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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Nice. How many feet of ice did you have to drill through?
  2. Awesome. Thanks Dan. You rule
  3. That would be near Neyagawa in Oakville area. I do not know, but like Gerrit said they are super low profile. I have not seen buildings quite like them. I thought maybe some new wave greenhouses or something.
  4. Yep pretty slick. I can not find out where to put the bonus code in though.
  5. Thanks for the tip.
  6. Terrible news. It is that time of year. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/storm_watch_stories3&stormfile=man_dies_after_snowmobile_pl_070111?ref=ccbox_weather_topstories Easy on the thinning the herd jokes. He is dead. He does not need to be scolded. A whole lot of pain for that family today Be careful out there lads, make sure it is not your family sitting on the couch balling their eyes out.
  7. Well done. That first trout engulfed that rattle trap.
  8. Gas powered generating station. If you are talking about just east of Milton on the north side. edit typo
  9. Well done man. Looks like some nice fatties.
  10. That is a crap load of awesome.
  11. I said nothing of the gun lobby except to explain why Sarah Palin has targets all over her stuff, and why the guy Gabrielle Giffords was running against said something to the effect of "go with a full automatic". The second half of my post read exactly like this -- I wouldn't think that anyone would take it seriously enough to kill people. If they did they are nuts anyways and you can't go around worrying about how a loony is going to take what you say. The guy was a nut. Plain and simple.
  12. Congrats. Your going to have a blast.
  13. If that camera did not appear at that scene you know that the guy would have been charged with resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer so the guys bloody head would have had an explanation.
  14. Well done guys. The ice has to tighten up a bit more for me to feel comfortable. I can not wait until it does.
  15. I hope she pulls through. This is terribly depressing to me. Dr Sal. I saw that before also. The guy she beat in the elections was making references to automatic weapons and what not as well. They pander to the gun lobby so they use terms like that to get public approval. I wouldn't think that anyone would take it seriously enough to kill people. If they did they are nuts anyways and you can't go around worrying about how a loony is going to take what you say.
  16. He had a permit to use the gun to scare away geese at the golf course that he use to work for. That really stinks. The shots fired that the cops were responding to was him doing his job at the golf course. That cop should not only be kicked off of the force but be put behind bars.
  17. The first words I said after my son was born. "Another line."
  18. You have to check for your self. It would be irresponsible for anyone to tell you if the ice is safe. There is no such thing as safe ice. If you would be uncomfortable checking for your self than you will have to wait until layer in the season. I am sorry to sound like s bit of a wiener but you cannot just go around talking about safe ice. Safe ice is judged by the person on it.
  19. Jesse the body Ventura. He hated Tito Santana so bad. Lol.
  20. I have tried to get my friends to start calling me "the body". But they just won't get on side.
  21. Congrats on the ride. Just do not eat in the bloody thing. Hahahahhaha. Just teasing dude.
  22. What if your attacked by a man with a pointed stick? This could literally go on forever. The mods should shut us down. lol
  23. Pining for the Fjords? What type of talk is that?
  24. She lit the grail shaped beacon. Bad, evil Zut. Naughty Naughty Zut.
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