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Personal Best Fish Cought!


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Tell everybody about your mose enjoyable catch.Was it released was it kept.



My most enyoyable catch wasn't a monster. I was fishing early morning with a friend. I was casting a Yum Dinger and i noticed a big swirl in the water underhanging a tree branch. I reeled in my bait quickly and threw it in there, moments later i hooked it to a nice 3lb largemouthbass. My reel was being striped of line. Anyway not a huge fish but one of the best experiences for me. :D

Edited by Mike The Bass Fisher
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Should be a fun topic to watch (you can tell how twitchy we're all getting with this nice weather).


My personal bests aren't great stories but this small walleye is my best story so far:


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="300" data="http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=1.173"'>http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=1.173" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"> <param name="flashvars" value="intl_lang=en-us&photo_secret=d7992dbaf9&photo_id=2402492650&show_info_box=true"></param> <param name="movie" value="http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=1.173"></param> <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=1.173" bgcolor="#000000" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="intl_lang=en-us&photo_secret=d7992dbaf9&photo_id=2402492650&flickr_show_info_box=true" height="300" width="400"></embed></object>


Close runner up would be an afternoon of smallie fishing on the Grand that PatrickG and I had late last summer where we had multiple 4 pounders as well as a few other large ones. Was one of those perfect afternoons


<a href=" 70044f2d title="70044f2d by Sean Maurik, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2089/1524175681_0384b8e0f3_o.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="70044f2d" /></a>


<a href=" Patricks biggie title="Patricks biggie by Sean Maurik, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2084/1500382255_332722dd61.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Patricks biggie" /></a>


Oh and my PB muskie which while big was a bit of a let down -trolling with heavy gear on short lines it was really just a matter of standing up, grabbing the rod out of the holder and dragging him in with nary a head shake. Still a damn nice fish though :)


<a href=" A new personal best title="A new personal best by Sean Maurik, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2131/1781194265_ee2811bce9.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="A new personal best" /></a>

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Don't have a picture of the brute but a tail....


Was about 4 years back, spending the last week of August (and my only vacation after sweatin at a summer job) before school started up again camping at Halfway Lake PP with my cuz, his fiancee and myself. We didn't have a boat so we rented canoes and motor boats everyday we were there$$$$. The fishing SUCKED....I beleive this was the only fish we caught all week.


Thursday of that week me and the cuz set out to utilize the day motor boat rental I traded for an arm. It was raining, looked light a vicious storm, but we toughed it out. Marking nothing on the fishfinder we trolled to a stop by an island in about 60 FOW with no structure. We sat, complained about the waste of time and $, ate lunch and had a smoke. The clouds broke nicely and a ray of sunshine hit our cold, wet clothes as we watched the storm majestically depart on each side of us.




I glance at the screen to see a biggun' suspending. Without a word to each other we pick up our rods and start casting away. I was using a perch colored wallydiver and, knowing we were in deep with nothing to snag, third cast in, a big THUMP. I'm excited as hell as line is screaming of my reel without my cusz shoutin' "STOP MESSIN' AROUND, I WANNA SEE WHAT IT IS". So I bring her to the surface.


Mr.pike slowly emerged, this thing had SHOULDERS. No net, so it took my cuz three attempts to compose himself and lift her in the boat. When that 40" and about 25lbs of pike came in we were the only loons screamin over the serene lake. That was the only fish the entire week, but a memorable one.


Hope you enjoyed the story,



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Its hard to pick just one fish! I have had some great battles with pike, but nothing tops my experiences tarpon fishing. I wroked pretty hard and put in some serious time ebfore I started catching tarpon consitantly. Some of my tarpon took an hour to get it and jumped 9-10 times clean out of the water.



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Well, I was drunk and she was a monster, weighed in at around 350lbs. When I woke up the next morning with her in bed next to me I ran :( .


On a serious note, I was out fishing in this pike hole up in the NWT. Smallest one we caught all day was 13lbs, biggest was around 25-27lbs. I don't have any digital pictures of those but this one is about the same size caught in our walleye spot on the same lake 3 years later. No wonder the walleye weren't biting!


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My story is not of a fish that I caught, but one for my buddy.


We headed out on the St. Lawrence bottom bouncing for walleye. Stopped at Timmys to grab some coffee before we hit the water. Wouldn't you know it his tackle box got lifted from the boat while we were inside (couldn't have been gone for more than 3 minutes). Hit the water anyways because I had enough tackle to cover everyone in the boat (it was crowded there were 4 of us). Anyways we got into the walleye pretty good. Caught about 20 between 3 of us. The other guy didn't get anything all day (the guy who lost his tackle box). We decided to have one last drift and we all reeled up in hopes the fish would hone in on his bait.


Wouldn't you know it a small walleye hit, he reeled it about half way to the boat, then his line started to peel off the drag. We couldn't believe it. after a good 5 minute fight we got the walleye to the boat, along with this Monster Pike. The pike had hit the spinner on his worm harness just in front of the walleye, chomped down on the line and wouldn't let go. We managed to land the big pike without it even being hooked but unfortunately the walleye got away in the process of netting.




