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Thanks guys, working on this place really is a labour of love. A whole lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone into it so far, with a lot more yet to come, (but sooo worth it!). I should have mentioned, those pic's were taken by a friend of mine who was visiting. I just recently bought my very first digital camera. Still learning the ins and outs, but plan on posting more of my own pic's in the future. Cheers

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WOW!!! Fantastic place!!! I could handle waking up each morning, and looking at that view. I'm imagining it now....coffee in hand....getting the fishing gear ready....heading down to the water.....


WAKE UP!!!! Jeez, I looked out my window here and all I see is the dusting of snow from last night.... :lol:

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Congrats on your little piece of heaven, my heart rate dropped just looking at that view.


Nice view, my heart rate went UP looking at those pics. Some very fishy-looking water there (as I look out the window at the light accumulation of snow in downtown Toronto...)



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What a great looking getaway! I have to ask though.....Why do Canadians call places like that a cabin? Where I grew up, cabins were very simply structures, it was a very big deal if yours had running water and electric lights.....oh wait, that was our house LOL


Thanks for sharing and it really does look fantastic!


Blyght :santa:

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Well actually when I bought the place a few years ago there was no lights or running water. This place is water access and off the grid as well. Of the many improvements I've made are a solar lighting system, and gravity-fed running water (built a water tower on the hill behind the cabin). Many, many cosmetic improvements as well....I don't know, maybe it ISN'T a cabin anymore, could be time to actually call it a cottage! As far as fishing goes, there's 10 more km of lake that continues north up past my place, but there's an awesome shoal that's about the size of 2 football fields, tops out at 17', surrounded by 40-50' of water, directly in front of my place (within shouting distance). I can sit there 'till I get bored catching walleye's (some pretty good ones too! :)

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I get up there quite a bit Doug. My work schedule is condensed Mon-Wed, so each week I'm off for 4 days :thumbsup_anim: . That allows me to get up there on a regular basis. I always bring the family up for a couple of extended hollidays every summer as well.

Edited by solopaddler
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Thank's guys. As far as the housewarming goes, well, if you're good with a hammer you're welcome anytime! (and I really, REALLY, mean that! :lol: ). I figure I've got 2 more seasons of work, before I'm totally finished....


Hmmmm, let's see here, I'm retired, I'm good with a hammer, and I've got nuthin to do all summer cept fish'n and then smore fish'n......... Hmmmm........ :rolleyes:

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You're more than welcome anytime Lew! This past season many of my trips up there were alone as they were primarily work trips.....One time in June though I talked my (very pregnant) wife to come with me along with our 21/2 year old daughter. I got them settled in, then got to work removing one of the walls. The logs were rotting and needed to be replaced....Anyhow, I was immersed in the work when we had a sudden brief rainstorm. It was hot and humid and was nearing sunset....and almost instantly the worst swarm of mosquitos I've ever seen descended on the cabin. They instantly filled the interior (wall wasn't up yet), and my wife and daughter were in a panic, being bitten relentlessly. After I quickly stapled up a tarp, I got them out of there and fogged the interior. 15 mins. later I literally had to sweep the dead carcasses up with a broom. Had 2 full dust pans in fact. Just unbelievable! Needless to say they weren't too happy! :lol:

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I used to own/share a cottage with my brother-in-law and I remember one particular September day when we were up together for the weekend. My B-I-L was bound and determined to get aTV tower installed. It was one of those glorious fall days. We spent the whole damn day putting this $*(%#$&* tower up and missed enjoying the whole magic day. :angry::angry:

Oh yeah, we got the tower finished as it was getting dark. It didn't improve reception one damn bit :blink::blush::lol:

You only get so many times in life to enjoy those moments.

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