TOM C Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 (edited) Great point Twilight, but in the Bible its not a good thing, and in some ways that is what this debate is about and how some feel in must be resisted. Thats what my take on Lundboys position is Edited March 30, 2008 by TOM C
Guest lundboy Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 (edited) TOM C said: Great point Twilight, but in the Bible its not a good thing, and in some ways that is what this debate is about and how some feel in must be resisted. Thats what my take on Lundboys position is You are correct, except that I stay away from the theological perspective, because there is just way too much documented admissions and evidence that globalist greed and hegemony is at work here, and it is an easy target subject for people not awake yet. There is good evidence they are using religion to coral people into not resisting such as in Romans 13. Below is a document leaked by a pastor in the US from FEMA. Basically the IRS is using tax exemption status to blackmail church pastors (23,000 so far), to quell resisters, to report dissenters, promote gun confiscation and forced inoculations as well as deliver sermons based on Romans 13. and a news clip The point is that there are so many facets that when seen alone, they seem harmless enough. But when a lot of these plans are looked at together they are extremely pervasive, invasive and dangerous. And it's all done so incrementally that most people don't notice or care. It starts with things as innocuous as trying to pass policies to force everyone to have to put all of their liquids into a baggy at the airport. Then removing your shoes and nipple rings! hard to believe I know but here it is: (You can bet that people will now be so intimidated that they will no longer be wearing peircings through the detectors.) Then you'll need to be fingerprinted, when that's accepted it will be easy to chip everyone etc. It's all compliance testing... when we comply and let them chip away at our rights bit by bit, we soon will have none left. Leading to martial law and tyranny. Think the German people were aware what was going on? They woke up one morning to find themselves living in fascist tyranny. I can't recommend enough that everyone reads Naomi Wolf's book "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" It's short and to the point. Order it, give it to relatives and friends. Here are her points in a nutshell: How about this, the government controls your thermostat. Another infringement in the energy non-crises, and a climate change initiative. (if you remember Toronto Hydro attempted this last year, don't worry they haven't given up, that's what the OneZone WiFi project was for) It goes on and on, but there are people (right here on this forum) that will still say "the government loves us, why won't you just comply with them like me?" The "Earth Hour" was completely a compliance test. It will probably used to facilitate rolling blackouts or something to that effect, knowing people won't mind being in the dark for an hour or more, as long as it "helps the environment". Yep I'm passionate. I've seen too much to know that there is way more going on than what the globalists are showing the sheeple up front. 'They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security' Benjamin Franklin Edited March 30, 2008 by lundboy
holdfast Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 Im proud to say that I pulled a Griswold. Not only did I have my TV on, Beer Fridge in full gear, I even strung up some Xmas lights for good measure. Reason being, unlike sheep, there is no advantage to this David Suzuki recommended exercise. Im not tripping over drinking beers and watching the game in the Dark because he says so. I see no advantage in this exercise of futility. Prices will still go up. W'e would be better off boycotting fuel prices, by the way which went up again here. Why don't you guys boycott toilet paper for a day, as cutting trees contributes to the destruction of the Earth. Yup my trailer was well lit up in Big River SK Last night.
ehg Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 lundboy said: You are correct, except that I stay away from the theological perspective, because there is just way too much documented admissions and evidence that globalist greed and hegemony is at work here, and it is an easy target subject for people not awake yet. There is good evidence they are using religion to coral people into not resisting such as in Romans 13. Yep I'm passionate. I've seen too much to know that there is way more going on than what the globalists are showing the sheeple up front. Lundboy, it's good to see someone trying to spread 'alternative' knowledge to some people. Coming out of university in the early 90's i read Noam Chomsky, Jean Baudrillard, and other post- modernist authours like crazy. They were toeing your same line as well. Naomi Wolf was in my GF's classes at the time (U of T). An interesting film to see right now is 'Zeitgeist' which clearly shows what you speak of. I try not to be paranoid but we are playthings of a powerful few. There is a slow but general improvement in the lives of First World peoples at the expense of Third World folk.
