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Rant NF


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One thing we probably have to ask ourselves is why a "rant" thread receives 2,371 views and 103 responses? Don't think a fishing report has ever garnered that much interest in this sites existence...hey, I guess we all like to rant.


Sadly, the official "Fishing for Tyler" thread has only received 4 responses and 572 views - go figure...


Don't worry, Cliff - there will be a new "rant" of some sort posted tomorrow, whether it be about a lousy fishing store, loud music, rod warranties, or the weather. Perhaps we need a "rant" section on this site, so we don't have to wade through them all...(tongue in cheek comment there.)


Good Fishing,


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While I made a post on this subject expressing my opinion, I think publicly attacking Roy is/was uncalled for.... as for charity... I know all too well the level to which OFC'rs give... it is unbelievable to say the least... I know it as do Shelly and Cliff etc etc etc...


To sit there and publicly attack Roy is wrong in my opinion... as I know first hand he has helped so many here. He did not need too, but he did what he could for what he though was right.


for those of you attacking him shame on you.



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Click Click Click, This is really amusing. I don't know anybody from a hole in the ground, although Roy has moderated me a few times, even Gag ordered, But at Least the Last Time he had the decency to give me a good PM when a Wuss( no names-no pack drill) called me a name but cowardly never answered my Pm after it got locked. As long as I have lived, kids for all kinds of Organizations went door to door or stood at key locations to bring in money that public funds wont pay. You name it, from hockey excursions to boy scouts and girl guide cookies. But call it Panhandling, I think not. I thought Roy was going to talk about Squeegee kids or some young guy with 2 legs and 2 arms asking for money. Loved it two weeks ago when I went to the Liquor store and two Losers asked me for Money. I unloaded on them like a Drill Sgt and told them that I worked hard for my money and I wasn't giving any to anybody especially them. That's a Panhandler. But Kids, I'm not sorry by saying that I don't agree with Roy or others on his original thread. I agree with what Kirk has said, including the St Roy comment, because it sure looks like it. Just say no to the kids, give out Mcdonalds applications to the lazy non disabled, or unload on the Welfare Bums that hang out near the liquor store. I hope this thread never ends because, really, its amusing. I really like the Mcdonalds applications. Good one.

Can anybody tell me how to get rid of the telemarketers because I dont have time to individually go through Cyber space to cancel, especially if I keep getting new ones.

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Now this is exactly why I rarely get involved in threads that go this way.


Things get taken way out of context.


What I was trying to say Kirk, was that I believe the general rule is that if you have something unkind to say

about another member of this board, you should take it to PM instead of openly flaming someone.

I know you say you were not flaming, but it certainly seems like a personal attack on Roy. You say it is not, but as they say,

if it looks like a duck.... well, you know the rest.


It should have gone to PM long ago.



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Personally I like the idea that the kids have to go out and earn a trip or whatever it is they want to be involved in. I think kids today get too easily a free pass and if it means selling chocolates or whatever then it helps them build character.


There are also alot of kids out there that have parents that cannot afford to pay for their childs sports, does that mean a child should suffer? Let them sell chocolates and learn what it means to work for what they want.

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OK, it sounds like it is time for me to stand and be counted.


Alright, I agree with some of you, but not everybody. OK? We ALL HATE ROY, but we all have our own reasons, and we can never agree on exactly what those reasons are.


I think we should all just decide amongst ourslefs that we don't like him, and leave it at that. I won't be talking to him any time soon, that's for sure.

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:o:D ...nice

You know the the only thing I hate more then Roy....kids!

They are all money grubbing PANHANDLERS looking for a free ride!

EVERY Single one of them.


Think about it....

First they expect you to feed them & Wipe their butt for a few years then next thing you know its sports, clothes, tuition and trips to Europe!

And then if that wasn't enough they want more money towards their wedding, and they might even ask you to buy their own bratty kids gifts on their birthday...

Its no wonder these other parents send the kids out onto the street to begg for cash donations.

They have to save for retierment some how right?


mmmm...wait a minute!

I have kids too!

Better pick out a good spot at the mall now before the other parents get it first LOL!!!!



Do I have to buy the other kids chocolate bars if I'm asked while I'm supervising my Kids selling theirs?


And if the other Kids are rude, do I still need to be polite?

mmmm....to many rules, think I'll just stay home :rolleyes:

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Didnt think I was going to get in my .02 before the lock down.

If a child showed up at my door with a box or some other money holding object asking for a donation for sports, education or a school event/trip.......

I'd pretty much say NO thanks and shake my head in disgust...

perhaps even a "..If I gave you money ...I wouldnt be able to go"

On the other hand...If they, when finished their sales spiel then told me. they would be

willing to shovel my driveway or cut my grass or wash my truck for any donation towards their cause I would have no problem throwing them a $20...maybe even a $50.

We've successfully raised 6 of our own children who all know the value of a buck...

There are far too many of other peoples children out there who expect something for nothing.......and they havent been taught the value of work=earnings.......No work, No earnings....including at home.

Firefighters.........on their international fundraising day sometimes I feel swarmed and it can be bloody inconvienient but It does put a smile on my face when my turn to roll the window down and give because of the respect I hold for what the firefighters do for a living and their great cause for MD.

Roy is not a saint.......neither is any one else here.....But I do know that Roy is a charitable fella to a HUGE extent and that (IMO) most likely wouldnt have said what he did that seems to have upset you Kirk, Matt etc....

if the child had something to offer instead of just asking......something for nothing..........

Im sorry....but a sports event or school reason doesnt cut it.

I believe you have made an error by comment and are showing Ill colours of a personality and most on this board are jumping in as protection of another OFC'r. I wouldnt reply either again if i were Roy because it has become quite apparent it does not matter what he says to you it will be deemed incorrect/arogant/nasty or other.

Dont include me in no parade because that comment is not warranted.....Not to anyone.

The only saints i know are my parents and my wife.......

OK...Lock'r down now captain!

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