We were all in such a good mood afterwards, we went to CT and bought a bunch of new tackle for him because we felt bad that he lost well over $200 worth that morning.

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Bly and I started fishing again (after a 20 year break for both of us) back in the late summer of 2006. We spent hours and hours pounding different shore locations, tracking weather, wind direction, water conditions....getting skunked most times we went out.


We were actively targeting shore walleye....and we'd had some success earlier in the fall. Finally, it all paid off in early Dec 2006 when I landed this 14.5 pound walleye....on a jointed shad rap casted from shore. Man...what a rush...all that hard work paid off....




Edit...this fish went back in to swim another day....

Edited by ccmt
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I agree it's hard to pick just one, but if forced to choose....paddling solo on the Asheweig system in N/W Ontario I caught a 26" male brook trout, guestimated at 8lb's.



Wow Mike. I can't imagine that. Well, actually I can. Almost. My most memorable fish was a 24 inch Male in full spawning colors with some pretty decent girth. 6 lbs. maybe. The exciting part was the fact that I picked him out of a pod of similar sized fish, right beside my boat in about 4 feet of water. I watch him swim out of the pod, and suck my jig fly into his mouth. Something I'll never forget. I've caught a bunch of similar sized fish since, but I think this one was the best looking and had the greatest girth. Congrats on your most memorable fish. Those Hudson Bay watershed fish are just beautiful creatures. My biggest Hudson Bay fish was another 24 inch male. Another memorable one for me.

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My most memorable fish are ones Ive shared with friends that have come after putting together a plan and seeing it come to fruition.


Northern River Brook trout on a fly






Hiking 20 k into the bush in Lake Superior Park and finding a pristine fishery




Hearing a rumour, checking it out on an opening day and watching my buddy get his PB brook trout at that time




Being there when he caught the trophy(graphite mount) that sits on his living room wall




Being there to catch a big muskie in the canoe




Anytime out fishing with my son through the years


His first 20" smallie on his own




stream wading smallies for the first time




His first stream Brown trout





His first muskie all on his own with no help




Hes a busy kid so getting out with him last summer for some smalllies was great




Fishing for me is about friends and what I call digging it out. I dont have picture loaded onto the computer but one of my buddies and I went to Labrador on a last second whim when a trip to the Nip fell through. We didnt catch the huge brook trout we were after but lots of them as well as great Ouananiche and whitefish. Personal Best dont mean that much to me although Im still patiently(read frustated) waiting to catch my first 50" musky.

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Probably would have to be my first musky. You know .... the one that starts it all. My wife and I were trolling the North Channel of the French not more than a couple hundred yards from camp. Wasn't even sure it was a fish at first, but I soon knew it was something of nice size. Got her netted and unhooked with little trouble, couple quick pics and released for another day. We measured her at about 43", quite small compared to the others posted already in this thread. I'm hoping that, by the end of the season this year, I can better that.





Edited by Rich Clemens
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Wow Mike. I can't imagine that. Well, actually I can. Almost. My most memorable fish was a 24 inch Male in full spawning colors with some pretty decent girth. 6 lbs. maybe. The exciting part was the fact that I picked him out of a pod of similar sized fish, right beside my boat in about 4 feet of water. I watch him swim out of the pod, and suck my jig fly into his mouth. Something I'll never forget. I've caught a bunch of similar sized fish since, but I think this one was the best looking and had the greatest girth. Congrats on your most memorable fish. Those Hudson Bay watershed fish are just beautiful creatures. My biggest Hudson Bay fish was another 24 inch male. Another memorable one for me.


Very cool, you sir are a kindred spirit :) .

And you're right about the Hudson Bay watershed spec's, especially rivers like the Asheweig and Fawn that are still on the shield.

Those monstrous coal black red bellied fish are river bred, not sea run.

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My most memorable fish are ones Ive shared with friends that have come after putting together a plan and seeing it come to fruition.


Northern River Brook trout on a fly






Hiking 20 k into the bush in Lake Superior Park and finding a pristine fishery




Hearing a rumour, checking it out on an opening day and watching my buddy get his PB brook trout at that time




Being there when he caught the trophy(graphite mount) that sits on his living room wall




Being there to catch a big muskie in the canoe




Anytime out fishing with my son through the years


His first 20" smallie on his own




stream wading smallies for the first time




His first stream Brown trout



His first muskie all on his own with no help




Hes a busy kid so getting out with him last summer for some smalllies was great




Fishing for me is about friends and what I call digging it out. I dont have picture loaded onto the computer but one of my buddies and I went to Labrador on a last second whim when a trip to the Nip fell through. We didnt catch the huge brook trout we were after but lots of them as well as great Ouananiche and whitefish. Personal Best dont mean that much to me although Im still patiently(read frustated) waiting to catch my first 50" musky.


I changed my mind, I think I'd rather just agree with Musky or Specks LOL!

That was great man!