TOM C Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 Good ole Sask. no ones gonna make them do any thing other than they want, only province in Canada that said everyday the sun rises and sets and we dont need to change our clocks twice a year to change whats been happening for millions of years. LOL
Guest lundboy Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 (edited) ehg said: Lundboy, it's good to see someone trying to spread 'alternative' knowledge to some people. Coming out of university in the early 90's i read Noam Chomsky, Jean Baudrillard, and other post- modernist authours like crazy. They were toeing your same line as well. Naomi Wolf was in my GF's classes at the time (U of T). An interesting film to see right now is 'Zeitgeist' which clearly shows what you speak of. I try not to be paranoid but we are playthings of a powerful few. There is a slow but general improvement in the lives of First World peoples at the expense of Third World folk. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Jean Baudrillard was a real interesting guy. I didn't know about him until his death last year. I'm still studying his work though, there is a lot to digest. Zeitgeist is a bit shocking for people that are just starting to research. The religious aspects traumatize people easily. In order of study for people just starting out, others (most of which can be found on Google video or Youtube) that I recommend: -What I've learned about US Foreign Policy-The War Against the Third World (Frank Dorrel) -9-11 The Road to Tyranny (Alex Jones) -The Corporation (Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, Joel Baken) -The Money Masters ( -America: Freedom to Fascism (the Late Aaron Russo) -Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings (Antiquities Research) -Riddles in Stone (Antiquities Research) -Martial Law (Alex Jones) -Police State 3 (Alex Jones) -Terrorstorm (Alex Jones) -Esoteric Agenda (unknown) -Endgame (Alex Jones) Recommended Reading: -The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Charlotte Iserbyt) -The Underground History of American Education (John Taylor Gatto) -The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (Daniel Estulin) -Armed Madhouse (Greg Palast) -The Late Great U.S.A.: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada (Jerome Corsi) -The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot (Naomi Wolf) -The New World Order (H.G. Wells) This one is extremely hard to find so here it is in PDF -Brave New World (Aldous Huxley) -Nineteen Eighty Four (George Orwell) -Shape of Things to Come (H.G. Wells) -Seeds of Deception (Jeffrey M. Smith) That's more than enough to get one started researching. All of these sources are well vetted with tons of legitimate references (except Wells, Huxley and Orwell of course) Edited March 30, 2008 by lundboy
danbouck Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 Why yes I did participate. What the hell are you guys talkin' about
steve barrett Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 Had to participate Grandson who is five had to tell his teacher all about it .We turned out all the lights got some camping stuff Lights and checked them out before the season starts .Watched videos with the battery box and inverter and had a great time with the wee fellow.What cost was there ? None but a good time with the little guy.
Deano Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 " What cost was there ? " For those who think there's no harm in buying into this scam, here's a great little article of the cost. It's from TIME and will shed a little light to some of what your really doing. The Clean Energy Scam
Daplumma Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 lundboy said: Thank you for your words of encouragement. Jean Baudrillard was a real interesting guy. I didn't know about him until his death last year. I'm still studying his work though, there is a lot to digest. Zeitgeist is a bit shocking for people that are just starting to research. The religious aspects traumatize people easily. In order of study for people just starting out, others (most of which can be found on Google video or Youtube) that I recommend: -What I've learned about US Foreign Policy-The War Against the Third World (Frank Dorrel) -9-11 The Road to Tyranny (Alex Jones) -The Corporation (Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, Joel Baken) -The Money Masters ( -America: Freedom to Fascism (the Late Aaron Russo) -Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings (Antiquities Research) -Riddles in Stone (Antiquities Research) -Martial Law (Alex Jones) -Police State 3 (Alex Jones) -Terrorstorm (Alex Jones) -Esoteric Agenda (unknown) -Endgame (Alex Jones) Recommended Reading: -The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Charlotte Iserbyt) -The Underground History of American Education (John Taylor Gatto) -The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (Daniel Estulin) -Armed Madhouse (Greg Palast) -The Late Great U.S.A.: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada (Jerome Corsi) -The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot (Naomi Wolf) -The New World Order (H.G. Wells) This one is extremely hard to find so here it is in PDF -Brave New World (Aldous Huxley) -Nineteen Eighty Four (George Orwell) -Shape of Things to Come (H.G. Wells) -Seeds of Deception (Jeffrey M. Smith) That's more than enough to get one started researching. All of these sources are well vetted with tons of legitimate references (except Wells, Huxley and Orwell of course) Been following this thread for a couple of days bud,some friendly advice.Fish more,start a family,get a real job,do a stint in the military,go to a few different random churches for a few Sundays,stay outside for a full day and for dogs sake...turn off yer computer for a few days.No offence intended but you are way too intense ( and maybe even smart ) for us old guys who have done what I have suggested you do. Joe I was once young and idealistic also
irishfield Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 I'm curious ...seeing that they noted the power use reduction for the hour... if anyone noted how much the spike was after the use reduction. The reason I ask is I wonder how many did exactly like barbless fisher did and used power packs during the outage..which of course have to be plugged back in to charge them up. Some great bonding time spent with Grandchild none the less.. and you can't put a price on that !
