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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. I love small ball. There is nothing more exciting than aggressive baserunning and slashing hits into the gaps. This type of play keeps tension on the opposing pitchers more than a few power hitters. Throw a few power hitters in the mix with some speed and you have pure beauty. I promised myself I would go to more games this year. I am going to keep my promise. I think by 2013 we should be gold.
  2. Hoping all the best for your family Wayne.
  3. Nice job. I love the action shots. Beauty fish.
  4. I should of mentioned that it is just another 10 minute drive or so.
  5. Jackson Point. Park down by Bonnie Boats. Newfie bait shop opens at 6 or 630 (nice folks). Gazillion minnows for 5 bucks. Whitefish skunked me out there yesterday.
  6. Grimace


    If he was taking pictures of other peoples fish and passing them off as his own, well thats unsavoury. As for the rest of what you said. Rubbish. The secret whirlpool. Don't be a dork. Anyone who would climb up and down that damned hill to catch a few fish (newb or not) deserves the fish they catch.
  7. Gives you a good idea of Halliday's great temperment. If I was Halliday the water cooler would have went over the left field wall more than just a few times. Hahaha.
  8. I am very excited about the future of the Toronto Blue Jays. The popularity of Alex Anthopoulos is proof that Toronto sports fans are not too impatient to endure a proper rebuild as oppose to the "patch job" or "renovation" as Mr Burke likes to call it. The organization's prospect pool went from being ranked 28th in the league to 4th in under 12 months. I like what Anthopoulos is doing. I liked Marcum though. He could go down with injury as well. I thought Vernon Wells was a good player and nice guy but Anthopoulos was brilliant in ditching that contract.
  9. The non union workers can thank the unions for everything they get because they have to at least try to compete with the union rate and benefits (to which they still are not). The media and corporate interests have everybody believing that the unions are bringing the industries down but as was previously mentioned that it has more to do with the fact that factories can pump out a lot of garbage products in China for very cheap. How are those workers doing you ask? Well what do you hear about human rights, freedom of speech, democracy and quality of life in China? Negative things I am sure. Mexican factories are closing down and moving to china because $1.75 per hour is just too much to pay for these corporations. Are the horrible unions in Mexico that are demanding $1.75 per hour ruining it? Or are the greedy corporations squeezing until there is nothing left? If the guys at a GM plant in Michigan were making $2 per hour and they moved the plant to China would you then say. Oh look the bloody union tried to suck too much out of the company.
  10. I am a union crane operator. I make a fair wage, pay into a good pension and have a great benefits package. What is wrong with that? Many of the non union wages have the union to thank because those companies have to remain competitive with the union rate.
  11. I was on a pinochle forum and the same thing came up. If only we could do something about all the tension and angst that is associated with ice fishing and pinochle.
  12. Just look at the numbers. Incredible. http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=2035
  13. Sandra is also the one that got back to me with a similar message. Barbara's message was a cut out. At least Sandy took the time to type something up. Lol.
  14. The great words of Willie Nelson. "I went to bed at 2 with a ten and woke up at 10 with a 2."
  15. I am gonna buy my old lady a new chain saw or wood splitter to make up for it. But seriously, thanks for the heads up.
  16. [email protected] http://www.innisfilchamber.com/contact/
  17. Nice Aaron. Members of Council | www.innisfil.caMayor Barb Baguley Mayor Barb Baguley [email protected] Maybe a letter to Barbara is in order. She has not screamed any death threats at council meetings like the last mayor so maybe she will listen.
  18. Nice job on the fish. 15k wow. The slush puts on a deep hurt. I never would have been able to do it. I was trying to visualize how far 15k was in relation with the area. So I googled directions from Barrie to Innisfil and it is 14.7k. I could not help but chuckle at the prospect of Barrie fisherman walking to Innisfil dragging their portables down Yonge Street because there is no parking in Innisfil. lol http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=barrie&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-Address&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7TSCA&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Barrie,+ON&gl=ca&ei=iIU9TbaKFsOC8gb55fzbCg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCYQ8gEwAA
  19. I use to fish 100 days a year (literally). Now with a child I am a week end warrior. I do not litter. I do not take the issues with a grain of salt. In fact I appreciate them more as my time is limited on the water. Idiots litter. It does not matter how far they drive or how much they fish or who they voted for or which team they cheer for. I will guarantee one thing. When this is all said and done the morning noise and the litter will not subside magically now that only the Innisfil residents are the only ones able to utilize that access. The littering and the noise is not done by the evil city people. Actually most of the out of towners that are dubbed the evil city people are in fact other rural people from other rural communities that do not have the luxury of having a lake at the back door. This has nothing to do with litter and noise. This has more to do with a municipal government securing votes. edit "does" to "does not" matter.
  20. Excellent. Thanks for the report. Nice to see people start catching.
  21. Cool video. Reminds me of a video I saw of a pick up truck trying to pull another pick up out of a similar style hole. Deep water and 20 feet of chain. The truck went down and drug the other truck along the ice and it followed. I forget where I came across it.
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