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Very cool, you sir are a kindred spirit :) .

And you're right about the Hudson Bay watershed spec's, especially rivers like the Asheweig and Fawn that are still on the shield.

Those monstrous coal black red bellied fish are river bred, not sea run.


Your description of those northern fish is just perfect. I have to get back up there one of these days. It's been a while.

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I love'm all but my favourites are those big surprise fish. The 43" pike in my avatar and caught one the next week a little fatter, both caught walleye fishing with 8lb test and no leader. 10 minutes of non stop action and playing it out so it doesn't snap the line, also caught a couple big muskies on worm harnesses a couple years ago. So those big surprise fish are always fun on light gear and I always remember those the best.

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That's an awesome Tarpon Clive!!! Did you get it wading in those mangroves?(that'd be crazy) or just landed it by the shore? Tarpon are some cool fish!


My best and most memorable fish has got to be this Bass I caught in Florida. I caught it in a small pond that my parents house was on. I was only about 12 but I remember it vividly to this day. I have no idea what it weighed...any ideas? I saw this fish a couple times and was never able to catch it. I finally got it to bite a 10 inch plastic worm on 6 lb test...It was an amazing moment for me. I ran back to the house and my dad's jaw dropped and he said "WHAT THE @$%^!!!" The pond this came out of is tiny, but its connected to a bunch of other ponds through underwater pipes, for flood control during hurricanes. My Dad couldn't believe that this fish came out of this small pond.




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Not a personal best but still my single favourite day fishing. Grew up in Belleville and used to cross over to the county and just a little ways towards picton there is a huge marsh and creek (probably over grown now). Just a little ways up the highway before the small airport, off to the left was a side road and down a little was a bridge. I grew up loving fishing. My dad could take it or leave it, but one day when I was around 12 he woke me up, had a cooler packed and fishing rods in the car. Took me to the bridge and we spent the entire day there sitting on lawn chairs fishing. Probably went through four dozen worms and caught over a hundred perch, sunfish, a couple of catfish and some bass. Dad poured my my first cup of coffee, we told some dirty jokes, talked about girls, made some smart ass comments about people we would never say around anyone else. We kept a bunch of perch and fumbled our way through cleaning them that night probably getting about 1/2 the amount of meat off each fish we should have since neither one of us had cleaned a fish before and didn't really know what we were doing, dad and I cooked dinner for everyone that night. Tasted lousy since we breaded it too much and over cooked the fish and I asked mom if I could have a coffee after dinner and she looked at me like I was an idiot and said no. I wish everyday of my life was like that day.

Edited by jughead
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Not a personal best but still my single favourite day fishing. Grew up in Belleville and used to cross over to the county and just a little ways towards picton there is a huge marsh and creek (probably over grown now). Just a little ways up the highway before the small airport, off to the left was a side road and down a little was a bridge. I grew up loving fishing. My dad could take it or leave it, but one day when I was around 12 he woke me up, had a cooler packed and fishing rods in the car. Took me to the bridge and we spent the entire day there sitting on lawn chairs fishing. Probably went through four dozen worms and caught over a hundred perch, sunfish, a couple of catfish and some bass. Dad poured my my first cup of coffee, we told some dirty jokes, talked about girls, made some smart ass comments about people we would never say around anyone else. We kept a bunch of perch and fumbled our way through cleaning them that night probably getting about 1/2 the amount of meat off each fish we should have since neither one of us had cleaned a fish before and didn't really know what we were doing, dad and I cooked dinner for everyone that night. Tasted lousy since we breaded it too much and over cooked the fish and I asked mom if I could have a coffee after dinner and she looked at me like I was an idiot and said no. I wish everyday of my life was like that day.


Great story. My first coffee was on a fishing trip too! Brought back memories.

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My most memorable fish was probably the pike the my avatar... Spent 4 awesome days with my dad up on the French River last ThanksGiving. We hadn't been fishing much lately, but we both got bitten by the bug again. Just me and my dad in the crappy rainy weather, like we used to do all the time when I was a kid. Funny story about that pike.. We were fishing top water the entire 4 days for bass/pike (yes, topwater in the fall :) ). On a whim, I launched a Zara Spook junior across a little channel opposite of the shore we were fishing towards a little island. I didn't expect to get anything but the lure was about 10ft from the boat when the pike missed it the first time. I wasn't even paying attention (I was looking over at my dad talking) when the water just exploded.. My dad looked at me and said "Oh jesus @#$@#$ Bill!"... I quickly realed up and launched the lure back out.. Half way back to the boat she took it again. Ripped a 100yrds of line off in a matter of no time, I think my dad was more excited then I was.. We originally thought it was a muskie until we got it closer to the boat and noticed it was a monster pike. Big and fat from the fall feed, definitely my PB pike.. We got it in the net and we both started to freak out. Quickly got the hooks out, took a few pics and back she went. That just made the trip...


This year we have quite a few trips planned, but even if we don't tie into any more monsters, it's the time we spend out on the boat together that is the best part of all of it.

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