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If you haven't stuck your nose out the door yet, you may want to give yerself and extra few minutes heading into work this mornin.


I just got back in from driving around for awhile and there's freezing rain right now.....at least in Toronto anyways.....so you'll need to do a bit of scraping before taking off. Roads are a bit dicey too.


Where the heck is that global warming they've promised us :thumbsup_anim:


yup.. was watching breakfast television.. over 100 accidents already.. yikes..

take it slow out there and leave plenty of space!!!!


now i'm reconsidering if i should even install my gpa or get the boat ready at all.. going to maybe use it only once.. :angry:


Yep, I'm gonna start the car early and let it warm up so I only have miminal scraping of the windows this morning. I'll take her nice and slow, maybe stop for a Timmies on the way to work.


Better get my mittens and toque out :thumbsup_anim:



Should be good for business over at Mark's


You still working in the same place ??


I looked for you awhile back but couldn't see you anywhere


Light snow and windy in Keswick, not much accumulation though. Maybe I'm getting old, or wiser but I finally realised that this crappy job will let me work from home. So here I am "working"


Not much snow in London but it's quite slippery. Woke up and found this in my backyard:




Good times. It totally demolished the lattice on the top of the fence but shouldn't take too long to fix. Just waiting on a sawzall to hack it up. Or I could just fill the yard with water and throw some bass in there. The tree might hold fish.


i drove downtown from mississauga this morning and THERE WAS NO TRAFFIC!! it took me an hour yesterday in the rain and only 25minutes today!

i think everyone jumped the gun and called in this morning, works for me, i hate the morning rush :thumbsup_anim:


Not much of a winter storm, but our first taste of winter here this fall.


A couple of pictures from downtown Toronto (Harbord/Grace).


A little scraping to do on my car.



First shovelling of year.







Yup... Some pretty yukky roads up our way too Lew... took me an hour to get into work today, usually a 20 min. ride with a stop at Timmies...


In-Cab lesson's were cancelled so I went and did some much NEEDED xmas shopping... :D


Back home now and its still coming down....


Drive safe all....


Huh, I had no problems getting to work today...everyone drove at a decent speed, although followed too closely. I thought it was worse last week or whenever Lew went fishing with Wayne. I also had no problems at work, other than the 401 was a little slow...no big deal. I did find it slippery walking my customers to and from the bus at times though, but by 7:30-8:00 all was ok for the most part. Some co-workers were not so lucky, but they had more problems with their buses than the weather :P




Good to see you made it home OK Mo, guess you missed the mess on the 400 ??


It's bad both ways now between Finch & 7


It was partly cloudy and 75 degrees today in Yuma.

It's Thanksgiving Day in the US. and all the smaller businesses are enjoying an extra long weekend, Thursday, through Sunday.

Buck and I stayed off the water as we expected that there would be a lot of boat traffic etc. on the local "lakes."

I took this picture the other day...


Sorry about your weather...grin.


Buck and I stayed off the water as we expected that there would be a lot of boat traffic etc. on the local "lakes."


Sorry about your weather...grin.




There's no boat traffic here at any time of the year. Don't apologize about the weather. I wouldn't have it any other way. For me, I'd rather go north in the summer than south in the winter in a heartbeat.


Good Deal!

I officially sign over my share of winter weather to you for all time...to use as you see fit.

I will sweat it out down here on the Mexican border, where there is year round boating and Bass fishing.

If your butt ices over feel free to drop down for a defrost.

In the mean time I will try to not to loose my tan.

See you in April...grin


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