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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. I love this type of thing. I could watch Carl Sagan videos for hours.
  2. You never know what type of 6 weeks we will get.
  3. That was excellent. It was fun watching the Pike suck in that bait.
  4. Interesting. The Weather Network has it hitting Ontario exclusively.
  5. Buffalo is that place with all the fires isn't it? :-)
  6. Thanks for putting that up. I remember that one. Excellent stuff.
  7. Is that all you got? Phhhhh. I love those brookies man.
  8. Ah. I get it. I was just curious. I like to know these things. I hate to feel like a fool when I find out that I have been in a coversation where the other participant had motivation that I was unaware of. I like things on the up and up. This is a minor infraction, no biggy. And besides, I love CTC. I roam around the place for hours.
  9. Are you really that curious or is the poll for some other purpose?
  10. Usually Canadian Tire. Depending on which one you go to. Belleville has tons of fishing stuff and at the other end of the spectrum the one at the bottom of Leslie street in Toronto has very little.
  11. The snow is more dangerous when it is in the air than on the ground. The fact that the snow will be falling at 3 cm per hour is substantial. Combine that with the blowing wind and white out conditions and you have a recipe for disaster. I love driving in snowstorms. I like thunderstorms and all natures acts of irregularity. Our jobsite is shut down until thursday and I can not wait to bomb around in the snow. I do not live in the city though. I would hate the idea of slogging my arse into the city with all those other yahoos on the road that can't drive in good weather let alone bad. And yes, if my boss told me to dart about the city in a snow storm in a 2 wheel drive truck with no snow tires, I would decline.
  12. Interesting. This has spurred me to learn more about this. The idea that I could be issued a ticket for being on public land is repulsive to me.
  13. Sorry to hear that Wayne. At least you can be glad that it is over, not that it is any consolation to losing your shirt on the boat. This whole thing is disgraceful. Just disgraceful.
  14. In fairness to the OFAH Chessy, when I read that I thought they were putting across a moderate view of give and take and trying to do what is best for everybody involved. BUT and a big one is that the vagueness of it did not do much to make one think about the issue though. The statement seemed to be engineered to make one stop thinking. So I will give you that.
  15. Non profit at it's finest. I think this will be my last year of membership.
  16. I would not bite my nose off to spite my face. I would not stop fishing because I am mad at the Mnr because they wouldn't allow me to access some fishing waters. Something has to be done but I do not think that is the answer. I have almost every cent of my disposable income locked up in fishing and outdoors. Where is your precious OFAH in all of this? What is their position? Do they have one?
  17. Excellent. My sled changed my whole icefishing experience. The kid must of had a blast.
  18. Nice day. I am assuming that is the new sled, what a heartbreaker. With almost zero depth perception in the snow there would have been no way of knowing until too late. Nice to see a good day of fishing otherwise.
  19. Look at the shine coming off of that Grizzly. Nice set up you have there.
  20. Over moderating. A theme lately. We are intelligent enough to dicipher Bull from fact. I would rsther sort through it myself thank you.
  21. Sorry I missed this. Congrats. A beauty unit as far as everyone says.
  22. Everyone loves their flashers and have heated debates about them. Fact is that everyone is so pleased with their flasher that they think they have the best one. This is a good thing. I have a Vexilar FL 18. I absolutley love it. I am however clever enough to concede that when I was in the presence of a Marcum LX-5, I was in Sheer Awe. I think the best unit on the market. I have never been around the new birds yet but everyone seems to be head over heels with them. As Dr Sal said, buy the best one you can justify and have fun with it. You are going to be thrilled with your fishing experience with whatever unit you buy. Make sure to buy a unit with the zoom feature, I always use the zoom. Constantly.
  23. I have always stored my boat and sled full. With Shell V-Power and conditioner. No problems. I too was wondering about this. Interesting. As for fuel, I was flexible with my boat as we had always used it so much. Now that I have a little boy running around father and I do not get out as much. The boat sits more, so I think I am going to be a bit more strict and run V-Power. The Sled gets nothing but V-power. Unless I am on the trails and have no choice. I do not mind that as the gas gets burned off that day. I hate ethanol. I stay away from conditioners that are not isopropyl alcohol based. Read the labels.
  24. Great video. Thanks for posting it.
  25. I am not a rah rah union guy either. It is just that I have enough intelligence to understand that the fellas at the other end of the bargaining table are smart enough to concede that they too would be in a union if they were in my shoes. Hence the various construction organizations that the companies join. Do I begrudge them that. Nope. Do you union bashing type begrudge the "sewer and watermain association of Ontario" their right to gather and discuss the rates of pay for employees the rates of equipment rental, the formats in which permits are handed out, the way in which the municipal governments are lobbied to ensure desirable zoning for development. ?? So why would you begrudge me and my tradesman peers the opportunity to do the same. Safety and certification and has not even entered this conversation yet? A whole new ball of yarn. For instance. A construction worker is 8 times more likely to die on the job as a cop. It use to be much worse. My grandfather founded local 183 labourers union after he fought in the second world war. The main factors for him in the 60's and 70's was SAFETY. I am a member of the international union of operating engineers local 793. Local 793's training for crane operators is second to none. We have people from all over the world coming to our union school so they can take the knowledge home and teach it to their peers. We are making jobs safer.
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