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Do I have a serious problem?


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For some reason, fishing is always on my mind. Even when I go out with friends, I always end up brining the topic of fishing. And in addition to that, all the girls I talk to ask me how was my day and every time I talk to them I usually tell them I went fishing. Just 2 days ago I couldn't sleep due to the fact that I was going to visit Bass Pro Shop the next day. I don't know whats wrong with me, I just need to fish, it's probably as bad as a chronic smoker who needs a smoke. I even plan on fishing everyday after school when I start college this fall and my college is right near the lake front. Is there like a place to go just like for alcoholics. I need serious help. I'm even visiting this site every 2 minutes to see if someone posted a new report. The worst thing about my situation is, I don't drive and the only place I'm limited to travel for a limited amount of time is at Grenadier Pond. This Sunday is suppose to be great weather and I'm going to chill with a couple of friends @ Toronto Island and I'm just anxious to fish... I need some counseling. I'm pretty sure I'm more addicted than anyone here. Ah.. one day I just want to have a place of my own in front of lake -________-.

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Do you guys think you were born to fish or it's something you pick up when you discover your favorite hobby. When I was young, I could remember going to the creek and catching fish and stuff..I think I was born to fish.

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I agree with misfish, its not a bad addiction. I feel your pain to, I have days where its all I can think about...well...most days are like that. But hey, if its your passion then theres nothing wrong with it. I just try to be conscious of how much I talk about it around non-fisher-folk though, sometimes they don't appreciate the passion as much as I do B)

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Misfish...what the!? ... :lol:


Share your passion with everyone Anatz, even if it makes them sick... :clapping:


All I hear all the time from non-fisher folk is junk about the latest 'reality' TV show, deadbeat spouse or parent, someone's spoiled kids acting up, or what the latest tragedy/castastrophe/murder was on the news.


Fishing is like therapy when compared to all the other 'noise' ;)



Edited by tonyb
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Ah, my goal to end off my summer is to catch a bass or pike on my ice fishing rod. It may sound weird but I want to be one of the few to actually make it possible. My rod won't break for sure..I'm using 20lb line even tho it recommends 4-6lbs.

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Aren't we all here for the same reason...? This board is the meeting that I have to go to everyday, its part of rehab. When ya can't fish ya come here and talk about it or read about it. When ya go fishin ya come here after to tell about it...same as goin to a meeting................................................................................................................................................................................Hi my name is Joonmoon and I'm addicted......lol.

Your therapy is to fish.............lol. B)

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welcome to fishing i know what you mean


you seem young if you like to fish and be around that kind of atmosphere you should consider

sir sanford flemming college in the peterborough area they offer plenty of courses in this field

mind you its just a suggestion


im 29 and i think today maybe thats what i should have done since i am so obsessed with this great outdoor activity

but when your young youre stubborn at times


there is nothing wrong with fishing just dont abuse the resources



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Young man, I can relate to what you are going through. We have a fellow on this board aka MJL who was addicted since the age of 4 and he still has this incurable condition. :wallbash:


Correction, it was at the age of 3 when I was afflicted with this disturbing disease. Who knew a Play school fishing rod could be the reason for what I am today? Perhaps it was that one snowflake that started an avalanche.


I read, dream, talk, think and enjoy writing about fishing. Several of my presentations (during high school and university) were of fly fishing and the recreational fishing industry as a whole. At any one time I have rod building equipment, fly tying equipment and/or carp rig accessories strewn on my bedroom table.


It is said that as you grow older, your sense of responsibility takes over (it's called growing up)...In your case it may mean:

- longer fishing trips, sometimes to distant remote places

- Purchasing specialty tackle suitable for only 1% of the conditions you'll ever face

- Living like a hobo because you blew all your dough on a new custom centrepin reel

- Living off of granola bars or GORP because you're never home to do the grocery shopping or food preparation

- Dedicating half of your living space for tackle (because as many may know, we can never get enough)

- The weather network is your favourite channel (if you don't have WFN)

- The local tackle shops within a 50km radius are on speed dial



Born to fish...Yes.


I don't think there are any support groups for fishing like Alcoholics Anonymous...I'd gladly be your sponsor though.

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MJL - you forgot two other changes that 'growing up' and fishing addictions bring (and man can I speak from experience)


- Watching your house fall apart around you because any free time you have to fix stuff around the house you realize can be better spent fishing. I'm still trying to get around to my spring cleaning of the rain gutters and tree branch trimming. Guess I can just merge that with the fall cleaning :)

- Now that you have a real job with real income you REALLY need to be careful at places like Bass Pro. Sometimes I swear I can't walk into BPS on a pay day or I'm risking my hydro getting cut off that month :rolleyes:

Edited by TbayBoy
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I full heartedly understand my friend. The topic of fishing seems to come up all the time, even on first dates. It's just the facts of life.. Girls understand from the get-go that to love me means to love fishing... Boner material for me is fast currents, clear water and dancing chrome.. ^_^ Only time we talk about other stuff is when we're actually out on the water.


Let's get together sometime! Fishing in the harbor should pick up as the summer progresses..




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