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Things people don't know about the highway traffic act

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Those laws were put in place after alot of thought. No doubt statistics also back it up. As far as the 400 series Highways, I pooped my pants during a down pour when a trucker passed me and I was blind for a few long seconds. Sorry if you feel your Individual rights have been violated. Thats funny.

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11. If you have your G2 licence you cannot have any alcohol in your system, drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways


one of the stupidest rules, "drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways"

so your telling me if i live in woodbridge i cant drive the highways after midnight, haha, i am a younger drive and have not had any problems yet, that is a law of discrimination and should be struck down, is in violation of the charter. However i support the alcohol, should be 0.00 no one needs to drive even on one beer.

Driving is a privlidge, not a right...

A privilege—etymologically "private law" or law relating to a specific individual—is a special entitlement or immunity granted by a government or other authority to a restricted group, either by birth or on a conditional basis. A privilege can be revoked in some cases. In modern democracies, a privilege is conditional and granted only after birth. By contrast, a right is an inherent, irrevocable entitlement held by all citizens or all human beings from birth. Miscellaneous privileges, e.g. the old common law privilege to title deeds, may still exist, though of little relevance today.

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11. If you have your G2 licence you cannot have any alcohol in your system, drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways


one of the stupidest rules, "drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways"

so your telling me if i live in woodbridge i cant drive the highways after midnight, haha, i am a younger drive and have not had any problems yet, that is a law of discrimination and should be struck down, is in violation of the charter. However i support the alcohol, should be 0.00 no one needs to drive even on one beer.


Who does it discriminate against? People who don't have a full license? The rules are not based on age, they are based on drivers who have a learner's permit versus people who are fully licensed.

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FnA... not sure the force you are with ( I see your in Kitchener....but I have alot of friends here in hamilton that work halton, guelph, toronto etc etc) but I beg you if you are in York.... please I beg of you...


CreditStone and Hwy 7....



screw the ticket... charge em cash... you would be a millionaire in about 3.24 hours.



Edited by Gerritt
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I have disagree with number 1 only allowing one driver to turn on a red light has to be at the discretion of the officer. At more than a few intersections in Waterloo region 4 or 5 cars easily fit past the white line and road sign that indicate the proper stopping point. Once you are past that marking you are considered to be in the intersection and should have the right away regardless of the light changing. Since the HTA reads that all drivers must yield to drivers all ready in the intersection at stop signs and red lights.... (While we ALL KNOW any marking on the surface of any road in Ontario is NOT legally binding and just suggestive because of the fact that they can be covered at anytime by leaves, snow or road grime) the signs designating the stopping position for a red light would be binding. At a few of those intersections any car past the marking would impede a truck from turning on the green, so the officer would probably lose in court for charging someone turning in those places second to even fifth, if they couldn't back up safely.


Also how could an officer pull over all 3 or 4 cars at once to charge them? Once in court you could make the argument that your being charged, while the other drivers weren't was unfair....



Yes, you see it all the time where 3 or 4 cars go...but, the trick is...pull the last guy through over lol...he has no defence. The light is red. I have never lost these tickets.


The HTA (briefly) says that when turning left, only one car is allowed to creep into the intersect (people these days don't really understand that creeping doesn't mean sitting in the middle). If the driver is unable to complete his turn by the time the light goes from amber to red, he is allowed to complete it when it is safe to do so. Only ONE car can do this.

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FnA... not sure the force you are with ( I see your in Kitchener....but I have alot of friends here in hamilton that work halton, guelph, toronto etc etc) but I beg you if you are in York.... please I beg of you...


CreditStone and Hwy 7....

screw the ticket... charge em cash... you would be a millionaire in about 3.24 hours.




lol...not my patrol area.... i usually set up shop at Islington and Rutherford

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11. If you have your G2 licence you cannot have any alcohol in your system, drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways


one of the stupidest rules, "drive after midnight with people in the car who are not family or over 18 and drive on 400 series highways"

so your telling me if i live in woodbridge i cant drive the highways after midnight, haha, i am a younger drive and have not had any problems yet, that is a law of discrimination and should be struck down, is in violation of the charter. However i support the alcohol, should be 0.00 no one needs to drive even on one beer.


it's set up because young drivers....as well as many experienced ones....cannot handle distraction and no matter what you can tell me a person with 6 months driving experience can't handle having 3 of his buddies in the car...

