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U.S. Economy and it's impact on Canada's Lodges


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I haven't seen anything about it and was wondering if the number of people coming up to vacation was down much. I has affected my group with gas and the falling U.S. dollar, didn't make it last year and this year doesn't look good either.

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I did a French River trip with my two boys last week and next week the wife and I are off to a fly in trip out of Ivanhoe Lake.


I will say it is costing MUCH more this year but I can't get the same experience here in NY so I am paying through the nose.


I don't know if I will head north next year or not. Not only is the exchange rate no longer in our favor but we no longer get the GST taxes back. Canada should address this tax issue since we are NOT getting anything for the extra taxes. I believe this will come back an haunt the Canadian government with even less taxes paid to them because us Yankees will stay home. I don't mind paying a premium but I don't like being raked over the coals.



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Great thread, looking forward to the responses. I'm hoping some camp operators will give us their opinions.

I did not know that US citizens could no longer collect the gst rebate at the border, when did that stop?

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We could no longer get the GST rebate as of April 2007. I asked for the paper work last May and June at the respective lodges I stayed at and neither warned me that is was no longer available. They just let me waste a few more dollars on postage. Months later the Canadian government sent me two letters saying the same thing, that the GST rebate has expired :(

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the visitors tax rebate is not completely gone but has become very limited. look into it and see if your expenditures qualify.


Although the dollar has made it bad for tourism coming this way, it's a great opportunity for people who travel to the US and abroad to countries that use US currency. suddenly, that trip that was $3000 can be done on $2000

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I think getting raked over the coals with taxes and not getting much from them is all part of the Canadian experience.


:clapping: Quote of the day right there.


Two outfitters I hold in high regard have taken a drop.


Trend continues some outfitters will either give more for less to draw business, or, ask more for the same, either way to make ends meet. Smart shopping will be key.


I had an Athabasca Lake Outfitter offer me $1000.00 off for 1 week's guided fishing, all inclusive meals and flight into the remote location. I had an Ungava outfitter offer me $1200.00 off for a late booking. Both places highly priced already but that's because of all that they encompass with their packages in very remote locales. Last years BC trip through smart planning I was able to get our group about $1500 off the regular price.


Next year, after some places give their heads a shake and assess their outcomes from 2008, that's when people should be asking for better than the regular price. If they can't or won't, be ready to move on down the list. Do your homework, push for the deals, and better yet, travel in a group to save money getting there, and at the same time use that group as a bartering chip with the outfitter.


One thing from looking at outfitters endlessly while online...... THERE ARE TONNES AND TONNES OF THEM. They're going to have to compete harder if many Yanks won't cross the border and Canucks won't fill the tank for the drive.


Personally, my appetite to travel and fish is cause for endless searching and probing for the next deal in the best of places. If it's affordable to you and it's your passion, don't let dung get in the way... next thing ya know you're 70 with a pacemaker and a to-do list ya never got started on.

Edited by Moosebunk
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Ya gotta pay if you're gonna play!!!


I'm not going to sit on my butt and piss and moan aboot it! I'm going to get it while the getting is good!!! The ecomomy may get better... it may get worse! I personally don't see the price of gas coming down... ever!


If the lodge owners start taking too big of a hit, they'll do one of two things:

1. Start offering better rates and/or incentives for their U.S patrons.

2. Close up shop.


The latter will not help the Canadian economy.

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from what i have heard from the camp i go to, buisness has been pretty slow so far this year, and i dont think it will get much better for them. we will be spending nearly as much in gas as we will for the cabin rental this year. i checked on gas buddy the other day and the only gas station in town was listed as the second highest price in ontario. horray for them quite an honor lol. we are still a go for this year, even though we had one guy back out a week ago, which makes it higer on the other 3 of us now. hopefully we can find a replacement for him. next year im thinking of just doing crownland camping for my 10 days up there, i hate to not have the luxury of a cabin, but it would help offset the rising fuel prices.


i have heard rumors that the canadian govt. was considering eleminating the taxes on accomadations, but havent heard if it went through yet or if it might happen next year. times are tough all over and will probably get worse, but as others have said, you only live once might as well enjoy your time.



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Hey greencoachdog I'm not cryin about it, but with the economic down turn in this area which hit 3 or 4 years ago, my wife and I both lost our jobs{ now making much less}. A trip to canada was always affordable. But now it's spend it for fun or put it back for an emergency, college for the kids or even retirement. Alot of people can't do both these days.

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Years ago a group of us would go to Pennsylvania deer hunting. It was only about 100 mile trip and it gave us NY hunters another opening day to look forward to plus we could use rifles there. At that time we lived in a shotgun only area.


For the first three or four years the out of state hunting license was $40 and we camped at a nearby campground that would charge us for a week even though we only stayed 3 days. On the last year we camped there we were going to make reservations for the following year. Only this time the campground owner doubled the rate and wanted extra $ for everyone over two persons per camp site. We balk and decided to talk it over. Then PA decided to double the non resident hunting license and we stopped going.


Yes, we paid a premium by paying for a week of 3 campsites and only staying 3 days but by trying to rake us over the coals they lost the business of 8 hunters all together.


What I should of done is wrote a letter to the campground explaining why we would no longer spend our hard earned cash in PA. You have to drawn the line somewhere :(

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hey yeah i have spent some time at a resort last weekend with my wife and they told me they have seen a 25% decrease in american guests this year so far.


THere has been alot of americans that have sold there cottages, hunt camps the last year or two as well. If you happen to know of any that are being privately sold you may get a bargain. I was in magnetawan bait and tackle a few weeks ago and a guy there was going to his cottage he just bought and he said it was sold at 20% less then market value because the guy who sold it just thouhgt he was lucky to get the price he did for it. Guess he was from an area in the states where foreclorsues are happening all over. anyway apperently there are quite a few deals out there if your looking



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It's sad but for me, it hasn't changed. I'll pay the money. It's the best vacation money can buy.


At an increase of about $1 per gallon for me (and it's really not that much), it only costs me about $150 more for the 500 mile trip to Nipissing. Split between 4 guys, it's only about $40 a guy.


We do have gas in the boat but it's still not that big of a deal. While the price of gas is an easy complaint, in the grand scheme of things it basically amounts to me not spending money in the bar for a couple nights. No big deal at all.

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