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riding a sled or atv without a helmet?


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I fished Simcoe on Sunday and saw a few people riding atv and sleds (passengers mostly) without helmets. Just curious what the fine is ? Is the driver fined or the passenger with no helmet?

Edited by mikeh
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don't know the amount but


if the passenger is under age, the drive gets a fine

if the passenger is over 16

the passenger gets the fine


but as we all know the best way to avoid a fine is to










try to out run them......LOL






just kidding

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hey mike how did u make out at bbp sunday the bikes and sleds were flying by us on saturday didnt notice any helmuts not on, did u see news of lady on snowmobile trails that were closed wrap her sled around a tree and lost her life , with no helmut on and glare ice trails stupid people

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I watched one pair of helmetted snowmobile Einsteins get stopped as they dragged a third fellow on a toboggan at about 60 mph across the ice right off Innisfil Beach ... funny (only cause nobody got hurt) but they didnt get a ticket for the helmet infraction ... it seems it was CO who pulled them over and they did get popped for having too many fish ... go figure ...

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hey Malcolm, I arrived at BBP around 11:30 and two guys were coming off the ice saying fishing was slow and a buddy of theirs called and said the fish were on fire at Innisfil, so I went to Innisfil instead. I had a whitefish on but it was hooked in the belly so I stuck my rod down and dislodged the hook and it swam away,a few fish were being caught around me but a quite day for me. I went straight out from Innisfil about 1 1/2 miles out and saw a few atv's and sleds shuttling people in without helmuts, actually saw two guys on an atv and one guy on each side of the driver for a total of 4 on one atv.

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Camillj ,I was fishing about 50 feet away when the CO pulled the guys on the sled over ,at first I thought it was a cop but then they started to pull their fish out I figured it was a CO. When the CO was done with them it looked like the guy was going to get on the little sled again and the CO told him not to and the guy walked in.

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wow we were at innisfil two weeks ago when the whitefish were really biting but i didnt get any the guys i was with in two days btween six guys 20 whitefish were released then it just died off for bites far and few between so we moved to bbp

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My brother was visiting a friend 100 yards away from his hutt on his sled he left the friends hutt to go back to his hutt, he stopped to get off his sled and noticed he had left "forgott" his phone ,He drove back to the friends hutt like 2mph without putting his helmett back on ..$110.. bucks....

like realy you could have thrown the phone over .. I thought that was a little much...


On the last day out there 2 of my friends were fishing for whitie on sleds . one with a tow behind sleigh and the other with out .

being buddies they putt all there gear in the sleigh so one didnt have to carry a nap sack ..

they fished, both caught there limits and headed back to shore.

Once on shore the C O .. mett them ..looked in the buggy and there were 4 whitfish in the buggy.

my friends told the co the story politly and honestly ." WE ARE ALWAYS POLITE FRIENDLY AND PLAY BY THE RULES"

the C.O fined the driver for over limit and tock 2 white fish...

I have fished with my brother and others all season with a tow behind sleigh he has allways carried our catch back to shore and we are allways following for the ride in .

once on shore I will take my fish out of the buggy and drive home I never thought that it was a problem..

He has carried well over 8 fish so we didnt have to carrie them on our sleds ..

what would happen if we got pulled over and explained what happened???

Whatch out if they need there Quota they will get it any way they need to ........


......What away of treating us just sickens me .....

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