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Bad news!!!


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Hey everyone I got some bad news today from the doctor. Well a ct scan was done on my wrist that I broke the night before trout opener :wallbash: . I was told and saw the scan my self and my right scaphoid is split in half and they decided to take different routes the brake has moved and is not clean. Chances are I am going to need surgery and most likely get pins inserted in my wrist. I new I had this coming to me when you buy an yz250 2 stroke as your first bike and the guy selling it to you shakes your hand and says to keep it in 1st and 2nd probably meant something. I didn’t take his advice and start to crack wheelies and hit jumps like my buddy said when he saw my bike the day you loose fear in the "beast" is the day you loose your life. Young and stupid I must say my self. Went to the seen of the accident the other day and must say god was on my side I flew over 15 feet and slid quite a bit more not sure how I feel to much going through my head at the moment to remember. Well I was wondering if anyone has had pins inserted in there wrist will it affect my ability to fish? Hopefully not. Thanks everyone hope this works out for me.

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I did stuff like that playing junior lacrosse back in the day, i would play with a cast on or a seperated shoulder, worst mistake in my life, my shoulder is stiff and sore in the damp weather among other lacrosse war wounds. Just remember, it may not hurt so much now, but when you get older, oh boy!

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I did stuff like that playing junior lacrosse back in the day, i would play with a cast on or a seperated shoulder, worst mistake in my life, my shoulder is stiff and sore in the damp weather among other lacrosse war wounds. Just remember, it may not hurt so much now, but when you get older, oh boy!


I got lucky with my "young and stupid" incident. I was playing football in high school I almost broke my elbow in the first quarter (hurt like hell the rest of the game) then in the third I dislocated my shoulder. But being stupid I stayed in the game popped it back in then ran in 2 touchdowns :thumbsup_anim: My shoulder is fine but as i said I was lucky.

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I once got my arm caught in a machine at work and had a pin and a metal plate put in my right wrist. I was out steelhead fishing two weeks later and was just able to hold my rod to play a fish as the cast was not covering my hand. I went through quite a bit of pain but the time off work was worth it for the amount of fishing that I was able to do. Don't let it get in the way and enjoy the time off!

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Hey bud sorry to hear that, but don't worry you'll get over it.

Most guys have done similar stuff, it's a part of growing up. Personally if I ever write my memoirs I'm gonna call them "I ALMOST DIED!". Most of my best stories start with those 3 words :D .

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I don't have any but my best friend has a few pins in his wrist from 3 years ago and he says he doesn't even remember there there most of the time and fishes with me a lot, I've never herd him say anything about it being sore..but the one pin is bent now and starting to push out so he needs to go back and get a new one.

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Thanks everyone pain goes away so that not my biggest fear but not being able to fish will kill me but seems like i should be OK. solopaddler that makes 2 of us who have almost died and i am sure many more. theres more to my story that i am thankful for but that would make me look really stupid if i were to say it. Gbaygiant it sound like your buddy is fighting to many big fish to bend the pin jk but seriously he must be working hard or something to be able to bend a pin.

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Silvio.... Yes I am there now... the scaphoid is a PIA... I have broke it in the past...They never heal right and take forever to do so..



I mentioned in your post fishing was a bad idea.. and I talk from experience


Mine too was caused by foolishness.. busting some guys orbital bone, nose and knocking out two of his teeth (I know because he was at the same hospital)... all for a friend that deserved a beating... instead I was left with the four guys that jumped him.. while he turtled... My fun ended when I was smashed in the back of the head by someone I did not see coming with a unopened beer bottle..... (Stitches there too)


Would I jump in again for a friend or family member... I dont think I have learned my lesson because Yes I would.. if the odds are not fair..





The consequences...


I recently (11 Months ago) had surgery to put my smashed wrist (Right hand) back together... I have screws and a small plate holding my hand together now.... they also had to do a bone graft (taking bone from my elbow) to put my hand back together...


I lost my livelihood and my self respect in not being able to provide for my family for over 10 months... I am a carpenter.. I now have about 70% of my hand function back... and less then 50% of my grip and hand strength


My hand flares up and is VERY painful.. to the point where it is unuseable if I push it or do the wrong thing the wrong way.... be sure you do your physio and stay off the pain pills... they are brutal.. I Hate taking pills especially the Oxycotins.. They make me miserable and tired.. do not take them for too long.. They are an addictive narcotic.... use them when needed... and only then.


Losing the function of your hand is no joke think of your future and put fishing on the side for now.. end the stupidness here.


I have had other surgeries in the past, Blown knees from football, Apendix etc..


This is by far the most painful post-op operation I have EVER experienced... and I mean it... I was in tears the pain was that bad...


PM me if you want to talk further... it sucks I know.. I got pretty depressed as I was useless without the use of my right hand..


I also have brand new EXPENSIVE braces you can have as I purchased two.... as I thought I would try and work with one on... no dice.. so I have one here if you need it..



