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The Verdict is in


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2nd degree murder doesnt have a manditory sentence....so there will be a trial to figure that out. Sadly the Crown just want able to prove that the murders were premeditated...that is likley due to a lack of evidence. I have trouble understanding how you can kill 6 people on seperate ocassions with out planning them.....


Anyway, Canada doesnt use consecutive sentances so he will serve ther same amount of time for 6 murders as he would if he had of commited one. The crown isnt done with him yet. They still have other cases open that he will probably have to answer for.

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It's too bad we haven't stronger sentences. The death penalty, if we had it, would not be enough for this scum bucket. And it's really too bad that his fellow inmates will probably be kept away from him.


Wish that the inmates of Bernardo and Carla would have had a couple of hours alone with them, a few clubs, a couple of baseball bats and some cattle prods. Maybe some of the score could have been evened up. Bloody liberal pussy assed laws we have in this country.

Edited by pikehunter
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Donald Marshall Jr., David Milgaard, Guy Paul Morin and Steven Truscott are just a few of the reasons why I am glad we don't have the death penalty. While Robert Pickton is in a different class, if the death penalty exists it has the potential to be applied in any murder case.


Pickton will never get out in the same manner that Clifford Olsen, Paul bernardo, etc. will never get out.

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Good discussion thread! Lotsa issues folks are upset about re the Pickton trial for sure.


A few thoughts and suggestions.... boring to some but hopefully of interest to others here. And maybe even a way to help solve the issues.


What is ' law ' ?


" Law is akin to many layers of fabric used to capitalize from and cloak the truth." - Unknown author


The legal system wins every time.... attorney, judge, forensic technician/police salaries and expenses, etc.....

The more lawyers, the more details and rights associated with the law.... the more time it takes to carefully weigh all the sides of the equation.... the more the system propogates itself to continuance, which is what it's real purpose is. Like the purpose on any critter is to self-propogate itself, so is the purpose of any system. The legal system resists any change to make it do something different than maintain status quo or to enlarge.


Outside force is required to change a system. Budget/staffing cuts/a push from the powers that be (to serve their own system requirements).... is required.


We need law. For sure we do. But it's really getting to be a cumbersome system that reeks of money and inefficiencies. Lie detectors need to be better refined/used to serve as evidence. They aren't perfect, but if used judiciously on anyone thought to be involved in a crime, it sure would speed up the process of finding out who the police/justice system should focus on. It would help render verdicts also. I read about Police Chiefs selling illegal guns; police charged with drug trafficing and so forth. I read all the examples of good folks being victimised by police/the Crown in the recent thread by the fellow who was attacked in bed by his ex..

Better use of lie detectors would in my humble opinion, discourage someone...whether politician, cop, criminal, prospective wrong-doer from committing illegal acts. Courts are backlogged now and the process is labour, cost and time intensive to the point where innocent folks are severely punished by the process of $$$ for lawyers, lost time, stress, unsure outcomes although innocent.


Lie-dector technology needs to be enhanced and used better, to the maximum, to offset the time and costs of the current legal system. But that ain't gonna happen as long as the system self-propogates itself to remain unchanged.

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Well he got the maximum!!! Even if he was convicted on 1st degree.. it would have been 25 to life... second degree (which he was convicted with) the judge still handed down 25!!! this is a huge victory for the families he was found guilty in destroying....


Next up the 20 other charges of murder...


This man will NEVER see the outside world again as a free man...


I am kind of torn here... No innocent life is worth more then another...


However is the substantial cost worth it...(trial, lawyers, judge, etc...)


The other families need nay...deserve closure..


I say try him on the other 20 cases to bring closure to the families that are involved.. (I know this may not be popular...)



Pickton has served 6 years so far (counts toward the judges sentence) .... and unfortunately we dont deliver consecutive sentences in Canada... ( meaning 25 years for every person... in this case)



Nope... 25 years total..


So by law he Must be given a parole hearing in 19 years..


No doubt Pickton will be kept in solitary confinment as the general population.. would well... Think of what they would do to Bernardo...


I say give the families 10 minutes alone with him.. without cameras.. with out reprehension...



Some may disagree with me but I think the next phase HAS to happen to bring this to an end and to make right by the families he has destroyed.. throw the monetary costs involved out the window.. the grieving families need this...


Hell Canadians need this..


My vote? Life in prison with 100 Lashes to the back per day.. Not death.. but he would certainly wish he was...



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He will obviously be declared a dangerous offender and be kept in out a luckitary confinement for life. I think that is much worse than death.


My thoughts exactly....


As good as people think these criminals have it in prison....really it's misunderstood....there is no cushy prison and where Pickton is going, it ain't gonna be fun....he'll get shanked one way or the other

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