors on your boat and they may or may not ware them all the time. Go for it.



I thought all PFD's had a "expiration date" anyway???




Dont buy inflatables

why because they are mechanical and here is the big dollar word they are not inherintally bouyant do you want to rely on a little trigger mech when you go over the side of a boat. Oh gee i hope this works. or you are unconcious when you are going over the side not a good time for it not to work. dont get me wrong most say 99.9% uptime for me being life safety its that .1 that swings the decision for me

I bought a vest eary last year for 2 purposes 1 was fishing and the other rescue work it has massive mobility and is very bouyant. How do I know about the bouyancy i have river tested it fully clothed with as much weight on me that I would normall have and with work boots.


Do not cheap out on this piece of gear Personal Life Safety is a Must.


Try Salus Marine


Just my 2 cents

  BITEME.Esq said:
why because they are mechanical and here is the big dollar word they are not inherintally bouyant do you want to rely on a little trigger mech when you go over the side of a boat. Oh gee i hope this works. or you are unconcious when you are going over the side not a good time for it not to work.


Thats kinda my feeling on them..........kinda like a parachute,..............i will never skydive, mainly..............because of that margin for error. Oops, pulled the chord, chute didnt open..........splat


ya i agree, what if the boat tips and you hit your head and you go in the drink? i stick with traditional life jackets, i found one that i like and is comfortable when fishing ad i leave it on the whole time, only taking it off to take clothes off underneath and thats it.


Thanks for the input guys. I have to keep within a bit of a budget and whether you like them or not the inflatables are too dear for me. But I was able to negotiate a bit with the sports dept mgt at CTC (a bit of a plug for the CTC guys). They didn't have the size I wanted in the el-cheapo line (convenient actually) so I offered to purchase a couple of the mustang jackets they had also marked down a bit at the end of the isle. He didn't discount them as much as they did the el-cheapo line but he did knock another 35% or so off - so for about $110 (regular tag price was $86 each) I got two fairly nice jackets that should last me a long time.


Evidently a PFD isn't worth a hoot!!!


... I've seen lots of pics of members in boats fishing in "cold" conditions, over cold water and not wearing a PFD!!!



... please ignore my signature!


I see a lot of references to life jackets when talking about PDF"s. I want to make sure you all know there is a big difference between a life jacket and a PDF. Like the life jacket will keep your head out of the water if you were to pass out and hit the drink. On the other hand life jackets are unconfortable and I can't see anyone wearing one all day long.


All commercial vessels from cruise ships to guide boats are mandated to use life jackets and not PDF's.

Posted (edited)
  MAzing said:
I see a lot of references to life jackets when talking about PDF"s. I want to make sure you all know there is a big difference between a life jacket and a PDF. Like the life jacket will keep your head out of the water if you were to pass out and hit the drink. On the other hand life jackets are unconfortable and I can't see anyone wearing one all day long.


All commercial vessels from cruise ships to guide boats are mandated to use life jackets and not PDF's.



A life jacket is a PFD... it's a type I PFD.


There are 5 types of PFD's




... a PDF is a computer file. ;)



I like the inflatables, why?... for 2 reasons.


1. They're comfortable enough to wear all day... I've come home from a day of fishing and started to take my clothes off in the house and realized I still had my PFD on...Like Rick and others have said, they don't work too good if you aren't wearing it.


2. It is classified as a type III with type II performance meaning it may keep your head out if the water if you're unconscious.


... as far as the mechanism goes... meh!

Edited by GCD
  GCD said:
A life jacket is a PFD... it's a type I PFD.


There are 5 types of PFD's




... a PDF is a computer file. ;)



I like the inflatables, why?... for 2 reasons.


1. They're comfortable enough to wear all day... I've come home from a day of fishing and started to take my clothes off in the house and realized I still had my PFD on...Like Rick and others have said, they don't work too good if you aren't wearing it.


2. It is classified as a type III with type II performance meaning it may keep your head out if the water if you're unconscious.


... as far as the mechanism goes... meh!


When I think back to all the dumb go-faster stuff we did in boats in our younger years I have no problem travelling on the water now sans pfd. The law says I gotta have one on the boat. Cool. But the law of averages says I'm bulletproof now. The reality is I'm not likely to ever do anything as stupid in boats as I did as a kid. The only time a pfd might have come in handy was the time as teenagers (old enuf to know better) we head-oned two boats whilst jousting (don't even ask) and one of the guys went over the bow at full tilt, whacking his skull on the other boat's gun'l and sinking to the bottom unconscious. We were there immediately and went in the water after him (it was only 5' deep) and had him back in the boat within seconds - literally. He was unconscious from the whack on the skull but breathing fine so we took him home to his momma. She went batshit on us, but it was fleeting as she wanted to get him medical attention. We just stayed away from his dock and house for a while after that event. She chilled eventually. He went on to an enviable career as a high school teacher near Barrie, etc etc etc.


My point is that I'll take me chances with a device somewhere within reach on the boat that will keep me afloat for that improbable occasion I'll need it. I really don't wanna be burdened with gear that isn't adding to my fun while on the water. I've survived over 6 decades now with that attitude so I'm willing to take my chances from here on in. By the by - I'm purty durned comfy in the water. I've floated several miles off shore innumerable times in the Atlantic and the Caribbean while scuba diving. I don't recommend this same cavalier attitude to those a little shakey on the briny deep.


There's no shame in respecting the dangers of water. Just be aware of your own limits and comfort levels.


If I had any concerns about my own ability to survive in the water I'd probably be a huge fan of self-inflating devices, but I can buy a lot of really cool fishing crap with $200.


Your mileage may, and probably will, vary. ;)



  kickingfrog said:
I don't intend to ever get into a car accident, but I always wear my seatbelt.


