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What is your favorite bug spray?

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Does not seem like anyone else is complaining about the repelents melting plastics or scaring off fish (it does scare them off doesn't it?)


I could not find anything on Muskol but I did find some health stuff about Off and Listerine for those interested:







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In bad bug conditions...

Long pants and a sweater with Deet spray around my Neck, wrists, and Ankles.

Have a good hat on, and smoke a cigar.

Or if its hot get a bug jacket and do the same.


That will pretty much cover you, but also if your out for more then 2 days...incorporate lots of Garlic, leeks, and onions into your meals, and be sure to drink lots of Beer!

It works incredibly well, so you won't need the Deet after about day 2...

This method works so well that It actualy repells women as well LOL!


But seriously...

The coverage of the netting keeps you safe, while the deet keeps them away from any openings in the suit, and the smoke from the cigar keeps 'em out of your face.

The natural odors you'll sweat out after 2 days will then take over for the deet.

But if your only out there for a weekend, the deet will do.

Nice thing about this method is you don't need much deet either....just a bit round the edges.

Some guys I know will spray their hat, and pants around the waist as well but, they also have been known to have holes in their hats, and pants LOL!

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I tried the listerine method and didn't find it very effective while working in the garage...nice minty smell but that was it !...Used to use a can of no-name flying insect repellant that did the trick but was leery of breathing that stuff...


I wonder if being diabetic...sweet blood...makes me more vulnerable to insect bites...


Any other diabetics find this ???

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For whatever reason bugs are attracted to me, more so then those around me.. must be my good looks :)


The reason I like the stuff that Joe and Art have is that VERY little goes a very long way and most of it actually winds up where you put it.. vs those aerosol cans where maybe 20% lands where you spray it.


The difference between the two is the higher the concentration of DEET the longer it protects you from bugs... it is not any better at repelling them, it just lasts longer.. while you are respraying again with about 20% actually getting where you want it I an good for the night..



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I tried the listerine method and didn't find it very effective while working in the garage...nice minty smell but that was it !


I think you are supposed to use the original variety (the stuff that smells like hospital disinfectant)

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I honestly don't remember what brand of insect repellant I use - it may be Muskol very well as Deep Woods Off.

But it's been a while since I stopped applying it directly on my skin. (That was because I once put spray on my hands and then smear it on my sweaty face and neck; 10 minutes later I could't feel my lips, like I've been to the dentist.)

I do camp quite a lot and I prefer to wear a bug jacket and a pair of long pants -microfibre like texture. I still spray my clothes and my cap, but I try to minimize the skin contact.

Other things I noticed:

- smoke "baths" work well (even after showers, because it neuters the sweet scents of shampoo/soap) and smoke is a good antibacterial.

- eat garlic at least 24 hrs in advance; your sweat becomes quite repellant for insects. (For avoiding the garlic breath, I use to just cut the garlic in pieces large enough just to not get choked with and swallow them with beer/wine/juice, just like when taking medicine. Actually I like the smell/taste of garlic, but I want to spare the people who don't.)


Mosquitos don't bother me much, hate the blackflies, but the odd deerfly bite could get me a swollen foot -if the bite was in the foot/toes area. It lasts for a couple of hours and then is fine.

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There is a product we get across the river in Sault Michigan. Has over 90% deet. Dont need much of that stuff and works awsome.


I heard that bugs are attracted to bananas? Anyone else heard of this??

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A bug jacket if the bugs are bad.


DEET is nasty stuff, unless you are in areas of bug borne diseases, the relief is not worth the side effects.

In Canada manufactures have been forced to reduce the concentrations of DEET to less than 30%, it cannot be recommended for use on toddlers or infants and only recommend limited use on children under 12 using concentrations of 10% or less.



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Yep....Dannyboy is right, DEET concentration is limited to about 34% I think. Funny thing about DEET. No matter what the concentration is....it's effective. The concentration of DEET determines how long it will last. The 5% stuff is just as good as the 100% stuff....you just have to apply it more often. Usually, you only need insect repellant for a short period anyway.


95% of the time, I use something like Skintastic or Skin so Soft which has about 5% DEET. I did use some military spray one time about 25 years ago. It was in spray form and was close to 100% DEET. I accidentally sprayed my lips and they were numb for the whole day. The stuff was meant for clothes only.


I still have some old bottles of OFF, Muskol and ZZZ.....100% DEET but rarely use the stuff. However, I most often carry the stuff because there can be times when it just has to be used. In an emergency situation....like when you have to change a tire and you are nearby a swamp or when you have to walk to civilization after a breakdown. The big problem with this stuff is the fact that my skin gets all dry....my ears turn into dry leaves. And.....it STINKS like old dog breath.


There was a time when Noxzema had a suntan lotion/deet combination. I used that for a few decades. Great for keeping the insects away, great smell, skin felt soft and non-oily and it did work as a sun protector too. However, no such product exists any longer due to the fact that sun protector is supposed to enter the skin while DEET is not supposed to enter the skin due to it's toxicity.


I live in the Saguenay Region of Quebec. The whole area is litterally covered in small bodies of water. I rarely have to use insect repellant because once out on the water, there are few insects. It's just when it's time to load the canoe on the vehicule in the late afternoon or evening that the bugs are at their worst.

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