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Petition Against The Gun Registry

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The way i heard it was it also tells them who owns what and if a crime is committed with a particular caliber rifle, they could check up on people who owned one. I don't know how long this version of the regulation lasted. .


That would be the case for sure, I would love to see the stats on someone using their registered rifle going and shooting up a place were there wasn't other means to identify the shooter...

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Could someone here explain what it cost to own a firearm in Canada. I have heard so many stories I don't know what to believe. Someone told me it cost $250 for each firearm. That sounds way too much. So what is the cost for a firearm license and firearm registered.


We are always getting hammered here in the US to take away our 2nd Amendment but so far all attempts have failed. But then again they keep passing more an more laws to limit the use of firearms here. But here's what really gets me. They have PLENTY of firearm laws on the books when when they finally arrest someone violating the law they don't prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Just look at our Buffalo Bills running back Marshawn Lynch. He got caught in Kalifornia with possession of a illegal firearm. They lowered the FELONY office to a misdemeanor and basically let him off. The same thing probably will haven to Plaxico Burress from the NY Giants. He shot himself (FUNNY) in the leg at a NY City Night Club where they have a MANDATORY 3 year jail term for violating the law. The gun was once registered in Florida but that expired. He WOULD NOT get a permit in the NY City area. Even my pistol permit in invalid in NY City. He is still walking around among us while his lawyers get the charges reduced.


But anyways please answer my above questions on cost.




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Could someone here explain what it cost to own a firearm in Canada. I have heard so many stories I don't know what to believe. Someone told me it cost $250 for each firearm. That sounds way too much. So what is the cost for a firearm license and firearm registered.


We are always getting hammered here in the US to take away our 2nd Amendment but so far all attempts have failed. But then again they keep passing more an more laws to limit the use of firearms here. But here's what really gets me. They have PLENTY of firearm laws on the books when when they finally arrest someone violating the law they don't prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Just look at our Buffalo Bills running back Marshawn Lynch. He got caught in Kalifornia with possession of a illegal firearm. They lowered the FELONY office to a misdemeanor and basically let him off. The same thing probably will haven to Plaxico Burress from the NY Giants. He shot himself (FUNNY) in the leg at a NY City Night Club where they have a MANDATORY 3 year jail term for violating the law. The gun was once registered in Florida but that expired. He WOULD NOT get a permit in the NY City area. Even my pistol permit in invalid in NY City. He is still walking around among us while his lawyers get the charges reduced.


But anyways please answer my above questions on cost.





$30 for the gun test


$150 for the gun test and course


$60 to apply for a licence


Its free to regester firearms


Also, do you think if the petition got 1,000,000 signitures it would change anything?

http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/pr...king_laws-e.asp I give it to the second reading before its thrown out. But if anyone knows anyone who bribes these people, nows the time ;)

Edited by xeon
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These are the facts that get distorted by the media. They are not getting rid of firearm licences for individuals. Anybody who owns or has in their possession a firearm still will have to have a firearm licence. It's just the registering of each gun that they are trying to get rid of.


The police will still know that the occupant of a house has a firearm licence and possible has access to firearms.


Also people who have mental health issues should be picked off in the renewal process for their firearm licence.


You don't think it would be important for the police to know that an individual had say a dozen weapons including handguns, say vrs a single rifle?


You would think that getting a gun license would be difficult for someone who is mentally ill but there are privacy laws. My brother who was a schizophrenic before he committed suicide(not with a gun) had no problem getting a gun license and it was only during the waiting period that through the extraordinary efforts of my mother, that he never got the license. He would have been dangerous with a handgun. Not that he would kill someone with evil intent, rather that he was so delusional who knows what he would have done.

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1- they should always be ready for a situation with guns because there could be illegal guns anywhere. Illegal guns can be in any house just as marijuana can be in any house, not just in the residences of people with legal prescriptions for marijuana


2- mentally ill people would not pass the checks made during the Possession OR Acquisition applications. They could only get the guns illegally, in which case, having them registry is moot.

You are wrong on #2, see my previous post. Do you honestly believe that a police officer should treat every call as if the owner is armed to the teeth, with guns drawn...ready to shoot, with several police officers involved? They want to know what sort of individual is in the house and the gun registry gives them valuable information. The police once talked to me about a renter, they wanted to know what sort of individual he was, if he was violent. With guns drawn there is always the chance of accidental shooting, and I can see why they wouldn't have guns pulled every time they knocked on someone's door. Edited by scuro2
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The money wasted on a program of absolutely no benefit to society (long gun registry) would have put a MRI machine in every hospital in Canada. Wonder how many more lives that would have saved versus the zero that the gun registry has. We have had to register handguns since the 30's, has that done anything to stop violence with handguns, no.

