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Anyone Ever Been Bitten

Musky or Specks

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I want to thank everyone who convinced me to go to the doctor. A good call. I now have a shunt installed in my hand and will be receiving daily intrvenous treatments as well as daily professional changings of my dressing. Hobo spider bite was the diagnosis. I go back in three days and they will decide whether to go to a stronger antibiotic. Regardless it looks like I will have a small scar. Funny thing was all the doctors and nurses in the hospital kept coming in wanting to see the bite because none of them had ever seen one before. So I was like a temporary teaching exhibit for the staff. Kind of embarassing really when the bite is just above your pubis.


Glad to hear that you went in and are getting treated. Bly was in to see a Dr after the headaches started....relatively early compared to you by the sounds of it. Those hobos are nasty...she has about a 1" scar left as a reminder. She didn't need the intravenous stuff....


Anyhow....hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery! Thanks for the update.

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Kind of embarassing really when the bite is just above your pubis.


Holy Hog Snot Batman!!! :wallbash:



... another inch or two in a certain direction and the could treated the cause but left the symptoms (swelling) Eh!!!



Time to set off some bug bombs in the house!!!

Edited by Greencoachdog
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I was bitten by a Hobo spider while sleeping one night. Wasn't sure what it was so like you, treated it at home. The bite area continued to grow and the surrounding tissue only got redder, more tender and more swollen. Treatment was heavy antibiotics and thankfully I only have a small scar, could have been much worse.

While I have not been bitten by a Hobo Spider, I have been bitten by an actual Hobo. And I'm here to tell you that that's no picnic!! :whistling:

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The thing to remember about a spiders range is a certain times of the year it is very fluid. They can easily be transported and survive for a season or two in ontario before our winters kill them. My treatment is still ongoing, my rash has subsided but the bite and swelling are still there. Now the thing itches worse then any mosquito bite. I git sent home from work yesrerday because they didnt want me working with a shunt in my wrist so after my IV first thing this morning I removed the shunt and will endure daily IV injection so I can keep on mling the DOH RAY ME.

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Here's a paragraph I found on a page for the Hobo Spider:


For years there have been numerous reports of spider bites in the Northwest United States in which the Brown Recluse Spider was blamed, despite the fact that they reside in the Mid-Southern to Southeast United States. Brown Recluse Spiders have bite effects and symptoms that are nearly identical to Hobo Spiders. Because the Brown Recluse Spider is known more throughout the general population, they had been, and still are today, wrongfully accused of the insidious effects of Hobo Spider bites. Our traps are recommended for Brown Recluse Spiders as well.


Here's the link to the page for the traps:





Anything that wears it's genetalia on it's face has got to be nasty!!!

Edited by Greencoachdog
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I worked with a guy at the Construction site in Bronte. One morning he put his sock on something pinched him he said he figured it was just a wood chip so he went to work. around lunch time his foot was killing him so he took it off and his foot was like a balloon. Didn't see him for a few weeks. He came back with a limp. sad.


I am glad your doing okay now MOS.

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