dsn Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 I have a friend that has a neighbor with a grumpy dog. Everytime my friend goes out to her back yard the dog comes out of the house and starts barking everytime at her. Now she stays inside and is afraid to go out. To her very own back yard ! ! I heard there are whistles that you can buy that only a dog can hear and human ears can not detect it. And the whistle is a high pitch tone which hurts the dogs senstive ears. Is this true. If so where can I get hold of one in the GTA? Or if there are another solutions or suggestions they would be a great help thanks! I hate to go to any other extreme measures to silence a dog. Thanks DSN
Puckhead Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 Give him something like a treat or a bone. Hard to bark when there is something in his mouth plus they will usually stop barking at you if you befriend them in my experience - or if that fails, you could be super aggresive to the pooch which would let him know that this is your turf, not his.
drwxr Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 have you tried sleeping pills stuffed in cheese ?
ccmtcanada Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 My neighbour used to have to sleep pretty early in the evening...as he worked off hours most of the time. There was a dog nearby that barked and barked and barked...keeping him awake all the time. He went over and asked the owners to try to keep a lid on it, but they never did anything. One day, he went over at 3am and rang their doorbell at regular 5 second intervals. When the guy came downstairs and wondered what the heck was going on my neighbour held up his finger and said "Oh this...this is my dog and it's barking...is it keeping you up?"
Bitsmith2k Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 i'll get in before this gets locked try talking to the neighbour? i'd appreciate it if someone talked to me before feeding my dog something that may make him sick.. cliff, thats funny... lol fishtat, thank god you're not my neighbour..
Headhunter Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 (edited) Cliff, that was perfect! I suppose, based on how some of the threads have been going lately, that this one is going to head down hill pretty fast... a ton of dog lovers on this site and I'm already cringing at the pending insanity! Back to topic... I'd try what Cliff said! LOL HH PS... maybe feed it a marshmellow! Edited April 30, 2008 by Headhunter
Golfisher Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 Yeah, but you gotta float a few marshmallows on that anti-freeze, LOL. Seriously, giving a few treats now and then and befriending the dog would probably be the best solution.
capt bruce Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 A new guy moved in down the street and I would have to pass his house to get to the corner store . He had the biggest dog /beast /killer I have ever seen . ever time I went past I was afraid for my life all the barking growling etc. I started to pick up a ice cream sandwich (cost about a buck) everytime time i went to the store , i threw it to the dog on the way back . After a few weeks of this, dog would come up to the fence wag his tail and get his treat (i know someone will say icecream is not good for the dog)never barked at me again . Dont know maybe marshmellows will work here too
Bitsmith2k Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 capt bruce said: A new guy moved in down the street and I would have to pass his house to get to the corner store . He had the biggest dog /beast /killer I have ever seen . ever time I went past I was afraid for my life all the barking growling etc. I started to pick up a ice cream sandwich (cost about a buck) everytime time i went to the store , i threw it to the dog on the way back . After a few weeks of this, dog would come up to the fence wag his tail and get his treat (i know someone will say icecream is not good for the dog)never barked at me again . Dont know maybe marshmellows will work here too i think it's the chocolate that can actually kill them..
irishfield Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 capt bruce said: Dont know maybe marshmellows will work here too Be cheaper too Bruce... 3 bags for a buck I'm told at the dollar store. Just fill your pockets each day and if you don't see the dog you have survival rations on hand.
uglyfish Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 take a tennisball, and cut a small slit in it. then, pack it full of peanut butter. toss it to the dof, he'll be too preoccupied tryin to get the peanut butter out he won;t care about u, once he gets the peanut butter, he'll be too busy tryin to get it off the roof of his mouth to bark! if all else fails, u could fill it with anti freeze. lol. i;m sorry, i love dogs but that was funny. and anyone who has had to deal with a barking dog knows that no matter how much u love the animal, there is a point where u wanna just shoot it.