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You don't think it would be important for the police to know that an individual had say a dozen weapons including handguns, say vrs a single rifle?


Actually...I'd say no I don't think its important.

I'd say its Nieve and dangerous.


The responding officer should respond to a call the same regardless of fire arms being registered to the subject or not...

Assuming their subject has no firearms simply because he's not in the registry is a potentially deadly assumption.

I would say the safest bet is not to make any assumptions, but treat each case seriously, and not jump to conclusions.



Just for the record...

What does the registry have to do with helping police Identify potential gun owners?

Could they not simply look at the license data base?....yup they could and it would accomplish the very same result.

Although I'd still have to say assuming that I'm more dangerous then someone who does not "APPEAR" to have fire arms simply because I do have legally registered firearms is incredibly stupid, and dangerous...not to mention insulting.


All that registry does is vilify firearms owners.

It doesn't aid police, it makes them vulnerable if they rely on it as a tool, and further more, its not working...

Its simply a massive drain on our Tax system that could potentially be going into out health care, school system, or better yet...into our police force.

That money is 10X better spent on increasing our forces.


You wanna cut crime down?

Put more boys and girls in blue out on the street...

Edited by Cookslav
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My brother who was a schizophrenic before he committed suicide(not with a gun) had no problem getting a gun license and it was only during the waiting period that through the extraordinary efforts of my mother, that he never got the license. He would have been dangerous with a handgun. Not that he would kill someone with evil intent, rather that he was so delusional who knows what he would have done.


By the way...

For the record I'm currently in that same boat.

I'm glad your mother did what she did to stop him, and I think thats the duty we face as family & freinds in that sort of situation.

My bro is ill(diagnosed psycotic/depression) , and has his license, and obtained it before he was ill, but....

The registry hasn't brought the police to his door demanding his firearms, nor does he even have a police record indicating he is ill.

The registry isn't going to stop him or anyone from getting a firearm if they are determined...be it leagally or not.


I hate to sound like a broken record, but Guns don't kill people....people do.

If he had intent, not getting his hands on a firearm is hardly going to stop him from acting out what ever delusion exsists.

Sad, but very true

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I think police would be more worried about someones previous criminal history than the type of firearms they own. I'd be more concerned responding to a call that involved someone who doesnt have a firearms licence and could have unregistered firearms but has an extensive criminal history, compared to the guy who is part of his local shooting range and owns a handgun and has all his guns registered.


I personally dont want to be in the situation where im visited by police with them having their guns drawn because I own firearms and they assumed im a risk to society. Just saying.


But really, the party who abolishes the gun registry (conservatives probably) will not get voted in again for a while because they are making a visible effort to decrease overal safety that can be targeted by the liberals. Its not gonna happen, live with the registry, if you dont commit the crime you have nothing to fear.


Can this thread be locked and removed?


And theres MUCH bigger wastes of tax money.

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I think police would be more worried about someones previous criminal history than the type of firearms they own. I'd be more concerned responding to a call that involved someone who doesnt have a firearms licence and could have unregistered firearms but has an extensive criminal history, compared to the guy who is part of his local shooting range and owns a handgun and has all his guns registered.


I personally dont want to be in the situation where im visited by police with them having their guns drawn because I own firearms and they assumed im a risk to society. Just saying.


But really, the party who abolishes the gun registry (conservatives probably) will not get voted in again for a while because they are making a visible effort to decrease overal safety that can be targeted by the liberals. Its not gonna happen, live with the registry, if you dont commit the crime you have nothing to fear.


Can this thread be locked and removed?


And theres MUCH bigger wastes of tax money.



So, despite the fact that the registry does nothing to prevent crime it increases overall safety? Well thats logical.


"if you dont commit the crime you have nothing to fear."


Except of course the eventual confiscation of your firearms and the demise of sport hunting. Might be ok with most liberal city dwellers, but then what the heck do they know about anything outside of the city?

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So, despite the fact that the registry does nothing to prevent crime it increases overall safety? Well thats logical.


"if you dont commit the crime you have nothing to fear."


Except of course the eventual confiscation of your firearms and the demise of sport hunting. Might be ok with most liberal city dwellers, but then what the heck do they know about anything outside of the city?