A seat belt is the law. And it doesn't interfere with yer casting arm.


Do you always wear a condom just in case you meet a hot chick?



  JohnF said:
Do you always wear a condom just in case you meet a hot chick?




Who doesn't???



When it comes to PFD's, just remember John.. you're a lot older (a helluva lot), weaker, and fatter than you were in your younger days!!!


... just for an example, jump in the water without a PFD when it's nice and warm and try to get back in the boat without a ladder!... then imagine trying to do it in 45*F water...


Feel free to ignore my signature!

Posted (edited)
  GCD said:
A life jacket is a PFD... it's a type I PFD.


There are 5 types of PFD's




... a PDF is a computer file. ;)



I like the inflatables, why?... for 2 reasons.


1. They're comfortable enough to wear all day... I've come home from a day of fishing and started to take my clothes off in the house and realized I still had my PFD on...Like Rick and others have said, they don't work too good if you aren't wearing it.


2. It is classified as a type III with type II performance meaning it may keep your head out if the water if you're unconscious.


... as far as the mechanism goes... meh!


Here in Canada a PFD is not a life jacket.



Edited by MAzing
Posted (edited)
  MAzing said:
Here in Canada a PFD is not a life jacket.





PFD is an acronym for Personal Floatation Device... defined as: a device designed to keep one (1) person (thus, personal) afloat in water.




This includes (but is not limited to) life jackets, life vests, flotation cushions and rings.. etc


A life jacket is a PFD, but not all PFD's are life jackets!!!

Edited by GCD
  GCD said:
Who doesn't???



When it comes to PFD's, just remember John.. you're a lot older (a helluva lot), weaker, and fatter than you were in your younger days!!!


... just for an example, jump in the water without a PFD when it's nice and warm and try to get back in the boat without a ladder!... then imagine trying to do it in 45*F water...


Feel free to ignore my signature!


I'm actually lighter (weight-wise) than I was years ago - but certainly not stronger.


I've done enuf diving off boats to know how to find my way back aboard, even with a bunch of extra weight (in gear) hooked onto me. I figger if in the last 5 years with dive gear I've been able to clamber aboard using the outboard and lowered transom to help, I can find a way to make do without the extra weight. If I ever find myself boating in crappy conditions without a buddy on board I'll give some thought to wearing a pfd. I don't think of boating in normal conditions as any more dangerous than driving on our highways and I've suffered the worst that can offer, and survived.


Don't get me wrong. I think there's a role for pfd's for those who might be in danger if they find themselves in the water unexpectedly. I may be over confident but I really don't get all bent out of shape about having a hundred feet of water under my feet. If the water is too cold for me to handle then I better take some precautions, but under normal conditions I'll take my chances, just like we all do every time we venture out on the highways and byways.


That being said, I will never laff at anyone who chooses to wear a pfd on the water, or takes a condom on a date.



  JohnF said:
A seat belt is the law. And it doesn't interfere with yer casting arm.


Do you always wear a condom just in case you meet a hot chick?





Actually a seat belt would interfere with my casting arm. ;)


It is a personal choice, and my seatbelt comment was not directed to your particular post, but more of a general statement. I wear my seatbelt because it will save my life.


You are right, the law doesn't say you have to wear a PFD, but I'm far to intelligent to leave my safety decisions up to the government.


If you're worried about it interfering with casting you may not have tried enough pfds. I wear a paddling pfd. It doesn't interfere with advanced paddle manoeuvres and certainly does not interfere with fishing. I usually forget I have it on until I sit in my car.


No padding on the sides







Under a 2 different rain jackets:






But doesn't help you hold onto fish.





The condom analogy is so irrelevant I won't get into it, except to say that I don't need to worry about not having enough time, drunk or not, to be able to get one on before I needed it. B)


I have the type that has mesh over the shoulders.

I can wear it under any jacket or coat I own.

It doesn't get in the way of casting and it act as a layer of insulation.


I wouldn't trust my life on anything mechanical.

Seat belts where designed too save life's.

They don't tell how many life's are taken from the use of seat belts.


I like to figure how close to the water am I.


In my boat I can get up and walk around, its big enough that the risk of ending up in the water is low under nice conditions, but I'll put on a pfd if I'm messing with riggers in big waves or something that brings me closer to the water.


I won't get in a canoe without one on and I won't get in a canoe with anyone else unless she's awfully good looking.


My buddies little fishing boat scares the crap out of me.

Posted (edited)

I realize that some have reservations about the inflatable PFD's but if you go in the water unconscious a regular PFD has nothing to possibly keep your head out of the water. The inflatables have a large blown up portion at the back of your head which is supposed to roll you over and keep your head out of the water. They don't guarentee this of course...


That being said any type of PFD you wear, your far and away safer than those who don't, I'm a little too lax on this myself...


If your are considering any type of inflatable, the automatic ones should be considered for sure because if you go in with a manual one unconscious then you have nothing where a regular PFD will at least give you a fighting chance. The auto inflate ones also have a manual back-up.

Edited by caper

Lots of good tips from all.



I went thru this exact exercise 3 years ago!!!!

I tried the inflatable but found it too heavy ...to each his own!

I tried all different kinds and finally settled on one made right here in CANADA( Guelph or Kitchener!!)!!


It is a SALUS "Angler" vest

It is BY FAR the most comfortable one I have found....so far.

I usually try on anything different that I see. The SALUS ...I usually forget I have it on!!

It has so many unique and well thought out innovations that I am still finding new things about it.Pockets/hand warmeers/clips etc.

The range of motion is incredible, as I am usually tossing big Musky baits all day. As with all PFD's they should be tested by each person ...in a pool/lake etc.


http://www.salusmarine.com/Salus_2006.pdf AG770 on page 15




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