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After seeing the fiberals win in Ontario again, and Gore winning the Nobel peace prize, nothing about mankind will surprise me anymore.


It is quite impossible to ignore the fact that the human race has a tremendous impact upon our natural resources.


It is quite possible that much of that impact is harmful to our environment (one might ask the Passenger Pidgeon.)


The first step in correcting any negative impact is to realize that it exists.


Al Gore's works are a step towards leading people to the inevitable conclusion that humans have an impact, that much of that impact is negative, and that humans need to recognize that fact.


I fail to understand how burying the human race's massive head in the sand will further our successes on this planet.


It is also quite possible that Mr. Gore and his group of near at hand cronies, are simple fleecing the masses of their hard earned cash and padding their already over stuffed wallets with said funds. :wallbash:

I can't believe that in the entire world, they couldn't have found a better qualified candidate for the prize!

Interestingly, last week I read an article that stated that Al Gore's movie was to become part of the school curriculum in England, until a judge ruled that there are far too many wrongs in the film, to actually allow it to qualify as an educational film... I hope he spends his money wisely! :asshat: :asshat:



Posted (edited)
...and padding their already over stuffed wallets with said funds.


I hope he spends his money wisely!


Gore said he would donate his share of the $1.5 million that accompanies the prize to the non-profit Alliance for Climate Protection.



Tsk tsk.

Edited by douG

I don't know which extreme side of the issue is more likely to be full of poop, but if the defensiveness of some is any indication...

Is global warming real? Of course it is. There is much evidence to support it.

Is the ozone in danger? Yes..again this is indisputable.

Is the air we breathe and the water we drink polluted? Seriously..if you need me to answer this for you...

Are these somehow connected? It certainly makes more SCIENTIFIC sense to say yes than no.


Even if Al Gore is wrong about everything he stated..and there is no chance he is...he at least brought about more discussion. Discussion is never a bad thing.

Even President Bush admits global warming is real and is caused by humans. I can't imagine anyone more to the right on this issue than him.

Posted (edited)

Yes DouG, it is mighty noble of him to donate the funds to his own organization!LOL

I'm definately not arguing the merits of everyone doing their part for the ecology of the planet as a whole, but I do have many issues with many of the people taking a "leading" role in the movement. I question their motives. Too many of us just accept everything we read as gospel... I'm like the fly in the ointment!LOL


Edited by Headhunter
Posted (edited)

No Pics ?? :blahblah1::lol:


I heard about it at school today...


You know what will happen next??


Cause i don't B)

Edited by Mistyjr1
  oldschool said:
It is quite impossible to ignore the fact that the human race has a tremendous impact upon our natural resources.


It is quite possible that much of that impact is harmful to our environment (one might ask the Passenger Pidgeon.)


The first step in correcting any negative impact is to realize that it exists.


Al Gore's works are a step towards leading people to the inevitable conclusion that humans have an impact, that much of that impact is negative, and that humans need to recognize that fact.


I fail to understand how burying the human race's massive head in the sand will further our successes on this planet.


I fail to understand how _you_ beat out a million other sperm... good grief charlie brown.

Guest lundboy
Posted (edited)

We may have global warming and it probably is exacerbated by humans, but someone is devising a world wide tax scheme to take advantage of it.... basically a breathing tax (we exhale CO2). So don't believe his intentions are purely benevolent.


Perhaps this explains some of Gore's motivation. He started a company in London to sell Carbon Offset credits, so that not only can he buy some to offset his own energy glut, but he can buy them from himself!


This is just one article, there are several others and the SEC filing is easy to call up as well. Gore has not denied owning this company or buying shares to offset his own carbon footprint.







Edited by lundboy
  Pigeontroller said:
To you guys that are so critical of Al Gore..."What are you doing to help"?


Creating a lot less carbon output than Gore for onething.


The guy's house uses 20 times the amount of electricity than the average American house. He owns a private jet. And he goes around telling everybody else that they need to reduce their carbon footprint on the world.


He spoke out against the Kyoto accord while he vice president. The government failed to make significant reductions to carbon output while he was vice president. Now he tells other governments that they need to do something about carbon outputs.


Its the hypocrisy of the guy that bothers me.

Posted (edited)

speaking of Al Gore.......If your a southpark fan check out the "manbearpig" episode if you haven't yet.....its hilarious.....


www.allsp.com -> season 10 -> manbearpig......good for a few laughs

Edited by brandon

Ahh lets see Pigeontroller, to answer your question, Im using a 15 HP instead of a 90. Seriously though, the more crying you hear about Global warming, the more excuses for Energy prices to go up and of course everything else. Not being two faced myself, and not jumping on the band wagon, I'm not trading my Civic for a scooter, or my 15 Hp for a row Boat, wood burning stove instead of a furnace, for the sake of Leading by Example, I'm not sacrificing while other countries (US, China,India, Mexico) just ain't doing a thing. Anyways we can all live in the Ice age here and it ain't going to make any difference. Maybe we should just not share our resources and only just use it ourselves. Then why would anybody else want to share with us. Keep crying Global Warming Boys, Because I can hear the foreign oil companies here licking their chops to raise prices again.


To you guys that are so critical of Al Gore..."What are you doing to help"? I cut my driving by 80 percent! Ya I don`t have much fun! I changed my light bulbs to CFL`s, I plant trees! LOL

  Headhunter said:
It is also quite possible that Mr. Gore and his group of near at hand cronies, are simple fleecing the masses of their hard earned cash and padding their already over stuffed wallets with said funds. :wallbash:




This is too funny considering who is in the white house and there connection to big oil and Haliburton etc. :clapping: . LOL



If the US wants to maintain there lead as a world power they better get off there as s and get off the oil. With a limited supply it is time they became inovators again and freed themselves from oil dependancy. Maybe time for a "Manhattan project" style investment in the future of energy. I just cant get over how short sighted the most powerful richest country in the world is at times.

Posted (edited)
  TennesseeGuy said:
Hey guys, I was just posting what I considered to be humor. Sp? - humour.


Please don't get after each other about he subject.


I call it taking a cheap shot. Why does this biased political thread still have life?

Edited by scuro
Guest Johnny Bass
  Corey said:
I fail to understand how _you_ beat out a million other sperm... good grief charlie brown.


Whats wrong Corey? You dont like the truth? Do you ever have anything constructive to say? You usually talk with your head up your :asshat:

Guest Johnny Bass

There is no doubt in my mind global warming is occuring. The elites will figure out a way to reduce

emissions(which will cost them money) and rake it in another way, through taxes and what not.


Either way they will be making money, either way we will be spending money, though at least we will be breathing cleaner air and drinking cleaner water.....


And yes, if you think its bad now? Wait until China and India get there economies going and everyone owns a car,air conditioners, ect... and energy demands sky rocket(and so will pollution and global warming)....


That is why we must find ways to stop pollution TODAY before it gets out of hand.....

Guest Johnny Bass
  Pigeonfisher said:
And from here it goes down hill.


This isn't the first time Corey has insulted a board member.

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