I guess it was kinda trickey to understand so Ill reword it for you. The liberals will target the conservatives in voting campains because they see the abolishing of the gun registry as a decrease in overal public safety, hence the reason why it was brought in in the first place. Or dont you think the liberals will use that against the conservitive party if hand gun crime throughout the projects of Toronto keeps increasing?


The gun registry and semi-auto bans are two different issues.

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I hate to sound like a broken record, but Guns don't kill people....people do.

I saw this on a t-shirt.

Guns don't kill people...they just make the bullets go a heck of a lot faster!!



The correlation between the amount of guns in a province and the death rate from guns is very robust.



*The registry was used by police 3.5 million times last year.

*78% of trained police officers use it in their day to day functions.

*81% use it in responding to service calls.

*73% of trained police officers state the registry influences the way in which they handle a call.

*81% of trained officers say it has been beneficial during major operations.


Looks like you folks have been duped and are swallowing the NRA propaganda whole. The data base is being used in a major way, and most police officers see it as a useful tool. I'd respond to all the other comments because I disagree with most of them, but there are too many.

Edited by scuro2
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NRA isnt in Canada btw so you cant use that one. :P


I personally say leave it aswell but streamline the costs. Give up trying to win, because trust me, usually anyone who owns guns is very strong on their personal beliefs.



Now is the guns in province:gun murders in province corelation based on development, population, registered firearms, un-registered firearms, stolen firearms, illegal firearms, prohibitid firearms or what? Theres allot of factors making that statistic.

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and the number one fact

the gun registry has not prevented even one violent crime

oh and did not stop one criminal from buying a illegal gun that they wanted to commit a crime with


but it cost lots for honest gun owners and is a pain in the butt


it's time has come and gone..a waste of money from the get go

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and the number one fact

the gun registry has not prevented even one violent crime

How would you ever know that? If the crime is prevented there is no statistic. If the police use that data base 3.5 million times a year, they ain't doing it check their lottery ticket numbers. :D
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Hey I have a great Idea, lets make it illegal to own any kind of a gun. Lets see


It is illegal to


. Form or be part of a gang

. To Rob a person

. To Hurt or kill a person

. to use drugs

. to carry hand knives

. To break any kind of law



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How would you ever know that? If the crime is prevented there is no statistic. If the police use that data base 3.5 million times a year, they ain't doing it check their lottery ticket numbers. :D


If the registry actually lead to preventing a crime I'm sure we'd hear all about it... seems the ones for it will say whatever they can to try and justify the $2,000,000,000 dollar price tag.


It's common to hear that enforcement accesses the database X number of times a day/year - what they don't tell you is the number is generated by routine traffic stops as the database gets a hit everytime.


I like the old "If it saves just one life it will all be worth it" bullcrap. It's yet to do that, but the money spent effectively elsewhere could save many, many, many lives in a year.

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If the registry actually lead to preventing a crime I'm sure we'd hear all about it...
Yeah right! Crime like shooting a police officer? Knowledge is a key ingredient in any successful police operation. Do you think a police officer is going to go running to the media because he didn't get shot?!??? :blink::unsure:


Remember these facts?

*73% of trained police officers state the registry influences the way in which they handle a call.

*81% of trained officers say it has been beneficial during major operations.



Back to the US example where three policemen were murdered on a domestic call. What was that all about? Apparently a pet had peed on the carpet. The killer who murdered the police officers, ambushed the first two police officers at the door by shooting them in the head. Had they known that he owned several weapons I'm sure a lot more caution would be used. The killer believed that President Obama was going to take away his rights and his guns. He owned an AK-47 rifle and several powerful handguns, including a .357 Magnum. Now do you folks honestly believe that such information wouldn't be useful to a cop coming to a domestic disturbance call, and could have prevented the death of police officer? And do you also really believe that a similar situation hasn't happened already in Canada? Ideology to the max!!!

Edited by scuro2
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I saw this on a t-shirt.

Guns don't kill people...they just make the bullets go a heck of a lot faster!!



The correlation between the amount of guns in a province and the death rate from guns is very robust.



*The registry was used by police 3.5 million times last year.

*78% of trained police officers use it in their day to day functions.

*81% use it in responding to service calls.

*73% of trained police officers state the registry influences the way in which they handle a call.

*81% of trained officers say it has been beneficial during major operations.


Looks like you folks have been duped and are swallowing the NRA propaganda whole. The data base is being used in a major way, and most police officers see it as a useful tool. I'd respond to all the other comments because I disagree with most of them, but there are too many.


So I guess this statement would also be correct. Donuts don't make you fat, Tim Horton's does. All Tim Horton's should be closed down because they are detrimental to your health............

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