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Fishing spots for inexperienced anglers


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Not necessarily so IMO. People are generally more willing to give up their spots and locations when conversations are done more intimately through personal contact (meeting up and fishing, through PM's, e-mail, etc). No one wants their personal happy space exposed to millions of people some of whom may not share the same level of appreciation of nature and the resources available to us.




This website can be an open book most of the time for the best general fishing spots in Ontario.


That requires a sense of stewardship.


Not meant to be an attack Mikey, but the site your a member of isn't exactly an "open" site.

I can't go there right now and view any full report without being a member, can I.


Is That worse than blurring?


We all practice discretion with important information until a level of trust is established.

Just like your site has rightly done Mikey.

If I understand correctly, that trust is the essence of your site?


MJL, always seem to agree with you!




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How's Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto/Lake Ontario?

Looking at the satellite picture in Google Maps there are bays where the carp may very well be living.

Anyone fished there?



Edited by Danubian
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Uh oh, my background checked again...

But it's ok, I've already been background checked by Transport Canada, RCMP & FBI.


Anyways... yes I do agree with SNAP that we all practice discretion with important information until a level of trust is established. I've only joined different site which is taking different approach.

Some people don't like change but I like change.

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Lake Erie! Note that fish swim, this is called movement, this also may vary depending on seasonal conditions, water clarity, food supply, water temps, ect.. A better question may be techniques for locating then.


If you depend on spots? expect to hear you should have been here yesterday, last week, ect. I wouldn`t want some else to hit a home run so I could run the bases. :clapping:


If you need spots? get one of these to hit them!



Edited by OhioFisherman
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Over the years I have shared many many fishing spots with others, heck, that's how I met up with Rick on a fishing trip to the French River a lot of years ago. Some of that sharing has resulted in wonderful and long lasting friendships. Sure there have been a few occasions where the information has been taken and used without as much as an acknowledgement of my efforts, sometimes even abused but for the most part it has been respected.


One of the things that gives me much pleasure in life is trying to help others be it fishing or anything else and believe me I have been rewarded many times over. I can't even start to count the times members of this board alone have done things to help me, a recent example would be when I posted asking for help to put my dock in this year, the turn out was spectacular!


I am a little more careful now on how I give out information on spots etc. I don't post it openly on the internet anymore, many of the places I fish are places that others have shown or taken me. I feel that if they want to share those places then it is up to them.


I do think that a lot of it has to do with how you ask. "Could anyone tell me some good fishing spots?" isn't going to get you nearly as much help as "I am planning a trip to Sturgeon Lake in July to do some fishing and wondered if anyone could give me some pointers on where, what, and how to fish there?" being a little more specific in the kind of help you are looking for will give you more specific answeres.


If anyone asks me for help now I try to share some of what I do know and will give out some of the spots I have found on my own but I tend to do it by email or PM, I've just found that to be a better way and I must admit that the level of help I give is usually related to the level of willingness to help I have seen the asker demonstrate themselves.

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I am torn reading this post and I would like some tips on good Steelhead spots! What I find tough is making time to scout out new locations; I have 3 young kids and I work a lot. I have more time to learn about techniques and research online than I do out on the rivers. I can't spend half a day hiking through a river 2 hours from my house with the hopes of finding a honey hole.

Anyway, thanks for the tips, and to those who believe in tough fish love - fair enough. It takes a lot of leg work to find new fishing turf.

I got a lead on a new spot and I am going to slam'em next week!



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The find your own spot method is a little program i like to refer to as "Tough Fishing Love", it's hard... but they'll be better fishermen for it!


That's not to say that I wouldn't take a newb out and show him some of my techniques if I lived closer, I would... but don't sit around and wait for somebody to lead you around by the hand, get out and explore. My best fishin' spots are just that because I found them myself!!!


If a newb is a member of this board and wants to find places to fish, all he really has to do is READ AND PAY ATTENTION!!! There are plenty of spots mentioned on this board all the time without even having to start a "spots for newbies" thread.

So how many newbies are you taking fishin' with you this weekend jonnybass???


I've offered to show a few folks my favourite spots (the ones I'm actually tired of but they work) but they seem to lose interest when I tell 'em they gotta wet wade to get there. What is it with people who are afraid to get their legs wet? I don't usually tell the bloodsucker stories till we get well up the creek.



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How's Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto/Lake Ontario?

Looking at the satellite picture in Google Maps there are bays where the carp may very well be living.

Anyone fished there?




Carp are to be had pretty much anywhere in Lake O. No secret there. However, if I could help, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority does have a free shuttle service on weekends that runs from the entrance of the park to the very tip of the park. There's plenty of shallow bays and inlets there, perfect for that particular coarse fish... There, my good deed for the day. :thumbsup_anim:


Good luck!



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that i can say where i caught....lol below the locks in Lindsay! you can actually get some good fishing in there.....you can catch walleye there all year but they are best in the spring....we've caught musky there and smallies and i even lost a big catfish once....

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