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Ending August at camp with the kids


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Since the wife and I areworking most of this weekend, we kind of thought there wasn't much sense in trying to run out to the trailer for only like one night, and we didn't see it all that fitting to skip the kids on thier first day of school :dunno::lol: (plenty of time for skipping them out of school in the next couple months)


So, we decided to kind of have our long weekend this week. We headed to camp Sunday night, made the best of it, and stayed until Wednesday night, then it was back to the grind.


We could not have asked for better weather...the lake was flat all day long, sun was shining, it wasn't too hot but it was just hot enough to enjoy some great fishing fun,and some other activities on the water.


I was kept pretty busy with the wife, and 2 of my 3 girls, they also invited thier 14 year old cousin along with them to have some fun and keep our 13 year old company for the trip. The last few times at camp I really haven't got to put in the fishin time I wanted to because of having family and such up to entertain, but for time put into it, I have still been doing pretty good and having loads of fun.



I managed to skip off solo for an hour or so and got into some good action


Started it off with this huge walleye on a worm




As usual I got into a mess of these guys




And also my loads of fun finding a little school of these as well




So, being the good Dad I am and put in all that gruelling time "prefishing" for the kids, I headed back to my dock and rounded up the troups for some familt time on the water.



We couldn't let our guest go away without getting into a few, and Tiffany was pruod to boat her first ever walleye




It wasn't long before our 13 year old Paige was into a few of these




Next up...my 5 year old little pro Emily




And here is what she has to say to anyone who didn't get out there fishing that day





After pulling off Dad duty again,I figured having 4 girls on the boat was driving me nuts :lol: so I decided to head out to a little hotspot I found earlier in the day while going through my gruelling effort of "prefishing" for the sake of the kids. I came back to my dock and unloaded the couple I kept, so they didn't get par-boiled in my hot livewell.






I never keep all too many fish throughout the year, a couple times a year I just keep enough for a good little feed or add to dinner, this time I decided on a few for the table





C&Red them puppies right in this hot pan332351823.jpg.




Our days where also filled with a bunch of other family type outdoor fun. Keeping a couple teenage girls busy is a whole task in itself...after about a billion times of "will you take us tubing" :blahblah1::blahblah1: I finally teased the girls enough,gassed up the boat and took them out for some fun.


First a round of lets try and drown the cousin







Then Paige was up,and she thought she was being really "cool"




Of course, being the good Dad I am, I took that as a challenge





And this is about as far as being a big smart :asshat: got her










Of course a good trip to the trailer on a hot day always calls for time at the beach






Now you would think after keeping 3 kids busy all day long for days that they would not get board....well the Ritalin must have warn off all of them at the same time cuz they though it would be a fun idea to see if they could colour a whole entire picinic table with chalk





I think they where actually proud of thier accomplishment..about 1/2 an hour later, mission accomplished they had themselves and that whole picinic table done right up




And that ends what we made of our own little familly long weekend.



Next trip, just some fishin buddies, lots of food and drink, and days of fishing :Gonefishing:

Edited by jwl
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What a great report! Wow!! 3 daughters....you sure have a handful....and I'm assuming at least 3 bathrooms in the house....LOL.


Looked like a great time....some fish were caught, lots of smiles and laughs, great pictures to capture those moments.


Congrats on a great 'long weekend'


Oh yeah....the cousin looked a lot like some fried fish in the 'tubing' section....she looked much different holding that fish earlier....hehe.


Edit....oh sure...fix it before I get a chance to post....LOL. Again....awesome report!

Edited by ccmt
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I hear ya CCMT, my wife had just came in from work and was checking out the post, and I notice under the heading " First a round of let's try and drown the cousin" didn't look very good right above a pic of something cooking in a pool of hot oil :dunno::lol:

Edited by jwl
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Poor Jack, outnumbered 3 to 1 at home. He knows all too well the true meaning of "Yes Dear" :w00t: Mind you little Emily is just too cute. She"s got a lot of us older codgers wrapped around her pinky finger.

Edited by bigugli
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thanks for all the great comments folks, I love seeing everyone on the board's posts of thier family adventures along the way as it reminds me alot of all the family funm I have shared with my kids over the years at our trailer, they love it every time, loads of laughs, tonnes of smiles.....sometimes some hard work for Dad, but time my family will always chericsh...and that's what counts.


Although my next report from the trailer isn't going to have any da#@ed kids in it :lol::lol: , next trip is a couple solid days of non-stop fishing action......chances of catching somrhting like a really big musky get a little better with no kids bouncing around in your boat..or 1/2 hour into the day start complaining they gotta pee..or wanna get dropped back off at the dock :blahblah1::Gonefishing:

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