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laker fishing today

pike slayer

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So if you guys seen earlier in the week Pikeie was looking to hook up with someone here in the sault and head out fishing. I pmed him and made arrangements to go this morning. so me, pikeie, and my buddy nate headed out this morning to crooked lakes for some small lakers. so we sledded in a few km through the bush and across lakes. the lakers were so aggressive we could get second lines in haha. pikeie dropped a sweet pimple and didnt even make it to the bottom before he hooked into a tiny laker. we got quite a few small fish but it was fun but cold. it got to the point where you just didnt want the fish to bite cause our hands were to cold haha. So after lunch we decided to go a couple lakes over to try our luck for some specks. we were givinger across a few lakes and nate wasnt behind so we waited a bit and nothing. so i turned around and went to go look for him and i found him wayyy back on the trail with the hood of the sled opened. we tried and tried to get it going but with no luck. good thing i brought a tow rope with me! we got the sleds turned around and a buddy i met last week on the lake showed up on the trail and he pulled the sleigh back for us and i pulled nates old indy 440 back to the truck through the bush and across lakes the couple km. part way back i snapped his bumper clean in 2 haha! so we hooked it on the skis and we finally made it to the truck burning uan expp the belt on my sled. i gave the sled a real workout with 2 ppl on pulling a sled behind with another guy on it haha i had it up to 45mph across the one lake. anyways thats my story for today, sorry no pictures. i sure hope pikeie had a grand old time, it was certainly an experience!

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ya back there is some serious wilderness and if your stranded you'll need some serious luck on your side to make it out in one piece. i went to school in kitchener this summer and i was bored out of my tree going to school and wished someone took me, to bad i wasnt on here then. and ya a tow rope is a good thing to bring. even just bring some rope or a strap or something in case something happens. i dont know what i would have done last year cause i didnt bring like anything with me.

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did you guys make it to kaufmann? I seen a sled come in and pull a uturn. We ran into the opp and the co as well.


Not to mention we broke 15km of trail from trout lake to reserve. Im so tired right now I cant sit up or drink beers.



Glad you guys had a good day. We got lucky 4 sleds in 4 out....4.5hrs in 30mins out.

Edited by troutologist
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it got to the point where you just didnt want the fish to bite cause our hands were to cold haha.



LOL...i had a couple of days like that last year.



Sorry to hear about the sled, and thanks for posting, will definitely be carrying some kind of tow rope with me now.

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hey troutologist, where were you fishing? i drove onto what i believe was kaufman and turned around cause my buddy on the broken down sled wasnt behind me. i had a red polaris rmk. you should have got ahold of me, i would have blazed trail in for ya! i broke trail into clearwater jan.1st from northland and i had to help 2 tundras that were just buried. my rmk can go just about anywhere with ease. you name the lake and i'll make a trail for you haha. we gotta hook up sometime and head out fishing! and yes a tow rope is a good thing to bring even if you trust your machine, your buddy can break down or there could be someone else stuck back in there in need of a tow.

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Ya I saw you pull on the lake then. Ya we'll get together this winter for sure. Didnt matter what type of sled you had after those rains we had the trees were all down across the trail, made for slow going in deep snow. 50yds without stopping was a good run.


Send me a msg later this week if youre heading out this weekend.

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well it sure was an experience! i couldnt belive how aggresive the lakers were! thanks agian gavin!

o and you were right about those being some of the best tasteing lakers! they were amazing!

and me and some friends made it out to leigh bay today but we got skunked, its hard to belive how shallow that bay is haha im gona give it another go though!

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no problem! we'll have to get out again sometime. probably after nate gets his sled going again or gets another sled hahaha. im gonna take it to my uncles place this week and find out exactly whats wrong. and ya they are always that aggressive, it doesnt matter what time of the winter you go or the weather thats your average day on crooked. and ya i cant wait to eat mine, probably tomorrow night. ya leighs bay is pretty shallow and the fish seem to come in schools and its feast or famine, you hit it right and you'll do awesome.

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