Mako Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 (edited) Why even argue if we are causing Global Warming or not. If it gets people finally doing their part it works for me. This guy says it all and I doubt anyone could disagree...unless your a freak who doesn't care about the future and would like to gamble on every species on earth. And yes I turned off the lights at Earth Hour and lite up a carbon-neutral beeswax candle and made sweet love to my wife on my organic cotton sheets while listening to music on my hand-crank radio. Oh I also harnessed the heat energy from our "activity" and charged my 2 trolling motor batteries Boo Ya! "We don't inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children" Edited March 31, 2008 by Mako
Zubris21 Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 I have to side with Forrest and Ramble On for this one. I commend you guys for sticking up for what you believe in and showing some real concern over the state of our environment. Ramble On I further appreciate the fact that you pointed out how climate change does not only refer to an increased global temperature. The effects will vary from one location to another, this is why scientists, and yes even popular media has shifted away from using the term "Global Warming". Lundboy, I have not read into the links that you have posted, and again I commend you for speaking your mind, but I have to entirely disagree that this was a compliance test. Although the organization that fist put forward the Earth Hour idea, may have various agendas, I believe their intentions in this manner were to heighten environmental awareness, nothing more! You may criticize or mock me for not reading into the foundations other objectives, but simply stated... I enjoy outdoors activities that rely upon a healthy environment and, I will support any incentives, programs, or activities that promote environmental awareness. Once again I do not believe Earth Hour was a compliance test, rather it was method to encourage environmental awareness whether or not people participated. This forum supports my point completely, take yourself, or many others who have responded to this thread, whether you participated or not it still got you talking about issues that are confronting our natural world. Furthermore linking the founder of the WWF to authors of Brave New World and War of the Worlds was a moot point. Although the authors may have believed, or even supported the societies portrayed in these novels they are, when it comes down to it fictional works. Now you may argue that the resources you have posted indicate a similar fate is imminent, but if you truly believe this, then you my friend demonstrate a complete lack of faith in society, human kind and the basic principles of free will. Lastly, I have to ask why you are still living on the grid if you feel so strongly. Not as a means to lessen your impact on the environment but undoubtedly the taxes you pay go towards creating this globalists society which you oppose so greatly. I do not question your intelligence, you have clearly demonstrated you are highly educated whether it is self educated or through the education system, and you have responded to criticism in a tasteful manner (with the exception of the last couple of posts). I just feel that this anti-globalists stance (which I am neither opposing nor supporting as I have not researched both sides) has blinded your critical judgment. Earth hour was simply a ploy to encourage environmental awareness, nothing more! There were not alternate motives, there was no compliance test, we are not being fitted for microchips! The environment is a fragile system, we have abused it for way too long. It is today, not tomorrow when we need to develop strategies to reverse the impact of humans, or at least lessen the stress that our consumerist society has caused to our precious planet.
holdfast Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 Mako said: Why even argue if we are causing Global Warming or not. If it gets people finally doing their part it works for me. This guy says it all and I doubt anyone could disagree...unless your a freak who doesn't care about the future and would like to gamble on every species on earth. And yes I turned off the lights at Earth Hour and lite up a carbon-neutral beeswax candle and made sweet love to my wife on my organic cotton sheets while listening to music on my hand-crank radio. Oh I also harnessed the heat energy from our "activity" and charged my 2 trolling motor batteries Boo Ya! "We don't inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children" Oh Brother, who art thou
ehg Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 lundboy said: Thank you for your words of encouragement. Jean Baudrillard was a real interesting guy. I didn't know about him until his death last year. I'm still studying his work though, there is a lot to digest. Lundboy, i read most of that stuff 15+ yrs. ago, since then i've seen that most people have an awareness of this anyways. Baudrillard was looking at how technologies have changed our process of thinking. The reality is that regular folks in the western world have it better than ever. Look at the ancient game of chess. Pawns are sacrificied, then knights to protect the bishops and mainly protect the king and queens and their home (castles). I wasn't even aware of ' Earth Hour' and was sleeping during it after a 14 hour work shift , this flu tired me out as well. Life is good and hopefully this event raised some enviromental awareness, but will it stop those 'flying carp' from entering the Great Lakes.
Headhunter Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 Every day is "Earth Day" at my house! As a cheap Prick, nothing drives me battier than a light burning for no reason. I did find it rather humorous that so many folk jumped on this "conservation" wagon... when in reality, if you truly did care, you would be doing this every day anyway. Now, before the "conspiracy" folks get their under-ware in a knott, I would not be doing it because some left wing tree hugger asked me to or because some former pollitcal leader wants more of my money... I do it because I'm CHEAP! Isn't that motivation enough? HH
largemouth Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 science proved the polar caps on Mars are melting at the same rate as on did we get pollution to Mars? In the 70's it they used global freezing as a cash grab, now its global warming. wake up people!
