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Beaver Lake....again.


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Hi Y'all,


Went back to Beaver Lake again as it was so awesome there 4 days ago. This time a short late afternoon session with my buddy chuck. Last time I was there was a real gale blowing, but the weather the day before yesterday when we went was awesome ...sun and not a breath of wind, although this did concern me a bit as i tend to do better catching walleye the worse the weather is! Anyway, i had spent all day cleaning my truck after the adventures at the beginning of the week and did not head out to meet chuck in town until 2pm. got to the lake at 3pm.


Before i left though i wanted to test the weight of a jig on my bobber set up as i thought this might be a good technique for the day, since the last time i went there an almost dead still , vertical presentation seemed to be the ticket. I went to the bottom of my yard to the lake, stuck a minnow on...lol...might as well since i had some at he end of the dock in the bucket.....and the jig balanced the 6gram drennan piker bobber perfectly.....and just for good measure i landed a beauty pike within seconds...........






<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/a1-1.flv">




It was hard to resist the one last cast syndrome after that, but Chuck hates me being late so i tore myself away from our lake and headed out to meet chuck. I went straight to the spot we did well on the other day, i had memorised the three land marks to 'triangulate' the exact spot.....man o man do i wish i had a GPS....lol. We started our drift some 50 yards upwind of where the hot spot had been just to cover a bit more ground in case the fish had moved a bit. It was a very slow drift as there was hardly any wind. As soon as we passed over the spot where the fish were the other day chuck got into a pike,...........






<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/a2.flv">




We drifted way past our marker buoy into around 8 FOW and weeds, with only a small walleye getting off the hook before i got it in the boat. We decided to troll back up to the marker buoy sitting on the edge of a 12-13 FOW weed edge and anchor up. After a few minutes jigging at anchor chuck landed the First walleye.....then another....then it went quiet.

























We moved off the marker buoy and moved around for the next hour, with only a few perch, small walleye and plenty of pike....mostly caught by Chuck. However, every time we got within 20 feet of our marker buoy we would get a bite, so in the end we anchored up next to it and fished. That’s when i started to catch all the fish, and yup...on the bobber. It was particularly effective i think because the bottom where we were fishing was covered in a slimy sort of weed, and because the fish were hugging the bottom, the best way to trigger a strike was to leave the jig motionless about 3-4 inches off bottom. However, just jigging meant you had to hit bottom to reel up, thus covering the minnow with weed.....which the walleye would not touch, but with the bobber, because it was an even 12 feet deep around the boat, i could pre set the jigs depth and not have to touch bottom......anyway......we got our limit, well one limit, i had had my fish suppers for the week, and got plenty, if not as many as the previous outing, of over and in slot fish. I'll leave you with some pictures of the bobber on a glassy lake at sunset.


























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Great report, vids and pics limeyangler :thumbsup_anim:


When I saw this thread, I thought to myself OK what kind of adventure am I going to read and see this time :lol:

To my surprise..... not even a truck stuck :w00t: but a great report with quality fish B)


Thanks for sharing


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Great report guys !!!! :clapping: nice size walleyes too,and it sure is nice scenery up there too,glad you got those finicky eyes all figured out, :whistling: now go and get yourself a handheld GPS !!!!so you can mark all those humps & shoals so you can keep going back time & time again,and you can even set an ice-hut right there on that spot !!! cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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