JohnF Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 capt bruce said: A new guy moved in down the street and I would have to pass his house to get to the corner store . He had the biggest dog /beast /killer I have ever seen . ever time I went past I was afraid for my life all the barking growling etc. I started to pick up a ice cream sandwich (cost about a buck) everytime time i went to the store , i threw it to the dog on the way back . After a few weeks of this, dog would come up to the fence wag his tail and get his treat (i know someone will say icecream is not good for the dog)never barked at me again . Dont know maybe marshmellows will work here too I'd rather have to deal with a nasty dog with no teeth anyway. I used to use miniature marshmallows when I was a kid with a paper route. One dog figgered out where I lived and some days would be waiting for me in the morning at my own door. (Pre loose dog bylaw days). He was kinda cool. He was a three-legged boxer named Socko. He wandered all over St.Marys. There were a couple of less friendly critters too, but they all seemed to like mini-marshmallows. JF
addict Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 Stoty said: Very classy. its a joke,give cujo some treats it will shut the bugger up
Canuck2fan Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 (edited) First thing she should do is talk to the neighbours about it. If that doesn't work. Go over to your friends place after your local noise bylaw kicks in and go out in the yard if the dog barks call the cops (with a noise complaint).... Eventually the neighbours will be fined for a noise complaint. Sucks, but it is cheaper than going the civil court route and it stops the dog from being hurt. If your neighbour is afraid of the dog that is probably egging it on to bark worse. I do sympathize as I have the same problem with a neighbour behind me, I really feel bad for the people who are up all night after she wakes them up when I leave for work at 1:30AM.... Then again I am not the dog's owner who lets her out at that hour either. On a positive note since that dog moved in NOBODY breaks into the cars in our parking lot anymore which used to be a weekly occurance, because she goes stark raving mad instead of just barking if you aren't a friendly neighbor and she can jump that 4ft fence when she gets excited... LOL. Edited April 30, 2008 by Canuck2fan
Gerritt Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 I went through a situation like this myself some years ago... a neighbour across the street (when I was living in an apartment) Had a large mixed breed dog.. She would lock it on the balcony when she went to work or went out etc etc etc... every person or bus that went by and this dog would go nuts!! I tried talking to her about it but she looked at me like I had 3 eyes.. That is when I found out that Hamilton City noise bylaws do not have a start time... they are 24/7.... I informed the neighbours.. the bylaw office must have received 40 calls that day... when bylaw officers arrived they called the police and animal control... The animal was confiscated and she was charged with abuse to animals... it was -40 with the wind chill that day and the dog had no means of shelter.. She did not deserve to care for a rat let alone a dog... I hope she is sterile and never breeds... G
JohnF Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 fishtat2 said: its a joke,give cujo some treats it will shut the bugger up There, ya went and drug up another memory. Way back when I was a neophyte real estate salesman I was scheduled to do an open house at a place in the country on a miserable snowy night when no one in their right mind would venture out to look at houses. I arrived at the established time, used the provided key to get into the house (the owners had gone out for the evening) and set up my materials. Then I went to the basement recroom (where the tv was ) and settled into the comfiest chair to wait out the clock. Time for a little background - these folks raised St. Barnyards, big sumbitches that did stuff like pulling in the Iditerod for fun. They took huge pride in telling how one of their pups was one of the Cujo dogs in the movie of the same name and that particular thought was first and foremost in my mind as I sat in the near dark in their funky little basement. The movie wasn't that old at the time. Back to the story - so I'm sitting watching the only channel they've got on their antenna in those days when I hear this kinda huffing snotty noise from beside my chair. At first I thought it was just the wind but then I heard it again. It sounded too juicy to be just the wind. I twisted around and looked down between the chair and the wall - - there was the biggest damned St.Barnyard I'd ever seen - bloodshot eyes that could have transfused the victims of a double bus collision, a head that would overflow a bushel basket and enough snot to supply all the Pike in Lake Ontario dripping from his nose. I'm glad I was younger then, because my heart went into instant hyperdrive. All I could think was CUJO. It's just a funny recollection now, but it was over the top scary that night. I was actually afraid to move for a while. I even offered up a little prayer that some potential house buyer would just walk in and the behemoth would go after them, at least long enough for me to escape. You may have gotten the impression by now that I'm not a big time dog lover - you'd be exactly on the money, and that was a crappy experience. Mebbe ya had to be there to understand. JF
mikeh Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 I'd suggest talking to the neighbor. Maybe calling the dog by name and getting him used to her voice. I wouldn't suggest feeding him anything unless it was cleared by the neighbor. Another idea might be to get to know the dog by petting it when the neighbor is present again getting it to know her voice. We had a dog as kids growing up that would bark at the neighbor, in his yard until he came over to pet it at the chain link fence.
Tinman Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 We used the treats and it works, dogs are creatures of habit, you feed it each time you come out, they eat and are good with ya
Clampet Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 JohnF said: ..- there was the biggest damned St.Barnyard I'd ever seen - bloodshot eyes that could have transfused the victims of a double bus collision, a head that would overflow a bushel basket and enough snot to supply all the Pike in Lake Ontario dripping from his nose. JF John, ya tell a heck of a story, gotta love it!
JohnF Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 Clamp-It said: John, ya tell a heck of a story, gotta love it! Hey, that kind of trauma burns it's way into yer brain, even one as tiny and cluttered as mine. JF
motv8tr Posted April 30, 2008 Report Posted April 30, 2008 I have three large dogs that will bark when people go by. If I'm home I put a stop to it, if I'm not home most of the neighbors just tell the dogs to shut up and they listen. The neighbor behind me who is most affected has taken the time to talk to me and get to know the dogs, and now they go running when she comes out as she usually has a cookie for them they've also managed to get the new girl who is very nervous to take treats and she goes and lies down when they tell her to be quiet....most neighbors here also know the dogs names. Maureen
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