fishinggeek Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 I'm as cheap as Headhunter with energy. No point in paying for nothing. What I don't understand about Earth Hour is why is it the same hour (give-or-take for time zones) for everyone? I might be wrong, but I thought it was 8pm for everyone, in which case there is probably significant unutilized capacity in power generation which creates opportunity costs. It would make more sense to schedule earth hours for different locations, so that otherwise unutilized capacity could be redirected to areas not in their earth hour, minimizing not only total usage but also unutilized capacity. I guess it was more of an awareness thing maybe.
pikehunter Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 Quote Every day is "Earth Day" at my house! As a cheap Prick, nothing drives me battier than a light burning for no reason.I did find it rather humorous that so many folk jumped on this "conservation" wagon... when in reality, if you truly did care, you would be doing this every day anyway. Now, before the "conspiracy" folks get their under-ware in a knott, I would not be doing it because some left wing tree hugger asked me to or because some former pollitcal leader wants more of my money... I do it because I'm CHEAP! Isn't that motivation enough? HH I just got the words out of my mouth that I was not posting on this thread again. But you said it well HH :clapping: I just can't help myself but to add to the thread. The march continues.................................................................
Ramble Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 You are aware the ice on mars is frozen carbon dioxide....
douG Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 Don't mix ethanol with right minded ecological initiatives, such as reducing consumption. That is one of the biggest mistakes whats his name has ever made - forcing global markets to choose between food and fuel.
Chris Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 Maybe I'm just too damn skeptical/jaded/cynical to care, but on top of not falling for any of this hype (it's mostly political Bull, not scientific) we have decided that we will no longer be voting. Yeah, yeah, yeah.....I know "don't complain if you don't vote". To those I say.....I'll complain all I want about politicians who meddle in my life. Go on, continue playing the game, thinking that you are making a difference. Well after 32 years of voting for all of the 3 major parties (at all levels of gov't. I might add) I have concluded that it's no longer worth the effort of draggin' my butt to the polls because NOTHING ever changes. I am only interested in gov't. accountability. With it, we would not even be discussing this issue IMHO. Accountability is ALWAYS overshadowed by the "hot topics" and "3 second sound bites" of the day. In my opinion, accountability has decreased to an all-time low and shows no signs of changing in my what's the point of voting. Global warming is just more Bull politics and nothing else. The age old saying "don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see" best sums up my feelings. OK so I'm havin' a bad day....but I did say that I was skeptical/jaded/cynical
Guest lundboy Posted April 1, 2008 Report Posted April 1, 2008 Well guys, it's been fun but it's time to move on. Lot's of people here know what I've been getting at with my posts regarding the "Earth Hour" experiment. Many, many, possibly hundreds of thousands of people say that there is more to the "environmental" angle than meets the eye. People that are far more researched and knowledgeable, both academically and historically minded people, than I could ever hope to be. I have given you the links and references to the works of some of these people. You can choose to ignore their work or you can investigate further. You can dismiss it as "conspiracy theories". All I can say is I have studied their works with a skeptical eye since 2001. I've looked at both sides, studied both arguments. I know the conclusion I have come to and it's because of the sheer volume of evidence. It doesn't take a biology scholar to see what has and is going on. This evidence points to a lot more insidious agendas at play than just having your environmental feelings preyed upon by a bunch of money grubbing bankers and politicians. So, you can do what you want with the info I have given you. All you have to do is watch a few videos and read a few books. What if the evidence is right? Will it hurt you to have an open mind and look at it, THEN form your own opinions after seeing it? As the "Climate Change" people have been advocating all along, isn't it better to take steps now to be prepared for what is coming, than to sit and do nothing? Does it not make sense to you to take some of the effort and money that you would use to "Save the Earth" and instead invest it in your OWN family's best interest? Something tangible? The Government of Canada is not constantly running ads on TV to prepare for 72 hrs of emergency for nothing. Many believe (myself included) that it will be longer, much longer. -Get yourself some storable food, about a years worth for each member of your family if possible -Make sure you have somewhere to goto that is away from the cities -Make sure you have something to make clean water from a river or lake -Convert some of your money to gold and silver (in your hand) while it's still affordable -Have a plan If it ends up you never need it Great, eat it, sell it, donate it to charity. That's the only point I'm trying to make. There is good evidence we all need to prepare and we need to do it now. A few final links for anyone that IS interested in getting prepared:
POLLIWOGG Posted April 1, 2008 Report Posted April 1, 2008 I haven't read all the posts so maybe someone has already come up with this. I propose that next year instead of saving an average of 10cents worth of electricity and driving 20 miles or so to a bon fire or whatever party to celebrate saving the said electricity that next year everyone turn on a light and stand under it for an hour and don't move. If you look at the environmental foot print of earth day I suspect it was a disaster because we made a party out of it..
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