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my question is off-ramp speed limits.. ie. those off the 400 series hwys. Are they mere suggestions or the rule of law?


off ramp speed limits are the same as the city street that they are entering i.e. if you're going onto highway 7 from the 400 it'll be a 60...the signs that are yellow are suggested speeds

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Could you explain to me why there seems to be a large number of vehicles that have license plates that have been obviously altered rendering them illegible?


simple.....the new licence plates are absolute garbage.....i've had one for 2 years and it's fading and rusting...my father has had the same licence plate since 1992 and there isn't any fading or rusting....

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One point to differ on. Brake light not required. Licence light and one tail light on passenger vehicle is all thats required. You can use your arm to indicate turns and stops.


only applies to antique cars and motorcycles


cars older than 1970 and bikes older than 1980 (i think, not a motorcycle expert) have to have a minimum of 2 head lights, one break light and identification lights

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Way back when I had driver training this is the way it was explained to me.... yellow means caution..signs with cruves in the road etc.. they are are warning you to take caution, yellow signs with the speed limit, well thats a recommendation that you should go that speed, and not the actual posted speed (the white sign). Also, back to the yellow line.. If its safe its my understanding you can pass. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


1. double solid lines are a notification/suggestion that it is not safe to pass...


2. yellow speed limit signs are suggested for safety - white means it's an "official" sign...i e if you're not caught on radar and i can visually see that you're travelling at a high rate of speed you can be given a "disobey official sign" ticket which yields the same penalties as disobey stop sign....


3. yes you can pass on a highway when it is safe to do so....but use your discretion on this one...any accident or mistake can lead to "drive left of centre"

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AFAIK double yellow solid suggests that it is unsafe to pass in that area but is prohibited (50 Meters?) before a turn, tunnel, railway crossing or approching the crest of a hill.


Another little known law... Unsafe left turn. If you approach your left turn and are slowing down, check your mirrors prior to turning. You can be charged if some moron hits you while trying to pass on the left even if you have your signal on. I encounter this almost daily at work... it's so tempting to make my turn and let them stuff thier car under my trailer but it's not worth getting charged.




on the flip side, if you're being overtaken you have to slow down and let them pass!

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Back to running amber lights... I've noticed in the City or Toronto now that instead of the pedestrian hand flashing they have COUNTDOWN timers.. Who's bright idea was this? As far as I can tell it just tells the car coming towards it and the person crossing the street that they need to SPEED up before the light changes? How many people do you think see that timer at say 3 or 4 seconds and gun it to get through the light? Which is more dangerous?

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FnA stay in Vaughan PLEASE!!! noone in that god forsaken city knows how to drive! they turn left from whatever lane they feel like and even indicate they are doing so just so they can get through the advance green and not have to wait behind a truck...


THOUSANDS of trucks in the Creditstone and HWY 7 area... red light runners are rampant!



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A few more..

Boat trailer safety chains must be fastened in such a way as they do not become easily dislodged (thanks so much for such a vague and silly rule). This essentially means you need rubber stoppers or metal clasps on your trailer chain hooks.

I was going to do a demonstration on making your own. If I get a chance this week I will do it and post it. I'm sure more than half the trailers out there don't have that and I still see places like CTC and others selling trailers without them...how on earth that is legal I have no idea.


Something that should be illegal..

Dogs riding in the backs of pick up trucks!! How many times I see this! One quick move and your pup is airborne and likely to die and also likely to cause a crash.

PLEASE FishNAutographs and other officers...start writing tickets for unsecure load for these fools. It is my number one pet peeve. If you must have your dog in the back, put in a crate and secure it with tie-downs..give your dog SOME safety.

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Whether your windows are tinted too much is left solely to the discretion of the police officer who stops you. It's my understanding that no police force in Ontario uses a device to ascertain the degree of tint (different levels of Government couldn't agree on who would pay for such a device). Consequently, one officer might ticket you while another officer wouldn't. Regardless the inconsistency involved in the enforcement of this law, I don't understand the need for drivers to be able to see other drivers. I have tinted windows for two reasons:


1. to prohibit people from seeing into my vehicle; and

2. to keep my vehicle cooler (less AC used = less gas burned = less emissions)


The law, such as it is, is only on the books because police forces argued that they must be able to see (through the window) to be able to ascertain whether the driver of a stopped vehicle has a gun. The typical "shotgun" approach. I'll suggest that 99.9% of all Ontario drivers stopped by police don't have a gun in their hand. Rather than the existing law, police should simply request drivers to roll down all windows before they approach the drivers door. If any driver doesn't comply, break the nearest window with a baton.

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"I don't understand the need for drivers to be able to see other drivers."


I think being able to see the other driver is a very important part of defensive driving. I spent my first few years driving a motorcycle and I can tell if a driver is going to cut me off or turn left in front of me just by seeing his/her face.


And it's even more important for pedestrians or cyclists. JMHO :)

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