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Come home today,turn on the comp,and I get this windows explorer warning.32 viruses. BUY spyware. All the infecting things said "you could be".

Macafe says all ok. I couldnt for the life of me get this stupid thing to go away.I would come here to ask for help,and it would block me and say this site is unsafe,infectous. It maybe addicting,but not infectous.

So for the second time in two weeks now,I have had to restore my pc.


There were two black bars at the bottom of my pc in the bar.


Any help here would be great


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I think you have a 'crapware' type of virus. All it does is piss you off and try to get you to send money for a product to make it go away.


I re installed windows to make it go away, and then installed AVG (free). Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, maybe someone else can tell you otherwise. I certainly hope so.

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The wife had messed hers up real good and not being any kind of techie, I just did what douG said minus the re-install of windows and got free AVG. Haven't had a single problem since and that was 2 months ago.

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Guest skeeter99
Come home today,turn on the comp,and I get this windows explorer warning.32 viruses. BUY spyware. All the infecting things said "you could be".

Macafe says all ok. I couldnt for the life of me get this stupid thing to go away.I would come here to ask for help,and it would block me and say this site is unsafe,infectous. It maybe addicting,but not infectous.

So for the second time in two weeks now,I have had to restore my pc.


There were two black bars at the bottom of my pc in the bar.


Any help here would be great




download malwarebytes.exe


install on machine

update software run scan


then you are golden

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My sister's computer had a similar problem a few months ago. You'd get a popup from ANTIVIRUS 2008 (or maybe 2009) stating that the computer was infected.

I found this site http://www.internetinspiration.co.uk/roguefix.htm that has a simple fix that worked for her computer. I did a full virus scan and spyware scans in Safe mode after that and it seemed to fix it.


Now for the bad news, my neighbour down that street got the same rogue program /Antivirus 2009' and we tried the same fix. The computer would just refuse to execute the fix. Wetried registry fixes and a couple of other things. Nothing got rid of it. We ended up copying all the important data to a potable hard drive and reformatting and reinstalling windows of his computer then returning the data.


I hate rogue software.....muddler

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Now for the bad news, my neighbour down that street got the same rogue program /Antivirus 2009' and we tried the same fix. The computer would just refuse to execute the fix



Yep,I am getting the same thing. Wont let anything fix or scan.

Im going to rip all may pics/songs to cds and trash this tower. 7 years old,still have 43% space free.

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Guest skeeter99
Yep,I am getting the same thing. Wont let anything fix or scan.

Im going to rip all may pics/songs to cds and trash this tower. 7 years old,still have 43% space free.



just run malwarebytes.exe from safe mode very easy



it is free and we used it at my work solves all your problems

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restart the computer in 'safe mode' and try to remove again. should work.


Ok Raf,Im off to try this


Take the tower into the yard...... i hear crossbow bolts fire right through them! lol


The the heck with that.Im going to blast it with some turkey load.3 shots, should just about do it.

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Great news, misfish. I have a feeling that you might get a chance to learn some more, unfortunately. I still recommend AVG and all the other free stuff that the experts have linked to.


Raf is right, Microsoft won't delete a program that is running at the moment, so that's why you start your puter in safe mode. That's the only time that the removal tools can work.

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avg, ad aware and another called a-squared are three that i use, all free. sometimes one picks up stuff when the others don't.


best way to avoid them is to not get them in the first place. :rolleyes:


avoid the temptation to download fancy toolbars, smileys and add-ins - many contain nasties and degrade system performance, not worth it for some fluff imo. google search bar is probably all one needs really. if something strange pops up on the screen and you jsut want it gone, avoid clicking on "ok" or "cancel" or anything on the screen. either 'x' it closed or better yet, right click on it in your taskbar and close that way. if it's stubborn, learn to use the task manager and close programs that way. the buttons may be disguised as "cancel", "close" or even "no thanks" but the reality may be that it installs junk on your pc. in order to get infected, you often need to 'run' something from the website. clicking on these buttons can permit that something to run on your machine.


and switch to firefox.

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Highjacked! Run this program http://www.download.com/Trend-Micro-Hijack...4-10227353.html

the only thing is this program will locate the problem along with other programs that start up on boot up so be careful what you delete

just read what the process is being used for and you should have no problems, you can also get info on selected items to help determine if it is what you are looking for.

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Thanks again guys.

Im going to do what was posted by some. If it dont stay normal,then it,s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



Everything seem to back to normal.


Got to go.TLG is calling me. :wallbash:

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Sounds like you are all set for now and if you follow some of the good advice posted here you should be ok. If for some reason you are still having trouble and really do not want to upgrade your comp, let me know, I might be able to help. In the past few months I have dealt with more than one version of these lovely rogue programs/viruses on different machines. What works on one machine does not always work on the next. My personal favorite was dealing with a real nasty known as Vundo, an amazing piece of software, too bad the writer is using his/her talents for such purposes. I would recommend the back up anyway, as it is always a good idea.




Just a note to anyone that happens to run into AntispywareXP 2009 (2008), Vundo or others like these.......be very careful what you download while attempting to remove it. These programs and many other like them will hijack your browser, when you search for the removal programs you will often be directed to pages that look and read legit but are in fact more malicious software.

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Windows... If i may quote my housemate...


"Windows operation failure eh? I got a ****ing Windows operation for you, i'll through out of one if you don't run on the next restart!! *Slaps moniter* Restores comp, restarts all good.


Moral of the story....get violent and threaten your computer, even if it doesnt run any better at least u'll feel better.



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