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Arrived at the inlaws late afternoon friday. Went to the south bay started to fish at about 7pm, scoping out some bass waters, for todays opener. if i caught a bass i would leave but remember the area to fish today. Ended up catching a few small walleye and small pike.


Was on the water at 5am this morning.


First fish of the morning! Super long at 19inches but skinny.




Same fish different view, was 3lbs 0oz




Very next cast, this guy fought like a 4 pounder. Until it jumped then i realized its just acting big lol






Then i saw this tree and new it had to have a bass holding close to it.




I was right it had this beauty smallie, 20 inches 3lbs 4oz




Here comes the darker clouds, and rain. Light at first, i changed, put on warm cloths and a ripped rain suit lol




Fish really got on the bite when the rain started, 2lbs 5oz




2 pounds 6oz twins 2 casts in a row







Another long 19.5 inch but skinny fish. 1oz shy of 3 pounds




I did mange one more 3 pounder and 2 more 2 pounders but it was raining so hard i didnt dare take the camera out. I was totally soaked head to toe! the wind picked up and it got colder. Then the fish shut down. Not a bite in a hour of trying in terrible down poors!


There was a gentleman out on the water with a radio and he had a report of thunder in the area so he kindly warned me and that was good enough for me. I was cold, wet and on cloud nine from the best opening day for bass i have had in years! Overall I lost count at 17-18 fish, most likely made it to 30 though.


Funny thing is most big fish were long and skinny. the smaller ones were short and fat.


What a great way to spend a rainy morning! Hope it stops so i can hit the water tonight!



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....That's some good bass'n for sure. The "long skinny" ones are likely spawned out females or perhaps hungry males who are still sitting on the nests.


yes i was thinking the same thing about being spawned out. the scappier ones i was thinking were males.

i released all my fish, so if males were still protecting there nest i hope they made it back ok. only one fish was out of the water for more then a couple minutes.



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Guest Johnny Bass

Not what it used to be but Nipissing is still better than most lakes around here. Phenomenal fishing.

Thanks for the report and good to hear your bass opener was a success!!!

Edited by Johnny Bass
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Wow, those are beauties. Thanks for sharing. Just curious. What'd you catch them on?



The bigs ones were all caught on yum dingers wacky rigged. Some jitterbug topwater action early this morning and a few on spinner baits. going out after dinner for a few hours, see how the wicked rain has effected the bite.



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Congrats on a great opener! I've still yet to have a day on the water where more than 10 fish are boated....and I have a blast on those days...LOL.


Next time I'm up in that general direction is in August. Our friends' annual cabin/camping trip is happening again in Magnetawan. We'll be taking the boat and fishing Ahmic Lake again. This time hopefully doing a little better than last year!

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