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Gerritt thank you very much for your help. I must say I must have it good most my pain came with having my temporary cast on. It applied allot of pressure to that area. Now that I have my permanent cast it doesn’t hurt as much as before. They put one on to protect my wrist but they already warned me chances are extremely slim it will heal that way. I am able to find the comfort zone were it doesn’t hurt but a little bit of pressure or pulling kills that words can not explain. Thursday day I go to see the specialist in regards to surgery will pm you as soon as I get back to let you know what is said. Thank you very much for your offer on brace will let you know if it is needed. If I need anyone to talk to I will shoot you a pm thank you very much for being there for me. Well keep in touch.

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if its just a broken scaphoid, u'll be fine, i did the exact same thing playin football, i opten to skip the surgery. they pins are just a couple small ones to hold the bone together while it heals, they may remove then later on, they may not. but either way once its healed it won;t affect u. u'll get the stiffness and some mild pain, thats normal, i broke mine severely over 5 years ago, and it still gets a little sore. but i have no serious problems with it. i was able to continue playing football and baseball while it was healing, no the smartest, but i;m a gamer! lol. after the surgery,. take at least a week, i not 2, before u try and handle a rod and reel my friend. and don;t go crazy, listen to ur body, if u feel it and u know ur body is tellin u to stop or slow down, do it. take it slow, last thing u want is to take a 6 week healing period and make it 10-12 because u pushed it to hard or did somethin stupid. good luck bud.

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Gerritt thank you very much for your help. I must say I must have it good most my pain came with having my temporary cast on. It applied allot of pressure to that area. Now that I have my permanent cast it doesn’t hurt as much as before. They put one on to protect my wrist but they already warned me chances are extremely slim it will heal that way. I am able to find the comfort zone were it doesn’t hurt but a little bit of pressure or pulling kills that words can not explain. Thursday day I go to see the specialist in regards to surgery will pm you as soon as I get back to let you know what is said. Thank you very much for your offer on brace will let you know if it is needed. If I need anyone to talk to I will shoot you a pm thank you very much for being there for me. Well keep in touch.



NP... Anytime... Just know that surgery on your wrist is not the easiest procedure for a doctor... and I was treated by one of the best in Canada.. you're correct about the temp casts... they are put on in emerg by doctors that do not have a clue.. and 95% of the time they are plaster... once you get into the fracture clinic where they have people that do nothing but cast people all day... they have a better feel for what is correct.. not to mention the time taken and the use fibreglass!


I kid you not.. tough as it is do not want to give you any false hope... surgery on my wrist was difficult... and I am not one to back down.. but it honestly drove me insane... something so small causing so much pain...


PM me is you have any other questions...


As a result of my surgery my life has altered and luckily for the better... I am counted amoungst the few that had the schooling and knowledge to be able to transition myself from carpenter to managing other carpenters and day to day business details...


Please keep us informed on your progress... and if you need advice from someone that has been through wrist surgery please pm me... I will provide my number etc ..

Do yourself a favour for the sake of your future... don't over do it... and that includes fishing...


the rest of your life and earning potential is worth more then a few fish...



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1st and 2nd gear have the most power which make you do weelies. Tough luck man i rode bikes since i was 5 and even raced for a year. Injuries suck but those 5 seconds of freedom while your in the air makes it all worth it.




The bikes don't make any more power in 1st or 2nd, then they do in 3rd, 4th or 5th. Gearing is what you are referring to :)


Wheelies in 1st and 2nd gear are slow anyhow, those WOT wheelies in 5th can get very interesting.

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NP... Anytime... Just know that surgery on your wrist is not the easiest procedure for a doctor... and I was treated by one of the best in Canada..



Gerritt, just curious to know the name of the doctor that treated u??

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First and foremost, don't push the wrist until it's healed. If you think you're miserable now, think how upset you'll be if you do permanent damage by being bullheaded for a few weeks.


Don't get stuck thinking that only the rod technique you used to use will work. You may have to change your physical motions a bit while you heal, but this is ok. If you can't figure out an alternate motion to use, sit down with a physiotherapist and your rod. They'll be able to help you find another way that's safe right now. In 20 years, you'll thank yourself.


There's a lot of people on the water right now in worse shape than you. I'm sure the wrist hurts, and you'll look like a goober til you get comfy using another method, but you'll get there. You're a determined guy - it'll be ok.

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Sorry to hear about the bad break Silvio. Just please follow your medical professional's advice.


ps. I don't have any experience with steel pins or anything but my dad had a steel plate in his head, a WW2 incident. It was the funniest thing. Every morning, he'd get up and come downstairs for breakfast and just as he entered the kitchen, half a dozen fridge magnets would fly across the room and whap him in the forehead.

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ps. I don't have any experience with steel pins or anything but my dad had a steel plate in his head, a WW2 incident. It was the funniest thing. Every morning, he'd get up and come downstairs for breakfast and just as he entered the kitchen, half a dozen fridge magnets would fly across the room and whap him in the forehead.



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I have had this done. Taking the cast off was not a smart idea. I raced when I was younger and have had a steel plat in my wrist as well as a rod in my left leg. It heals but hurts like hell with a drop in temp in the fall. Be smart this time and keep it on and just sit at home till it heals

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Thanks everyone for the support. Will keep you all updated. Gerritt I will pm you tomo when I get back from my appointment with what was said. Thanks everyone.

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