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WhiteFish and the Y bone!

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Its not a Y bone, its a pin bone. Best way I find is to fillet it like normal, but cut right thru those bones, then along the ribcage like any other fish. Once you have the fillet removed from the fish, you can either take needle nose pliers and pull them out one by one, or slice around each side and cut them out.


For smoking, I scale them, leave the skin on, and fillet them......then pull the pin bones with the pliers. For normal skinless, boneless fillets, I cut thru the pin bones, go around the ribcage, take off the fillet, take off the skin, then remove the line of bones with my knife. Make sure and remove the "lateral line" and any fat.



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these bones are very noticable if not removed but the above link has the proper advice...

I cutt threw them skin the fish then remove them by cutting along both sides..

any batter recipes for the deep fyer?

fish crisp is good how do you guys deep or pan fry them?

cheers bon apetite :thumbsup_anim:

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I find lakers , whities and pike all about the same to fillet. Knock the sides off then skin and then run the knife down each side of the y bones and your good to go . The other night I had trout done in oil in the frying pan. Dipped the fish in eggs and then covered with crushed crackers.

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I find lakers , whities and pike all about the same to fillet. Knock the sides off then skin and then run the knife down each side of the y bones and your good to go . The other night I had trout done in oil in the frying pan. Dipped the fish in eggs and then covered with crushed crackers.



Mummmm sounds just like my mom used to cook'em :thumbsup_anim: Can't taste any better than that :canadian:

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For smoking, I scale them, leave the skin on, and fillet them......


I always fillet my fish when smoking them because it really cuts down on smoking time. But I see no need for scaling them. Have you ever seen smoked white fish at a fish store or sometimes in a super market. They are smoked whole (gutted) with the scales on not to mention the head and tail. But that's just so you pay more per pound.


So I have to ask......... Why do you scale them ?




BTW I wish I could get more white fish as they are the BEST smoked fish bar none........

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these bones are very noticable if not removed but the above link has the proper advice...

I cutt threw them skin the fish then remove them by cutting along both sides..

any batter recipes for the deep fyer?

fish crisp is good how do you guys deep or pan fry them?

cheers bon apetite :thumbsup_anim:



The only time I had whitefish was on a camping trip at thanksgiving. Didn't have any flour, breadcrumbs or really anything to make a batter with except pancake mix. So I thought what the heck. Battered them up with that (dry) and fried them in a little butter. It was delicious, I will certainly use it again sometime!

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I always fillet my fish when smoking them because it really cuts down on smoking time. But I see no need for scaling them. Have you ever seen smoked white fish at a fish store or sometimes in a super market. They are smoked whole (gutted) with the scales on not to mention the head and tail. But that's just so you pay more per pound.


So I have to ask......... Why do you scale them ?




BTW I wish I could get more white fish as they are the BEST smoked fish bar none........


I just scale them because I can. No reason. I know you can smoke them with scales on, but it makes a mess when your eating it....my wife doesn't like it when the scales fly off and land on the floor :). I'd rather scale them out in the yard, not in the house.


Whities are really easy to scale. Takes like 5 mins to do a whole fish.....so why not?



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