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August 30th 2008 Report - Lac St-Marie - Outaouais


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Today my friend Paul and I headed out to Lac St-Marie for some fun fishing and our target was walleyes but to our surprise, could not connect with any of them. :wallbash: We kept trying different spots....from 18' to 25' fow, from drop offs to weed lines and just could not land any. The water tempature was 72 degrees and winds was gusting from the North at around 15-20mph...


Our first stop was around the many islands that the lake holds and did not get any takers....except this little guy




and a cat that I lost next to the boat and that was it for the next couple of hours. Since the biting was not on, we decided to hit some of the back bays for bass....guess what?? Not so good either :angry: Started working the thick stuff but nothing exceptional and managed a few small fish....here's a few pics of the ones I landed










At this point, we're thinking.....where's the fish???? Nothing!!!! This can't be!!! Where's the fish??? We kept trying for a little while and couldn't even hook up bait fish....so we decided it was time to move to another area on the lake where there's a large flat with weeds in about 10' fow.....and as soon as we arrived....started to drift and the first pass produced this












Now we're like OK.....LETS DO THAT AGAIN!!! So we get reposition and landed those












And again.....3rd try












Now that we finally located the bass.....we're thinking SURFACE :D if the wind could just dye down :worthy: would be bonus..... near sun down the wind subsided enough to rig our rods with surface lures. B) We managed a few double hitters and that was fun. Here a few pics












After the last bass caught by Paul, we called it a day because the moskitos were having a feast on us :angry:

Our choice of lures were: Spinner baits, Bass rat, BigO, Gulp and jigs.

All fish were released

Hope you enjoy this report


Edited by Leechman
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Guest Johnny Bass

Nice! Looks like that lake has a very healthy population of bass, and will be good fishing for years to come. The water levels are up and temperatures are down, and for some reason, I haven't got too many slop fish either this year. Other than really shallow lakes. Anyways, thanks for the report.

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Thanks guys.....the beginning was tuff but when we finally switched and located them we had a ball. Most of the fish I caught was on a chartreuse spinner bait and man were they hitting it hard :D


The fish finder did not show any fish on bottom and maybe that's why the eyes did not bite.....the ones that showed were all suspended. There was a lot of boats on the lake that were trolling and did not see any catch fish.


JB the water level has gone down on this lake and the weeds are starting to dye also. The bass population is phenomenal....Lots of small ones and sometime you get the bigger ones.....oh well not this time.....may be on the next outing.


Roy anytime, would be my pleasure.

Again thanks a lot guys!


Edited by Leechman
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Anthony and I were out on the lake two weekends ago, so much fishing pressure we decided to pack it in early. Nice to see you guys were able to tag into a few!


Thanks tip-up,

The camp site at the launch was full and a lot boats around the islands. We just decided to work the back bays. Another option would of been to go into the river but that's a longer ride and a lot of dead trees floating on the surface.


The lake is best fished at sun down, when the surface is like a mirror.



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Gotta love the night bite. Good job guys


Thanks Steve....night bite is real fun.


Forgot to mention....on one of the double headers we got.....I had a black hoola popper on and my buddy a black bass rat..... We casted out at the same time and was waiting for the ripples to vanish, not paying attention to my lure and looking at my buddy's....twitching it, then BANG!! gets ingulf by a bass and I yell "YOU GOT ONE" while at the same time, yank on my rod to start my retreive and BANG!! get a hit and both have fish on. B)B)

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